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Ban Appeal
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  Duckarespooky wants back
Posted by: Duckarespooky - 06-02-2016, 06:31 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (5)

Server you were banned on (SMP): survival

Minecraft name: Duckarespooky

Reason for your ban: grief

Who banned you: don't remember

Why should you be unbanned: I was banned about 6-7 months and im sorry for griefing and learned from my mistakes and I don't grief anymore

Why do you want to come back: I have some friends that want to start playing this server again and I need to be unbanned to play with them Cool

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Heart 50 Things That Make You Happy
Posted by: Maddie_Amity - 06-02-2016, 05:09 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (13)

In a lot of people's lives right now and in the news, there hasn't been much positivity. I wanted to make this thread to help bring some positivity into some people who need it, kinda like mine.  So, I sat down and wrote a list of things that made me happy. After reading my list, I realized how the little things can really make a difference and bring positive thoughts to someone. 

For this challenge thing, you don't have to write down your list (I wrote mine down for future reference and because I've been told my handwriting is cute) , you can type it, or make a video of you saying the things that make you happy.

Also, please keep them positive, this thread was made to help people be happy.

Here's my take on the list:

[Image: WBB1NqV.png]
[Image: DllQ8Qa.png]

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  New ban apeal
Posted by: RustyFork - 06-02-2016, 03:45 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b]-smp.hometownmc.com
i should get unbanned because i know what i did and i know it was wrong that day i did it i was not thinking of what would happen and i am very sorry i should of never did what i did and i should of just saw what was there and leave the area.
Why do you want to come back- i want to come back because i just want to play with my friends and have a good time and if i do i will never ever do what i did that day i am very sorry and i hope you take my apeal in consideration about unbanning sorry. Sad

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: FluffytheAlpaca - 06-02-2016, 03:32 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: FluffytheAlpaca

Reason for your ban: Grief & trespassing

Who banned you: DK_

Why should you be unbanned: I was at /warp blaze to do some grinding, and noticed that one of the blaze spawners wasn't letting blazes down. I mined out (and replaced the blocks I broke) to see if I could tell what was wrong, and I saw that the pistons were staying out. I messaged Loxus(moderator) that something was wrong with the redstone wiring, and he said that he would ask DK to fix it. Loxus also let me know that me breaking out of the room to see it was technically considered griefing, the walls were there for a reason. I told Loxus that I was just trying to see what was wrong with the spawner to be helpful. He let me off with a warning and said not to do things like that anymore, so I agreed to be more mindful in the future. Then, I try to log on today and I'm banned.
I didn't have any malicious intent when I broke out of the box. I was trying to be helpful and see what was wrong, but in retrospect I see why mining my way out was a bad idea. I'm sorry for doing that, I didn't know that it was wrong at the time and I recognize my mistake. I would never purposefully grief somebody, I hate griefers and always have.

Why do you want to come back: I love this server. I really do. I joined it less than a week ago, so I am relatively new here, but I have grown very fond of it. I love small(ish) communities like this, it is hard to find good eggs like this server. First thing I have been doing when I get home is logging onto this server. I was in total shock to see that I had been banned when I tried to do that today. I really want a second chance, I would be really sad if I couldn't be a part of this community anymore.

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Star Ban Apeal
Posted by: RustyFork - 06-02-2016, 03:03 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Who Banned me DK_
Why i should get unbanned:i should get unbanned because i love the server its very fun and addicting and i just wanna say sorry for what i have did and i will never do it again i just wanna get back on the server and play with my friends so please unban me. Sad


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  Ban appeal
Posted by: Knight4673 - 06-01-2016, 11:38 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (7)

uhServer you were banned on (SMP): Smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name:

Reason for your ban:

Who banned you:

Why should you be unbanned:
I know how to fix the problem (giving back items and a new plugin suggestion

Why do you want to come back: 
So I could go back to playing with my friends

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  Thorsassin or DK_
Posted by: UBG_Trevor - 06-01-2016, 11:13 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (1)

Hey everyone. This is UBG_Trevor from UnbalancedGaming. I tend to make bad financial decisions in your favor. Btw, I need Thorsassin or DK_ to hop online and let me in the xp farm.

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  Hello Everyone!
Posted by: Reggiequeen - 06-01-2016, 07:09 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

I'm sure some of you have seen me around on the server but I just recently joined the forums. 

My name is ReggieQueen, and I've been playing minecraft for a few years now. It's been quite some time since I have played on an online server, since the last one I was in shut down due to money issues. I was a very well respected and generous player to that server, and eventually worked my way up to a mod. However, again, due to issues, it shut down and I took a break from playing online for a while. I figured I would hunt around for a new server to join and stumbled upon this one!

I know I may be among the older players, for I am 20 years old. I live in the USA on the East coast. I am studying to be an Industrial Designer and enjoy reading, drawing, and growing my plant babes. 

Anyways, I hope to see everyone on the server and don't be afraid to say hello!

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  Texture Packs.
Posted by: TheOnlyKat - 06-01-2016, 05:26 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

Hello! So recently quite a few people have been asking me what texture pack I use. So I thought I would make a thread where everyone could share what texture pack they use! Feel free to also add photos to show what the texture pack looks like Big Grin 

I use Soartex fanver:

With lithos ABC to make the chat look nice:

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  War Craft Movie!
Posted by: Sky - 06-01-2016, 04:44 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Hey guys, I certainly advise seeing the Warcraft movie, It's really good! The green screen is a bit shotty at times but the story line was actually awesome, also it has correct facts relating to the game!

I just needed to vent, I just saw it, soooo good!!

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