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Joined: Apr 2016
Server you were banned on (SMP): Your text hometown survival
Minecraft name: Your text kinglostburry
Reason for your ban: Your text i stole someones crops
Who banned you: Your text rowebot
Why should you be unbanned: Your text because i stole crops so i could eat i did not know it belonged to someone and if you could find it in your heart to unban me that would be great because i really like this server and i feel really bad that i stole from someone and please please unban so i could join my friends
Why do you want to come back: Your text so i could play this server with my friends and i would like to have fun
jeremy lostburry
Posts: 230
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Joined: Dec 2015
So you justify breaking the window of the local convenience store and taking all the candy bars because you are hungry? Not just enough food to restore hunger bar but 109 potatoes, carrots, wheat and melons -- like the entire display case in real life?
Sigh, why should I trust you to not repeat the window pane breaking and the stealing of ALL the crops around that house that I maintain just to catch people like you? It that how your friends and you like to have fun?
Logs say this was the first thing you did on our server. The tutorial you must have just completed says that any build and crop is not to be touched without permission -- even if it looks abandoned. And I repair that house every day or two and ensure the crops are put back -- I keep it from looking abandoned.
I just typed double what you did to tell you no, your short appeal lacks any reason for me to unban you. Reply to this thread with another appeal if you wish. The above appeal is not good enough.
Posts: 3
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Joined: Apr 2016
please im really sorry for what i did but you need to understand i just now started playing okay and i feel really bad about it you need to believe me trust me i will never never ever steal again i promise i did not know it was against the rules to steal the crops but i know what i did was wrong and if i ever do it again i ban me for life
im sorry that i did that but come on please i will never do again
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Joined: Dec 2015
From Rowebot's request, you will be unbanned but please go through /warp tutorial again and thoroughly read through all the signs to familiarize yourself with the rules.
Posts: 230
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Joined: Dec 2015
Ok, you are unbanned but to ensure you know the rules you will have to take the tutorial again and once you are on, read all the /rules (and "/rules 2", ...).
Once you are logged in do /warp tutorial
This will force you to retake it. On your honor.
Posts: 3
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Joined: Apr 2016