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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Pockethot1 - 06-11-2016, 01:27 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Server you were banned on (SMP): smp.hometownmc.com

Mine-craft name: pockethot1

Reason for your ban: mistake

Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe

Why should you be UN-banned: Well I wasn't X-raying. I was with this guy and he asked if i had X-ray and that he wouldn't tell so I said no and that was the end of it until 5 minutes latter I'm in a small cell and Grimm_Wolfe comes out and says why are you here and i'm really confused. And I say "I don't know" and I'm banned

Why do you want to come back:  Nice people have a small town to run and just think it's fun to work there.

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  Going to Cali
Posted by: _SebMC - 06-11-2016, 12:28 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

If you read the title of the thread, then it really just explains itself. I'm going to California for a period of ten days, and for my shop /Warp Sebs it will be closed for that period. So I will see you all when I come back from California, I will also try to be on with minechat.

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  For Rowebot: Jail evidence
Posted by: StealthDino - 06-11-2016, 05:09 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

    Here's evidence of deadpool saying that staff is linient of letting people "grief" a build that is owned by someone who as been offline for a year.

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Big Grin hello
Posted by: mookiema - 06-10-2016, 11:58 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (11)

Hi all

I'm new just having started today. I'm a little bit of all over the place when it comes to the MC world. I stream a little bit. and enjoy building and exploring. I'm looking forward to meeting you. 



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  /warp store - Want to sell at my store?
Posted by: Thorsassin - 06-10-2016, 11:52 PM - Forum: Trading - Replies (8)

I'm looking for someone to take over some of the chests from my store. You'll make all your own profits and stock like your own store. Most items are open to take over. Diamonds, iron, sea lanterns and quartz ore/block, oak wood are not.

You don't need to pay me anything either. The only thing i ask is that your fairly active. (If your on the most active page on the site then even better). You will have to keep your chests in stock 95% of the time, if your unable to keep chests stocked then please don't bother applying as it will waste both our time. Prices should also be reasonable-cheap.

David/wiseman chests won't be changing hands, unless they want to. /warp store and have a look around and see if theres anything you want to take over and sell at my store.

As most know, /warp store is one of the biggest on HT and since meatheads shop went tits up, my store has been doing fairly well. So for sure it's a place you can make a steady income. You'll be helping me stock less items since your selling your own, so win-win for everyone.

How to apply
Post your IGN (in game name)
How much you play most days
Post your balance /money (Not needed but good to know anyway)

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: McTrillion10 - 06-10-2016, 10:42 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (8)

Server you were banned on (SMP):Hometown

Minecraft name:McTrillion10

Reason for your ban:Grief

Who banned you:Frost

Why should you be unbanned: Because although I did grief (which I do very much regret)
I did have reasons why I did so. Firstly I only broke the quartz block because I had bought this house and one day I found myself locked inside and the door to get outside was protected so the only way I could think of to get outside was to break out- however now I do realise I could of used a warp-also the reason I took water from the waterfall was because as it was a sky island I couldn't get to the ground with out dying so I took some water from it assuming it would fix itself. So eventhough I deeply sorry to the person I grief I feel I had somewhat good reasons to do so and if it hasn't already been fixed I shall do so if I am unbanned

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back as it is a nice server where a lot of my fiends play and it has a friendly community so please unban me.
I am sorry. McTrillion10

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Easterside - 06-10-2016, 09:21 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Server you were banned on (SMP): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: Easterside

Reason for your ban: X-Raying

Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe

Why should you be unbanned: I made a mistake by using x-ray. I read the rules before I broke them and got banned because of it. I have now uninstalled x-ray, and I will never cheat/hack/mod again on the server. If you unban me, I will play legit. I'm really sorry for using it and I would like to apologize for my actions. I have learned my lesson.

Why do you want to come back: I really loved this server, and I would really like to come back and play legit with my friend again.

PS: If it matter, I only used it once to get around 9 diamonds.

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Posted by: UBG_Trevor - 06-10-2016, 07:13 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

I have purchased VIP for those I promised it to. You are welcome.

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Tongue Hello!
Posted by: Gingapower2k - 06-10-2016, 01:15 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

To those who do not know me on HomeTown, my name is GingaPower2k, but everyone knows me as DeadPool. I started awhile back (Not for sure when, someone should tell me how to check that) and have loved this server since I joined. I currently own RiverTown, a town which sells beautiful houses and plots to build your dream home! I also own Elite Builders, a building company that produces quality builds for the best prices around. I like to have fun and mess around in chat. I love to build houses and buildings, and love to help out when I can. If you ever need someone to mess around with or you need help with a project, I'm mostly likely online and willing to help out. See y'all on the server!

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  My apology to the Admins/Mods
Posted by: Knight4673 - 06-10-2016, 11:16 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

I thought of finally getting myself together to "Man Up" and make a formal apology to the staff to whom I Disrepected In my last few ban appeals, Making a fool of myself thinking that I could Lie my way into a appeal, which too I am ashamed off.

Look, I began here to try and play with my friends, hoping it wouldn't go as bad. I've been on servers like yours before and never X-Rayed. But my exsessive desire to become wealthy drove me into doing the things I did (In which I may have damage the economy by X-raying my way through diamonds and selling them to local shops). Even some of the materials is found were found at my house (Now gone. due to a rade of my stolen goods). I apologize for the racket I have caused with disbalancing a system.

But that isn't the only instance for why I'm here. In my most recent post of "(Insert Better Name)", I described the server as "like the other onces I've seen", implying that your server is no different than the rest. I regret posting that statement, as It was irrelevant and stupied (as well as harmfu) to say. Something else I would like to apologize for is my rudeness in the past entries, as it was inappropriate and utterly atrocious (not to mention despicable) of me, which usually beyond on how I normally hold these situations and compared to what I've been taught. 

And for my final apology goes out to Rowebot, that first (and last) staff member I've communicated with.    I have to Thank him on appealing me in my First ban appeal, as he gave me that second chance. What a fool he was thinking I could of changed. He is the staff member who knows how to handle things and how to keep order even if it meant taking away our second chance. He someone who can handle a pest like me and get over it without a second thought. In my opinion (even though I never owned a server but have worked with one) deserves a position as an administrator, and I know he's well capable of handling a position with such importance.

P.S. I like your Insult to me, it changed me a lot.

So no one asks in the future, I'm not doing this out of pure lust to get back into the server again, I would probably get myself banned again. I write this because I went out of control, thinking of things that would be considered crazy (I did try to Lie to get back in after all) and thinking I was above the Owner (Boy am I stupid). I would like to say this as well, that my friend (LizzieGuana,aka Msblurryface) did not make me write this, This apology was my idea and my idea alone. It been rough dealing with the with the guilt of my wrong-doings with Lying and cheating. It was a lesson for me to change from what seeming I evolved into. (I really let myself go). and I needed to gain control of myself and come into control again.

Once again, I apologize to Frost and Rowebot for the trouble I caused. I don't expect you to accept my apology, but I hope you understand that I truly mean my apology sincerly.

Hope to speak again,


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