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  Hi :)
Posted by: Babyfresh - 01-17-2016, 01:23 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (11)

Kind of new to the whole Hometown Community so I guess I just wanted to say hi Smile

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  Dragon City!
Posted by: Gerbiljammer - 01-17-2016, 10:14 AM - Forum: General - Replies (4)

So...last week I made a city called Dragon City its $3 a plot. Theres a city market for residents to make shops if they wish.To visit it go to /warp dragoncity if you want a plot mail me (Gerbiljammer) Have a nice day! -Gerbil

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  NEW Marina and Yacht at /warp moderntown. American Pharaoh
Posted by: aron23 - 01-17-2016, 04:59 AM - Forum: Build Showcase - Replies (5)

Come and checkout the ModernTown Marina and Yacht's at /warp moderntown. Follow the map.
1.      The 'American Pharaoh’ yacht is up for sale. Message to inquire more and a tour.
2.      Engine room
3.      Mini golf put-put green
4.      Pool table
5.      Great view!
Thanks for looking!

[Image: wEOt2Yg.png]
[Image: RJ5AQWy.jpg]

[Image: REf0q8Z.jpg]
[Image: W5AgbJ8.jpg]

[Image: J0TZD74.jpg]
[Image: TUr4mA1.jpg]
[Image: 0EPTZOW.png]
[Image: ntOYQIf.png]
[Image: AmTKoss.png]
[Image: p4D7YQw.jpg]

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  1 Year Old
Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 01-16-2016, 07:27 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (6)

It is official . Buildcorp is 1 year old. Its been over a year since I opened this business And we have become very popular. Earning over 2,500. And I wanna say thank you to everyone that has supported the business and the group all together . I wanna thank everyone that has worked for the business, as well have bought builds from our company. We have done a lot. A lot of good and a lot of bad. Going bankrupt 2 times but right now are on our longest growth chart since our growth.

     I Still wanna See feed back from our business , employees, players, and people that have bought from our business. What we can do to become better. All the stuff we have done has set our selves up for  future on this server. I know this sounds obsessive but the reason why I do this is because I am to young to run a real world business. but I am able to run a fake company I can feel that it is as real as it gets. IF I have taken it to far I am sorry and I will try not to be like that as much.

But Right now we need workers. at this point I am doing everything on my own basically. Weather its because other players are less available , or in general people have not done their job as expected. So I have made new guidelines the may intrigue other players to try to join us. We need 24 Players to work yeah 24 that's a lot. But the guide lines are simple. When you advertise the business and people come you ask them the following questions.

1.What would you like built.
2.what style would you like this build to be.
3.what blocks would you like used in the build.
4. And where would you like this to be built.

The way the payment plan works is you keep 90% of the profits you make off a build. We ask then estimating a price that you a reasonable . Something that is cheap for the player BUT is expansive enough where we make a profit. The 10% you send us will go Into Expanding the business going into ventured that will make the business better, be able to make budgets which I have plans to realize in the future dates. I hope people will come to us looking for jobs in order though to get a job you must show us a build you have done recently on the server.

I Hope that this is awesome Again I wanna thank everyone for their help and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BUILDCORP WOOHOO

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  Log-on problem
Posted by: TheNamesGames - 01-15-2016, 03:45 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

It is just on the forums. Everyday i log in, the forum has thrown me out, and i have to log back to in. I dont get why does it keep doing it, and it really starts to annoy, because it sometimes wont accept my password. Do you people have the same problem? If so, help me out plz. This is annoying and keeps happening. Thank you, have a good day.

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Information Semi-pool party date!
Posted by: TheCrookedDoctor - 01-14-2016, 11:28 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

So ryan0x2 suggested that we have a Pool party. Personally I think it is a GREAT. AWESOME. AMZALICIOUS IDEA!

So I have decided to make the idea official. The party will be held on the 1st of February. For those of you who want your skin changed, PM me your skin file, I will customize a special Bikini or shorts, just send the file link, or the file!

