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WorldEdit Request Thread
1. x-48.300, y22.33111, z 63.410 to xyz -21.335/ 74.29675/ 41.342 ***Gold***
2. the rough size of your build (length x width x height)
3. Xyz -150.039/ 90.93355 / -647.466, ***Gold***

pls and thank you very much
[Image: tumblr_nwhzi6SPGg1sdhuzuo1_500.gif]
on Air-Santa Sleigh
1. the coordinates of your build: XYZ 14949.220/84.50000/14539.569 ( old world)
2. the rough size of your build (length x width x height): 13x5x5
3. the coordinates of where you would like your build moved to: XYZ -4313.852 / 81.03152 / -1228.274
4. Move Facing: East ( the head of the rein deer should face east)
1. the coordinates of your build, ***including the world name***

The base is located in the Old World. You can quickly access it ingame at /warp Teelus. The coordinates are as follow:
-7209, 68, 3337 to -7258, 68, 3287
Depth from top to bottom:
94 (highest point) to 0 (lowest point)
So technically... -7209, 94, 3337 to -7258, 0, 3287

2. the rough size of your build (length x width x height)
I am not too good at maths... do you know how to calculate that using the coords?

3. the coordinates of where you would like your build moved to, ***including the world name***
6005, 88, 6748 at the New World, the current one! (It should be a meadow next to a taiga biome at those coordinates).

Thank you very much in advance for the study.

EDIT - 3:37 29/12/2023

New coordinates to calculate. It is a considerably shorter region, plus it contains more air. It -should- be remarkably less expensive:

-7209, 50, 3337
-7258, 94, 3287

The target coordinates are in the new world. Duty knows where, but the centre of mass where the axis of the coordinates should be roughly placed at is:

5585, 77, 6480
Non on air- Chstmas statue Gnome
1. the coordinates of your build: XYZ 14955.312 / 72.5000 / 14492.168 ( old world)
2. the rough size of your build (length x width x height): 5x3x12
3. the coordinates of where you would like your build moved to: XYZ -4256.832 / 63.00000/ -1214.497
4. Move Facing: West
1. world, -9663 64 7833 to -9455 71 7843

2. 11*9

3. world the end, a prepped space centering on -238 119 3494

With all entities, please
Coordinates: 1,136 4 -2,704
Rough Size (LxHxW): 192x1x32
New location:1,216 4 -2,881 (the netherite blocks lining up)

didnt start in the right place for the maps
Coming Soon:
Euphony Concert Hall
creative world map art WE requests do not require use of this thread.
1. the coordinates of your build, ***including the world name***
corner 1: 5710, 141, 6545
corner 2: 5690, 47, 6545
New World

2. the rough size of your build (length x width x height)
I do not know because its narrow on a part

3. the coordinates of where you would like your build moved to, ***including the world name***
the top of the structure to be placed at 877, 69, 347 (corner a) and 897, 69, 327 (corner b) neatly inside a hole I did.
New World.

Now tho, this is a mob farm. I am not sure if anything about it (redstone and such) counts as a entity.

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