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Ban Appeal
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Last Post: the4neko
03-20-2025, 10:40 PM
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I Apologize
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03-20-2025, 03:05 PM
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03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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03-08-2025, 06:12 PM
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  Resource world reset
Posted by: DK_ - 05-24-2016, 02:32 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (9)

The resource world (/mvtp resource) is being reset.

You have two weeks, until the 6th of June, to remove all personal belongings from the world. Anything left behind will be removed from the face of the planet, never to be seen again.

Please spread the word, and sorry if you are inconvenienced by this.

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Posted by: nasa741 - 05-23-2016, 07:00 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (5)

b]Server you were banned on Hometown

Minecraft name: nasa741

Reason for your ban: stealing

Who banned you: kat

Why should you be unbanned: I am very sorry. I will never do this ever because now I know what will happen if I do

Why do you want to come back: I what to come back because I what to help Hometown and I also what to be a mod.please unban thanks.

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Sad Ban
Posted by: LambAndWolf - 05-22-2016, 10:03 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP): HomeTown

Minecraft name: LambAndWolf

Reason for your ban: Grief

Who banned you: Allensoko

Why should you be unbanned: Well, honestly I understand why you banned me--Getting griefed is quite annoying for both the Mods/Admins/Guardian :p and the one who got griefed. It's kinda nerve wrecking seeing all your progress get lost--I've been griefed before, I know the feels. Also the Mods/Admins/Guardian have/has a lot of work because they have to check logs and whatever more they do (probably even more work than I can imagine) to fix it all. Only, I don't know what I specificly got banned for, I don't remember stealing anything, I'm quite sure I replanted every crop at /warp farms and /warp ufarms, I sometimes even replanted what others didn't :p That's why I'd be really be glad to know why I got banned, what I did, when I did it and (most importantly) to whom. I do apologise for what I've done on beforehand, and if I may be unbanned, I solemnly swear that I'd never do anything a-like in the future. Also, I'd like to payback the victim in this case, at least offer him/her my apologies.

Why do you want to come back: I honestly never liked Minecraft, it was such a boring game compared to the games I usually play (FPS, MOBA). My brother, however, (8 years old, loves Minecraft) wanted to play on a server. I was browsing Minecraftrelated sites giving information about servers. HomeTown popped up and I thought it would be a nice server for my little brother. I did the tutorial because he can't speak/read English (he's French). Anyways, he started walking around and stuff, cutting trees and dying like any other noob on Minecraft ;p When I got back to my mothers house, I decided to build a cosy house for him, so he could at least survive a little longer. Only, when I got at /warp market, I was impressed by the building and from that day, my goal was to build a shop from my own. When I completed it, I was so reliefed and I realised I got addicted to Minecraft--Running home from school so I could play on the server quicker and longer. Now, of course, there are many great servers on Minecraft, but I actually made friends on this one, and I wouldn't want to leave them behind. I recently made a "town" with lolmab2 and I would feel guilty leaving him behind.

If you don't want to unban me, I understand that. Tho, at least tell me what I did wrong. Also, it would be nice if you feed Jeb for me, he's at /warp Kindred. Tell him I miss him.

I'm sorry if I wasted your time here, have a nice day x

Friendly greetings,

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Posted by: nasa741 - 05-22-2016, 07:34 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (11)

Server you were banned on hometown

Minecraft name: nasa741

Reason for your ban: grifting

Who banned you: kat

Why should you be unbanned: I what to help make hometown great and I have voted a lot when i was ban

Why do you want to come back: I what to come back because I love the friendly staff

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  What is your favourite video/song
Posted by: TheOnlyKat - 05-22-2016, 05:09 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

Hello! I am making this post to see what all of you guys like to listen to or like to watch. Feel free to post any music you like and any video that makes you laugh!