[Image: _request__pool_party__by_deku_gamer_da-d7xp0nn.png]

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  My final goodbye.
Posted by: BlueFalcon55 - 01-14-2016, 06:46 PM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

If you don't know already, I have been banned for use of X-ray. As the odds of being unbanned are slim, I don't think I will ever see any of you guys again. Thank you for the great memories that we have shared during our time together. Good bye.

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  Mcmmo ?
Posted by: Seasoap - 01-14-2016, 04:28 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

I've recently been watching a lets play and they've been playing with mcmmo. It looks pretty useful and incorporates a lot of other mods into the game. I'm not sure if this has been previously mentioned and declined but I was wondering if anyone else wanted it on the server too ?..

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  My Ban Appeal- I am so sorry.
Posted by: BlueFalcon55 - 01-14-2016, 08:14 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (5)

Server I was banned on: smp.hometownmc.com (SMP)

Minecraft Name: BlueFalcon55

Why were you banned: Use of XRay. (Exact reason: xray. ip banned, find a new server)

Who banned you: vilneas

Why should I be unbanned: The moment I logged onto this server, I knew I was going to have fun. Only, I had too much fun. I was having trouble finding resources, so I tried an Xray resource pack. The first time I used it, I fell in lava and died. I should have taken that as a warning shot, but I didn't. I continued with Xray for about 30 minutes today, just to get back my stuff. If I knew I would be banned, I never would have downloaded the pack in the first place. I swear, I have learned my lesson, and I will delete the Xray pack from my resource packs folder immediately following finishing the appeal. And instead of blaming vilneas for anything, I would like to thank him. He taught me that Xray is detectable. He taught me that Xray is bannable. I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I swear this will never happen again.

Why do I want to be unbanned: The moment I saw I was banned, my heart sank. I love this server. This is one of the best servers I have ever played on. I even said it on my first day here; this server is awesome. I have tried to find servers like this one for months, literally, and to no avail. I find this server in the list, and say to myself "Hey, why not give it a shot". When I joined and  got all those welcomes from everyone, I knew this would be just the right server. Sure enough, it was. I started to grow a town, make a horse stables, everything I wanted to do in an SMP server. I love this server, the community is amazing, and I never should have used Xray. It was the worst decision I have ever made in my five years of playing Minecraft. I would really love if this great community, with great staff, and great people, can give me another shot.

I just have one more thing to say to vilneas. I was not making up the part of me thanking you. You really have showed me that negative acts don't go unpunished. And, I know most players hold temporary, or even permanent grudges the staff member that banned them (most, not all). I don't want to be that player. And just know, I forgive you.

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  Multiple survival worlds
Posted by: ethanwdp - 01-14-2016, 05:47 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (37)

I embark on a great journey to find beautiful, unspoilt land.

As I drift through the ocean, I see it - paradise.

Rolling fields of green and lush forests, packs of animals such as cows and horses, and beautiful riverside beaches.

I immediately dismount my boat and take in the beauty and awe, and sort of just wander for a while.

I then see something in the distance  - a half finished wooden monstrosity that has been abandoned for at least a year. I'm talking AWFUL awful, like a pure-wooden-plank ( no actual stair block) staircase leading to nowhere and dirt towers.
My ears are immediately assaulted by a barrage of clucking and mooing from the extremely crowded and extremely small "ranch" (2x3 hole with fences).

I look to my left - beautiful, untouched land. I look to my right - dear god my eyes!

The world is pretty crowded at the moment, and a wipe would just piss people off (including me).

So I thought, why not just add another world? One for regulars and above, perhaps?

More often than not, the people who travel to the middle of nowhere, make a half finished derp shack, and call it quits are normally guests or rookies. Those who stick with the server are eventually promoted to Member.

This would reduce world clutter and maybe even make griefing harder on those worlds.

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