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  Ban appeal- I am sorry for whatever i did
Posted by: leanpanther - 01-25-2016, 03:03 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] SMP

Minecraft name: leanpanther

Reason for your ban: For griefing and trespassing

Who banned you: DK

Why should you be unbanned:  I have not been on for a while to be exact I have been of for 2 months. So how could I do something when i was not on.  I really miss my island and builds.
Why do you want to come back: I want to play with my friends and expand my builds. Also to figure out where and what to build next

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Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 01-25-2016, 01:11 AM - Forum: Trading - No Replies

Donate Today.

So as everyone Knows I am building a New Buildcorp HQ and getting ride of the old one . This is because with more competition we are needing to do this. and I have let my Building skills flow and Have come up with a new  design. This Head quarters will have prime real state for sale for a low cost so for those that want to open a shop will have that option.

    I don't need the money But It would help the business . What do you the investors get out of it . Well that is a simple question. And the answer is This You will have the price of a shop cut in half incase you are interested in opening one at the new HQ. Aswell You will have all builds also be 50% off, And in the HQ there will be a wall with : your Name, The Amount of money that was invested, and A warp to a place of your Choice.

Now As always I ask for Suggestions on how to improve my building skills and buissness as a whole.

 And  we are always looking for builders to if you are interested.

I have 950$ I can afford this HQ but if people wanna help out of Do what ever We would love the help. Thank you for your time.

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  Hi, i'm clemster
Posted by: Clemster_1997 - 01-25-2016, 12:15 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (10)

It's actually clemster_1997 , heres a little about me:
Ive been playing for 1.5 years roughly,i'm expert rank, and ive never had more than 300. I am male, and veo can read my username please.
Look forward to seeing you all in game!

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  Bann appeal
Posted by: IMAMEATHEAD - 01-25-2016, 12:07 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: Imameathead

Reason for your ban: Iron Theft... Yeah! you heard it right...

Who banned you: Arrei

Why should you be unbanned: Well... I have time invested on this server .."Yeah", you say.  But why steal.. I have know idea.. I saw it on chat late at night as a joke, an, Oh, thought it was a good idea.. Someone was building  a building or something an was buying out all my iron.. So I went for it... Maybe once...Twice.. So If unbanned i a will make it right...I will pay her back with iron or with player cash or slave labor.. "Man this looks bad.." Trust, is the number one thing on this server, talks about.."An I screwed this one  rolally! ".. So if it takes a while to unbann me, that's ok.. Not that I'm going to like it, or that i have a choice... "Reading this as they dig my grave an but a sign on it.."  But I think of what I would do in this situation... I've been an ass lately, to higher ranking players an in chat..  An now this.. An this just gave me a true awake up call..

Why do you want to come back: Like I said before..I have time  on this server.. But time is just time.. I don't really know why..I wake up in the morning, an can't wait to see who's on..I stay up late sometimes, just to talk to someone going threw a hard time in there life...An give them some "If I was in your place..This is what I would do..Or.. I do the same thing your doing, here's what I did do to over come it.."  Or show a new players around who had fallen out of love or feeling alone on  the server, to the different towns, spawns an sights..An try to give them a boost..  I leave Hometown running AFK, just to build up supplies because someone mailed me, an said they have a big job coming up.. an they will buy from me.. I look for trends on the server an plan ahead to meet those goals.. I don't build that much,I spend most of my time filling chest an making sure players have what they need.. I like to see the builds you guys do, an I'm just amazed.. Some players on Hometown have a real talent, an in a real world setting, can be great  architects an builders.. So in closing. Arrei an sorry for my actions.. I'm sorry for the future worry in checking to see who's been in your hoppers.. I'm sorry for when you see me, the anger you might feel when passing.. Arrei your build is so beautiful .. I can see the true essence  of a person, by the way they create.. An I hope to see it, when its all done.. In closing I hope to come back.. If not.... Well lets not hope it comes to that..." Acceptance is the key" ..Isn't it..

Imameathead ... name kind of says it all..

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  HomeTown Dynmap
Posted by: chickenhead24 - 01-24-2016, 05:42 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)


I, and I know a few other players too, would greatly appreciate if you implemented a Dynmap or live map online.

I am sure that this was greatly requested by many at one stage and I would like to request it again Tongue

Don't think I am trying to get this done with 2 crappy sentences of 3 a year old's writing, just raising the suggestion once again.

Thanks for (possibly) considering this proposal.


