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Ban apeall
[b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] hometown

[b]Minecraft name:[/b] nikemanx2

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] grief

[b]Who banned you:[/b] Kat

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] I didn't grief if you have proof who did I grief? cause I was playing with my friends did I break a block of theres?

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] because I was planning to bring all my mates to make a big city with all of them and its an awesome server
(05-27-2016, 07:03 AM)nikemanx2 Wrote: Why should you be unbanned: I didn't grief if you have proof who did I grief?

1)Don't lie. It's not going to get you anywhere.
2)You had griefed at /Warp Town. You stole a patch of crops from the town farm
3)I have proof here: http://imgur.com/a/WD9CV 

Timeline: I was doing a daily check of /Warp Town and had seen a patch of crops that hadn't been replanted. I looked at the logs and you name came up. I rolled it back and proceeded with a ban.

Please wait for a Mod to respond to your appeal.
- KatNip

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