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Ban evasion
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: melaniebeedot
Today, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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WorldEdit Request Thread
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Ban appeal
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03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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03-12-2025, 04:44 PM
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A problem I'm having
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03-09-2025, 02:53 AM
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  Donate to me please.
Posted by: Oshakai - 01-09-2016, 11:28 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (7)

So I am starting a new town. A town like florisse, but with my own twist. I want to put walls around my town like this:
[Image: 7YYJVCD.jpg]

And to build these walls I need a lot of materials. I would sure appreciate it if you guys donate for my cause. I need a lot of quartz blocks, and sand stone. Please donate to me, it will make build these walls a lot easier on me. You may donate at /warp valortown and just drop your donations in the chest that are labeled donation. Thank you for doing this for me. I really do appreciate it.

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Rainbow we should have a pool party event
Posted by: ryan0x2 - 01-09-2016, 09:45 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

i think we should  have a pool party event on the server, i mean it sounds different and every one could be in swim shorts or u know girls could be in swim suits this would probably make the server grow even more u know but this whole idea is just my opinion which would seem dumb to u guys kinda  Sleepy

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  Access to chests/furnace etc
Posted by: Denny - 01-09-2016, 01:59 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

So me and my friend started playing from yesterday and it was really annoying to give eachtoher access to the chests every time we placed them. Is there a way to give automatically access to them upon placing? If not, would it be possible to add such feature? Thanks for reading.

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Posted by: Sky - 01-08-2016, 09:34 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

Good news everyone, I have managed to log on from school heheheh

Sadly unable to download MC so uh.. yeah
I do not know why I am posting this I'm just a bit crazy about it being friday HEh

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Information Inactive
Posted by: Donkey - 01-08-2016, 05:25 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

Hey guys I just want to apologize for my inactivity. The reason for this is that This week is my 1st week back to school and I am striving for a better semester. I will only be on during the weekends and maybe once during the week. I am very sorry for those who use my shop because it hasn't been stocked. I might be remodeling my shop even tho its new so it might be a while until I can open it again (I will be making farms for easy stocking ex : Iron farms, Mass crop farms, Potion  brewers, ect.) This will make my shop very well stocked and cheaper. I hope you all understand -Donkey  Big Grin Heart

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  nothing to see here...
Posted by: Penguin - 01-08-2016, 01:14 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (8)


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  Voting sites
Posted by: Danoir_ - 01-08-2016, 12:20 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (1)

Voting has become a nightmare for me. On the 6th I managed to get 2 votes even though all three sites "worked".
On the 7th I got ONE vote although I voted on all three sites. The worst site is MinecraftForums, the second link. The only one that has worked all the time is the first link.

Is there anything that can be done about this? Is anyone else having problems voting?

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  Make a sentence!
Posted by: Seasoap - 01-07-2016, 06:23 PM - Forum: Forum Games - Replies (53)

I really like the forum games so I decided to add another one, here's how you do it:

The first person lists five letters (W I T H G). The following person uses these letters as the first letter of each word in their sentence, like so Why is the hippo green? They then proceed to leave five of their own letters Smile

Here's my first five letters for ya:

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  X-Ray Glitching: Ban Appeal
Posted by: __Jordan__ - 01-07-2016, 08:00 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (7)

Server you were banned on (SMP): SMP

Minecraft name: __Jordan__

Reason for your ban: X-Ray

Who banned you: Star

Why should you be unbanned: The reason why I should be unbanned is because I realized what I've done wrong and I have realized that was definitely not an alright thing to have done. I never really thought I would bite the bullet like this but I've also heard of many great people getting the same shot that I just did. It was a very stupid thing for me to do. Realizing that Tpa-ing to get a glimps of single chunk loads to execute the areas where diamonds are was a very stupid idea that I was fully aware of doing. I would love to be unbanned to see all of my friends and see the whole community as one. I love all the people on here including the staff and I am a simplistic minded person. I will always have this in the back of my mind whenever I teleport to anyone. I am truly sorry for my behavior.

(I respect star very much for handing me what I've clearly deserved and I would like to keep seeing star and many other HT'ers as well)

Why do you want to come back: The reason why I really would like to come back is because I have some huge project that I have been currently working on. I have friends on there that I would love to still see and I would love to get back to my normal self. I would love to be apart of HT once again and I love to have fun on this server. I have an amazing time on there talking to friends and what not and this is the first time I've ever caused trouble like this. I've always taken my responsibilities on this server with a great deal of pride and a great deal of laughter along with a bunch of witty comments and that is how I see. I love making people happy on this server as well. I really do hope that I can come back. I know the consequences of what I've done are to the microscopic level of intolerable attitude and for that I can never forget what I've done. I came to HT to have fun and never wanted to cause a disturbance in such great beauty that this server has.

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  Cheaper repairs at /warp repair
Posted by: ethanwdp - 01-07-2016, 02:28 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Seeing as the enchantment system has become considerably more grindy in 1.8, repairing enchanted tools a few times will make the price jump exponentially, to the point where it's impossible to repair.

A good game mechanic is one that fits in naturally with the vanilla game. When you want to have tools with decent enchants, what do you normally do?

If your answer is "buy access to or make an experience farm," it will further illustrate my point, Mr. Strawman I constructed to continue my argument.

Having to abuse game mechanics instead of earning it through normal gameplay is not good game design. Having your earned items become irreparable after a few hours of gameplay, and then having to spam click for the next few hours to get another one or repair it if it's still repairable, is not good game design.

I realize that having tools that last forever will disrupt the games balance as it will remove the need to continue searching for resources to further work on a building or other structure. This is Minecraft, you mine and you craft.

Look, what I'm saying is, the repair system we have right now is shitty and broken and isn't fun. Okay, let me cut to the point.

I realized that repairing tools at /warp repair will save me from several hours of grind. The only problem is that it's very expensive, $25 to repair a single tool and $250 to repair all items in your inventory.

I am not asking for it to be ridiculously cheap, as it will, again, feel too much like cheating.

I just ask for a reasonable price. Maybe $10-$15 or so, until Mojang fixes this balance issue. This will still add a cost to having a good tool, but not to the extent of mindlessly pressing the mouse button for a few hours in an experience farm.

Or, better yet, find a plugin that fixes this balance issue.

I understand that Hometown is vanilla, and I appreciate that. But some aspects of vanilla could be drastically improved and save people *cough* me *cough* a lot of time. Having a $10 or $15 repair sign will also require players to gather resources to sell to acquire enough net to repair, meaning it will still keep the economy and the sense of achievement going.

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