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Poll: what should the new stores' theme be?
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/warp donatorpro
new store idea! for every person that donates over $40 they will get access to a new store that has the prices of /warp promart cut in half. and MAYBE a selling section. so i will see about that. now what i want you guys to do is to vote. say which style of store i should create. and what the amount should be. reply the answers.
Not a bad idea, not sure how well it will go in terms of stocking but good idea none the less. Also modern ftw
Modern. What else? (Taken from nespresso)
[Image: UVOARue.png]
ok, so i will make it so that you can donate more for a better store. maybe i can have extra section which require you to donate more. or something like that. but right now i need a theme to go with! so please vote using the poll!
ok, the new store is done. the warp is /warp donatorpro. this store is for the people that donate over $40 or more. this store has the prices of /warp promart cut in half. the only way you can donate is when i am on. then i will add your name to the list. thanks for the donations so far!
Futuristic, sounds really cool. Maybe you could have a glass floor and try make it look like a void below the shop?
- KatNip

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