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  Would You Rather...Poll
Posted by: DawnDaStormcloak - 01-20-2016, 08:27 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (14)

If you guys get this reference you are awesome xD Would you rather fight a 100 chicken sized zombies, or fight 10 zombie sized chickens?  Smile

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  Audoras—WIP (Babyfresh's Build)
Posted by: Babyfresh - 01-20-2016, 07:46 AM - Forum: Build Showcase - Replies (12)

Hi Everybody,

As you might have heard, I am building an empire along with _JELLY_, _minty and Spud173. 

This is the city I'm working on right now. It is an extreme work in progress, as I have only fleshed out perhaps 10-15% of what I would like to ultimately achieve (and also because wood costs so much). There is alot of empty space in the harbor and the upper plaza, which will get filled in (as well as the whole back of the city XD)

If you want to check it out in game, it is /warp Audoras

Here are some pics:
(Sorry they're small)


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  "I'm offended"
Posted by: Saiyaka - 01-20-2016, 04:58 AM - Forum: Forum Games - Replies (94)

Say something offensive (but not personal, racist, sexist, etc cmon use your head) to the person above you!

This is a dream come true for some of you who would love nothing more than to slander the people you know and love.

(If you do break those rules though I will delete your post).

I'll start:

Canada, you suck! (It's technically above me, right?)

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Posted by: Saiyaka - 01-20-2016, 04:28 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

I've been here since March of 2014, and I've been a member of the staff since around April/May of the same year. My hobbies include reading minds and playing with people as if they were dolls.

Just remember, I'm always watching.

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Smile JoBot's Intro :oooo
Posted by: JoBot2014 - 01-20-2016, 01:53 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

I thought I already made an intro on the new forum.. I guess I did not XD so here I go.

Hello I am JoBot2014. I live in England and I love to play sandbox games such as Minecraft Big Grin 

I also have a passion for science, especially  space Smile  

I have been on hometown for a wile now and I got Expert (It was called Trusted at the time) in April of 2015.

So please donate cookies to me because I go through tons per week xD 

See ya all online soon <3

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  [Ban Appeal] Oriox317 - Grief/Theft
Posted by: Oriox317 - 01-18-2016, 11:47 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Server you were banned on (SMP): HometownMC (SMP Vanilla Server)

Minecraft name: Oriox317

Reason for your ban: I stole from a chest that i thought was abandoned Sad

Who banned you: Star

Why should you be unbanned: I love the server so much, I just joined recently but since then
i've had a great time hanging out with my friends Smile I'm really sorry. Nothing even remotely close will ever happen again. I can also return any of the missing items... I felt really bad right after doing it Sad I'm so sorry.

Why do you want to come back: Because honestly this is the best survival server i've played on in years Smile Plus a lot of my friends are on it and hanging out with them is a blast! The community is great, The shops are great, The whole feel of the overall server is just amazing! I would love a second chance but i know that decision is up to you guys Smile I hope you can forgive me. I was gonna build my house soon! Big Grin

NOTE* The bold isn't working for some reason Sad The code just shows up as code and the button isn't working... Sorry Sad

EDIT* I actually remember a big part of the story including how i got there and why it could be considered grief. I forgot about how i originally got to the place but i remember. I can explain that too if you think that would help my case at all.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: GoldenGirlRocks - 01-18-2016, 11:05 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (11)

Server you were banned on (SMP): SMP

Minecraft name: GoldenGirlRocks

Reason for your ban: greif

Who banned you: Rowebot

Why should you be unbanned: I truly don't know what or who i griefed i did break a torch on someone's land then put it back i don't know if that counts as griefing but if that is what it was i am sorry it was an accident i'm not completely sure though and if it wasn't that can you please tell me

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because i had friends on that server and it was a really nice server i haven't seen a good survival server like that ever and i would like to be unbanned so i can see my friends again and play on probably my favorite server  i would also like a second chance (i'm not trying to be a suck up i'm sure that won't help)

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  Taking A Break
Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 01-18-2016, 11:00 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

I feel its time I take a littler break from hometown.

    The reasoning for this is because I have been more frustrated by the players and staff recently for things I have done that are little and insignificant. For buildcopr I will be on and offline to Finnish some builds for people I promised for but after that I'm out. CILagald Sorry for firing you Its not legitimate . I was miss informed and I was only doing it because it sounded like a building company and I was doing it so you could focus on you business. and Star I am sorry that I was not listening yes it was totally unfair but guess what I was not trying to stop him from building it. I just did not have time to explain everything before the accusations came along and I kept being kicked for spam even though it was not spam. I did it in public because my /msg was not working to no matter anybody I try to message. But still I was only firing him because I thought it was a building company and I wanted him to work on it for him self and not be heald back buy buildcorp. I was not trying to stop him and I was not trying to threaten him I was letting him know and warning him because of information that was messaged to me by Sebastian. Sorry . and for the Whole "I WILL DESTORY HIS BUISSNESS " stuff there is reasoning for that as well. I was talking about it that way because I was in that part of the moment where I thought that it was going to be a building company . and The last time there was a major verity in building company's buildcorp still ended on top and I was saying that only because it was out of experience I did not actually mean it as IM GONNA SABOTAUGE  I don't do that. so yeah again sorry I'm out. Felt there should be an explanation for everything that was said so yeah

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Thumbs Down Reported Greif
Posted by: TheCrookedDoctor - 01-18-2016, 03:18 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (6)

frankenswerger reported that his farm had been greifed, at the time no admins were online so I put it here for him, it has been a month since he had been on, so somewhere in that time period he had been griefed, here is proof of it:

[Image: 9q0j5bI.png]

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  Im Absolutely Sorry- Dawn's Ban Appeal
Posted by: DawnDaStormcloak - 01-17-2016, 11:04 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (8)

Server you were banned on (SMP): HometownMC (The Survival Server without the PixelMon)

Minecraft name: DawnDaStormcloak (Formerly Know As tailsthekhajiit)

Reason for your ban: I was caught using x-ray...

Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe

Why should you be unbanned: To be honest i cant think of a legitimate reason as to why you guys should unban me. But as of now i only have Xerano's Minimap mod. X-ray has been removed. I knew it was wrong to do but i still did it. And I feel real Bad about  doing it. It wont happen again i promise. I have dedicated hours to days worth of time to this server.

Why do you want to come back: Ive spent many hours in this server. I have a VIP 1 rank. Plus i also made many friends i dont wanna lose. I also owe IAMMEATHEAD and Seasoap there sponges. But really i LOVE this server. Im still really upset with my self for being so dumb as to use X-ray. I really am sorry guys >.< 

Here is a screenshot of my mods jar to show i have deleted it.     

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