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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: jj1173 - 01-24-2016, 02:03 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: JJ1173

Reason for your ban: I was Griefing and Stealing

Who banned you:DK

Why should you be unbanned: I think you should unban me because I do enjoy playing in that server. I have three friends in that server that are currently playinging it daily. However, I did a wrong deed and griefed and stole fellow mine crafters items. I know what I should've not do that ever again and I am sorry for doing so. I have apologized to the people who were convicted of my crimes. 

Why do you want to come back: I want to comeback and apologize more to them and also I want to continue my experience of playing Minecraft on that server with my friends. All I ask for you is to urban , but if you don't want to then I understand. Again, I'm sorry. 

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Shocked banned
Posted by: CallOfTheCreeper - 01-24-2016, 12:24 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] Home Town

Minecraft name: CallOfTheCreeper

Reason for your ban: grefing/ ignroing staff

Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe

Why should you be unbanned: because i did do what he told me. Confused

Why do you want to come back: because that sever is the best sever i have ever been on.

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  Bann Appeal
Posted by: IMAMEATHEAD - 01-23-2016, 08:37 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: IMAMEATHEAD

Reason for your ban: Treaspassing..I think at Warp Dye..

Who banned you: Kat

Why should you be unbanned: I was unfamiliar with the extent of the warp ban.. I popped in to check prices, but did not buy anything.. I guess I cant even go into the store.. Its not that trying to be defiant.. Just had my wires crossed.. I would like to be un banned, because now i have the boundaries set in my head, I will not go into Warp Dye again..

Why do you want to come back: I have a lot of time on this server an it would seem a waist to just walk away.. I like this server ..I have been on others when Hometown is down, an its just not the same.. 

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  HomeTown Market
Posted by: vilneas - 01-23-2016, 06:56 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (118)

Welcome to the HomeTown market thread. This is where you will see the rules of the market that we have and request a spot within the market. 

Market Rules:

1: You are to keep good inventory of the things that you sell, any shop that is out if inventory for an extended period of time will be given a warning. If after the warning the shop is not stocked within reason you will be sent mail about the removal of said shop.
2: The shop areas are world guarded and as such you will need a market staff member to add you to the area once a request for a shop has been made. The area within the shop is free to decorate and set-up how you see fit.
3. Please refrain from having your pets at the market.
4. now with the market full i will allow players to make a reservation for a shop, if it anytime the shop becomes free due to removal it will be given to the first player that has it reserved. this will help keep a good flow of owners coming in. this is a first come basis only, you are encouraged to read through the thread to see what is avaliable or not. 

Extended Absence:

If for any reason you are going to be away from the server for an extended period of time, please inform the market staff. This way we know how will not be around to be able to stock their shops.

Removal of Shops: 

There will bi-weekly check ups on the shops to see who is stocking or who is not stocking their shops. As such any shop that is not stock will be subject to a removal. If at first inspection your shop is out of stock you will be sent a warning, after a week you shop will be checked a second time. If after the second inspection you have still not stocked your shop you will be sent a mail about the removal of your shop. Once the mail is sent you will have a week to remove your things before the shop is reclaimed for the server and reused. If you do not get the things removed within the time frame you will loose what you have there, we will not respawn what you had in the shop at time of removal.

How To Get a Shop:

All you need to do is look at this post and find a open shop that you like at /warp market, once you have located the one you like that is free post a comment on this thread including your full in game name and the shop you have selected. We will to our best to get the shop assigned to you in a timely manner.

Market Staff:


Market Shops:

1: Packlid 
2: Jazz5253
3: BlondePencilBox
4: Marshe627
5: Seras0
6: mg_zt_04
7: BigAssMofo0204
8: David_Alan_Rowe
9: xenophorb
10: evil_and_awesome -Stock Request sent 5/27
11: ScooterBerry25
12: Thorsassin 
14: BlokaTron
15: sarahx - Stock request sent 5/27
16: LittleLava1
17: 20f
18: GakaiGinger - Stock Request Sent 5/27 
19: Agt_Washington Going on vacation
20: 1pinkpig  - Spoke to on 5/24 said restocking.
22: SebuPlaysMC
23: Ronin220 -Restock request sent 5/27 
24: emeraldpotter - stock request sent 5/27

for those of you that have red notes on this list will be subject to removal within a week.  The next check up on the market shops will be 1/29/2016.

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  *Request*: For a Spot at the Market!
Posted by: Bigassmofo0204 - 01-23-2016, 05:21 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (2)

My name is Bigassmofo0204! hey yall, new recently to playign minecraft online but i love the server already.
I was hoping for a spot a the /warp market please let me know what i need to do to apply Big Grin .

Thank you for your time

Yours Truly 
Bigassmofo0204 aka BAM, Mofo

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