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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: RobertoCR - 01-29-2016, 09:21 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP):SMP

Minecraft name: Nice_Sprite

Reason for your ban: I was using xray and I admit it.

Who banned you: Vilneas
Why should you be unbanned: I'm not going to make you lose your time in some random and stupid excuse since I really don't deserve your attention. I did wrong and I admit it. Thinking I could outsmart you guys was very stupid, even though I knew I would probably would get banned. This is the first time I ever use hacks, it felt really bad, still I wouldn't do it again. I thought that maybe since staff was off most of my online time, I could get away with it. I am really sorry about it. I know that you deserve more than a simply sorry, but right now words are the only thing that come with me and I have nothing to give you nor anything you would accept, except that maybe you might look inside of you and find a way to pardon me, since I will never use hacks again, and maybe this might even end up being one of my past mistakes that will shape me into who am and not into who I was, now that I've learned from my mistake. Thank You

Why do you want to come back: The question here is, "Why not?". The simple fact of me using XRay is enough to  prove that I care about the server isn't it? Well, it probably doesn't look the same way it looks for me. I just tried to become better in the server, which means that I care about my position in it, because being VIP2 is not an excuse to get unbanned isn't it? Well, for me, it isn't I want to come back because not only for the server itslef, but for the people that take so much of their time to make it better, if not, why was I banned? If they didn't care, then how did they take their time just for me? Just for my stupid mistake? I must thank you for teaching me what I shall not do, even if I don't get unbanned, I please beg you to let other people learn by my mistakes, and say good bye to my friend, BigAssMofo204 Wink . Thank you.

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  Serious issue that needs patching
Posted by: Clemster_1997 - 01-29-2016, 02:13 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (2)

So im having this issue, and it really takes away from the game. It makes my evenings much less enjoyable, and there doesnt seem to be a post about it yet so i thought i would make one, because it really needs to get fixed ASAP. Serious bug in the game.
[Image: jhjUBwM.png]
Is anyone else experiancing this?

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  Server load distance
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 01-28-2016, 10:42 AM - Forum: General - No Replies

I know I have asked the render distance before, but Arrei pointed out that the loading distance is not the same as viewing distance on the server. I am currently making an iron farm that uses almost the entire render distance, but it will not work if the loading distance is less. So what exactly is the loading distance of the server?

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Posted by: galaxyman68 - 01-28-2016, 03:58 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

b]Server you were banned on (SMP):  HometownMC.com

Minecraft name: galaxyman68

Reason for your ban:  Banned for Grief .  Was not aware of the offense in question.  It could potentially be that I broke something that I did not believe was owned by someone else. 

Who banned you: DK

Why should you be unbanned: I am a great team player and big fan of the website.  I'm a registered user here and will uphold all of the rules. 

Why do you want to come back: This is the best site I use.  I'm at your mercy

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  Skin for Gerbil
Posted by: Penguin - 01-28-2016, 02:02 AM - Forum: General - Replies (7)

.png   Gerbil Girl.png (Size: 2.36 KB / Downloads: 68) Made a skin for gerbil Big Grin

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Posted by: Danoir_ - 01-28-2016, 01:24 AM - Forum: Build Showcase - Replies (4)

Dale, until recently owned by Ice_wolf15, has been taken over by Segard (Mwahaha..). Stark and I are now building a dwarven town inspired by Erebor/Dale from the Hobbit around the original shop complex. We have started work on houses, towers, walls, bridges, tunnels and deepening the river that runs through dale. Feel free to look around! Big Grin
Best seen in Conquest Texture Pack - conquest 3D models pack helps too.

Pictures at the imgur link: http://imgur.com/a/02Ecc

(IDK how to attach images in full size!!)

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Rainbow Lina's into
Posted by: Lina - 01-27-2016, 04:02 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (11)

Hello there, I joined the server around 7 hours ago. My in-game name is "SleepHazard" (/nick'ed "Lina"). I go by a ton of other usernames elsewhere, but most people just call me Lina.

I've played minecraft actively for  3+ years now. Spent 2 of those staffing an SMP server with rules very similar to HomeTown. Unfortunately, my old server is not what it used to be. I retired there back in June. It's taken me a while to join another community since I left that one. I did try a small SMP with Big_Piglet (who brought me to HomeTown today), but that server shut down. Most of my mc time is spent mining materials, building, and raising sheep. Sheep are my friends, not my food; I sometimes build shrines and statues in their honor. My builds tend to be odd and experimental.

I attend college full time (Illustration major), and work part-time at an office (filing, redesigning old forms, etc). 
I thrive in environments with an abundance of hugs and popcorn.

Also, I use emoticons with arms a lot 
(J.w.)J     <(o-o<)      (L*3*)L      (~._.)~

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Lightbulb Lottery
Posted by: Donkey - 01-27-2016, 10:12 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

I think we should add a lottery plug-gin it would be really fun Big Grin

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Information HomeTown server information sharing
Posted by: aron23 - 01-27-2016, 09:09 AM - Forum: General - No Replies

Here is an update from Frost about the server backup and maintenance. After a good conversation, it's great to see how stable, transparent and well planned this HomeTown Minecraft server is. For everyone that spends countless hours building Minecraft wonders, your creations are backed up on a recurring basis. We all can sleep well now. :Smile Thank-you Frost for the great server you run! We all are very grateful.


"The server saves itself once every 5 minutes so if a crash does happen, the maximum damage would be 5 minutes. The only thing that would truly mess up things would be some kind of irreversible damage or a map corruption in which a true backup would need to be used. With that, I backup the server about once every 2 weeks. - Frost"

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: HerobrineMMII - 01-27-2016, 07:22 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name:HerobrineMMII
Reason for your ban: Grief

Who banned you: vilneas                                                                                                                                                              
Why should you be unbanned: I never even touched their house. I was gathering cacti in the desert where I spawned, and accidentally wandered into their claim by accident. I broke one cactus, and the next thing I know, I'm in prison, about to be banned. If you can tell who's claim was "hurt", you'll see that their house is perfectly FINE.I didn't even do the crime. Their house, and none of the objects surrounding it, were harmed.

Why do you want to come back:  I enjoy this server, I never grief places, and have a friend on here, too.

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