A favourite video of mine:

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  Un-Ban Appeal
Posted by: TheLazyCob - 05-22-2016, 02:32 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): HomeTown

Minecraft name: TheLazyCob

Reason for your ban: Crop-Theft?

Who banned you: Star

Why should you be unbanned: I am fully aware that I took some crops, but it was a community farm, and I though I re-planted everything, I might off left out one or two...Not very sure. I have learnt my lesson and will ALWAYS re-plant crops I have taken. I'm very sorry and I hope to be unbanned.

Why do you want to come back: Me and my friend (jtanglin) have worked very hard on our house and I'd like it back.... Also I like this server a lot. Everyone is really nice and it's generally a great server!

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Posted by: alberto - 05-22-2016, 12:13 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

yoU FUCKING COCK SUCKERS BANNING ME BECAUSE YOU LIED ON YOUR PLANET MINECRAFT PAGE! " We also offer the user a variety of minigames to play such as Splegg, CTF, DeathMatch, Parkour Race, and many more. With all that, there's also a community controlled economy with user made shops in our widely unique marketplace. What are you waiting for? Make yourself at home!"


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  If you were a pokemon gym leader
Posted by: Oshakai - 05-22-2016, 08:35 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

Okay so with the pokemon Sun and Moon coming I got to thinking what new gym leaders will there be. And then I thought about me being a gym leader. So now I want to know what you guys would be as pokemon gym leaders. I created a little template to post your ideas as a gym leader below:

Gym Design: (What will your gym look like)
Type: (What pokemon type would you have?)
Team: (What pokemon would you have on your team; try to keep around 3-4 pokemon)
Trainers: (What trainer class would you have at your gym and what pokemon will they have?)
Region: (What region is it in? Try to add a city/town in that region if possible )
Level range: (What level range will your gym compose of? Try to keep them within 5 levels of each other)
Tm: (What Tm would you give away to trainers?)
Badge: (What badge would you give away? What is it called and what would it look like? Don't use an existing badge please)

So have fun with this. I will start:

Gym Design: I would have pirate ship gym composed of three to four pirate ships. In order to get from ship to ship, you would have to get shot out of a cannon. I would also be dressed like a pirate too. 

Type: Water

Team: My team would consist of Milotic(shiny), Floatzel, Samourott, and Clawitzer

Trainers: My traiiners would all be swimmers and they would have Buizel and Clauncher, with an occasional feebas.

Region: My gym would be in the Kalos region(X and Y) and the city it would be located in would be Courmarine city.

Level Range:30-35

Tm: Water Pulse

Badge: Pearl Badge, it would look like a pearl and would be multi-chromatic.

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  Ban Apeal
Posted by: Ari_MC - 05-22-2016, 05:23 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

b]Server you were banned on (SMP):hometown

[b]Minecraft name:[/b] Ari_Mc

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Trying to get cousin out of bann

[b]Who banned you:[/b] vilneas

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] Excuse my idiot cousin the reason i got banned was because this 
dumbnut tried talking
to an admin when he got banned and they banned my account 
so dude can you let me in back on the server that would be cool

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] I wanna come in to the server 
(first time havent played on it it was juan last time) like I said i wanna play with my cousin on 
your server he says its pretty cool and hes over at my house right now so it would be cool
if you would let me in thanks id apretiate it.


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  Ban Apeal
Posted by: Ari_MC - 05-22-2016, 05:05 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)


[b]Server you were banned on (SMP):hometown

[b]Minecraft name:[/b] Ari_Mc

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Trying to get cousin out of bann

[b]Who banned you:[/b] Unknown

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] Excuse my idiot cousin the reason i got banned was because this
dumbnut tried talking
to an admin when he got banned and they banned my account
so dude can you let me in back on the server that would be cool

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] I wanna come in to the server
(first time havent played on it it was juan last time) like I said i wanna play with my cousin on
your server he says its pretty cool and hes over at my house right now so it would be cool
if you would let me in thanks id apretiate it.

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