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Any Suggestions for a New Business?
Hey, this is Kyle, and I need a way to make some money on the server, but I don't want to just open up a store; a specialty store already exists for practically every item in the game. Plus, I'd hate to restock.
    My question is, what would be a new type of business that is not a store, shop, mart, etc. that you'd actually pay to be a patron of? Anything goes, give me your ideas! A few of my own are below, and, although they might be crap, tell me if anyone of them fit the above criteria. Thanks in advance!

- Build-on-Request Pixel Art
- Paid membership to redstone tutorials
- Paid membership to speedmining
- A chance game--diamond entry fee, open 1 chest and whatever's inside you can keep. Similar to game on the previous <Server Name Redacted by staff> Server.
Shops are the best ways to make money depending on how much work you put into it, goes for most things.

You could always try and sell a few things and keep them stocked. Like selling only glass types, wood, certain blocks like quartz and so on. Overall not much restocking depending on your price and its a steady income.

Mob farms is good way to make money too, I must have made around 5-10k from my farms in the 2 years I been playing, more if you count the farms I sold.

Finding wolves and ocelots is good for making big cash, but takes a while to find them, and price has went down a lot since I last did it, but I made at least 1-3k by doing this, so that's an option.

Building people houses is another way to make money but I have yet to see anyone stick it out or make huge cash from it, as it is quite time consuming building and finding a buyer with the cash but with ideas maybe you can make it work.

Lastly you can make money from jobs that people offer, though finding jobs can be quite rare, but have a look at the trading sub forum and keep your eyes out in chat, post every so often asking for a job.

Honestly if you want to make any sort of decent amount of money, shops are the way to go, you will have to learn to love/hate restocking or lump it )

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