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Hello... It's me. |
Posted by: Brockist - 12-27-2015, 11:52 AM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (4)
Hello! It's me, Brock.
Since everyone else is doing this I figured I would too...
So here's my "re-introduction".
I'm an [Expert] and I've been a member since mid February of 2014 and I hope to be a great friend of all of yours for years to come!
I love all of you wonderful peps!
Server Event Suggestions |
Posted by: Arayvek - 12-27-2015, 09:57 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (16)
Alright guys, this is try number three. Staff decided to make a thread just for community events suggestions. It was brought to our attention that server moral was at its' highest when we had events that brought the community together. We'd like to revive that. We want to hear what kind of events our players want to see happen in the future, so we can get started on making that a reality. It can be anything from pvp to mob arenas to minigames. You can even suggest what kind of rewards you would like to see. It's okay to suggest similar things as someone else, or to expand on ideas already put out there. Let's put our heads together to make server events a fun and engaging part of our community.
If you've already posted on the threads that preceded this one, please re-post here. I know nothing has actually been done yet. It's been hard to organize anything with the forums going down and all, so thank you for your patience.
I know some of you want to see "fight night"brought back. I wasn't around for that event, so I honestly have no idea what anyone's taking about in regards to that. Can anyone explain it?
I guess I'll say Hello |
Posted by: Arayvek - 12-27-2015, 09:32 AM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (3)
Well, you people all know me, but on the off chance you don't, I'm Arayvek <3 I've been playing on HomeTown for almost two years now and it's the only one I play on regularly. I sometimes take breaks but I always come back, because you guys are awesome and this is my home server.
HomeTown Beginner UserGuide |
Posted by: aron23 - 12-27-2015, 06:54 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (8)
I wanted to share my beginners user guide since the new forum is up and running. These are a lot of things I've learned over the past year I've been on HomeTown MineCraft. This is a great server with lots of great people and always improving. I'm hoping we get enough responses on this that we can request the HomeTown wise elders to add a new section under the Forums for a 'HomeTown wiki' that we can expand over time.
HomeTown Beginner UserGuide
- HomeTown security (how to protect your creations and ask for grief assistance.)
- if you get griefed, do not fix it yourself: simply ask in chat for grief assistance, or do /who guardian, /who mod or /who admin. They can roll back the damage for you.
- VIP benefits
- 2 and 3 has /fly VIP (great for building new creations)
- VIP1 has 5 sethomes, VIP2 has 10 sethomes and VIP3 has unlimited sethomes
- /sethome (name) (example – sethome homebase or sethome project1 (use /home to get a list of your previous /sethomes)
- How to make $ in Hometown (for buying supplies, etc) Vote for $5 x3 (in game, type /vote and click on 3 links. Be aware, you MUST be in game and click on links to get the hometown money added to your account. If you are simply on your phone, it will not be added to your hometown account.) You can vote daily.
- How to upgrade your MineCraft avator
- http://www.minecraftskins.com (this is just one example)
- Click upload to minecraft
- Type in your e-mail and password
- Log out and back into to minecraft
- List of good to know warps (I’m sure there are many I missed, please reply to add yours)
- warp moderntown,
- warp florisse
- warp 7/11
- warp kshop
- warp packmart
- warp joshop
- Warp farms
- Warp warp_list
- /warp protect
- /warp slimejump
- /warp jozo
- /warp webster
- /warp abbeyville
- /warp agapeisland
- /warp merrytrees
- /warp buildcorp
- /warp tundratown
- /warp cakebot
- /warp highlands
- /warp Olympia
- /warp reap
- Recommend places to visit, see the greatest builds of HomeTown.
- /moderntown – HomeTown Observatory.
- Many many others – add yours here!
- In game messaging
- Type /m aron23 message (for example '/m aron23 Hi aron23') with no quotes.
- Reply er
- Basics of commands
- F2 screen shot (default) (on your computer, browse to C:\Users\%user profile name%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\screenshots (windows 7, 8, 10)
- Q on keyboard to throw item (for example if you have something you don’t want in your inventory)
- F5 to look at yourself (F5 again to change to a different view)
- /fly (double space bar to start flying, click space bar again to go higher and left shift to go lower while flying) (must be vip 2 or 3 to have this capability)
- Lessons learned
- If your wrist is getting tired and hurts because of using the default commands to move (w=forward, s=backwards, a=move left, d=move right), either stop playing (wrong answer J) get a good wrist support and keyboard and look at buying a new mouse that you can configure for certain actions. I personally have a razor mouse ($70 on amazon, great Christmas gift, ask Santa for next year!) with 12 different buttons including the scroll button can left and right click.
Hope you have found this helpful, please reply and support adding a HomeTown Wiki where we can have the community help add helpful items for newer players.
HomeTown Wiki |
Posted by: aron23 - 12-27-2015, 06:17 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (12)
Is it possible to create a new HomeTown Forum section called 'HomeTown Wiki' or something simliar? This might be a good place to add good to know items and how-to's. When I started earlier this year in HomeTown there were a lot of things I had to hunt for and ask. This could be a great place to add to the ever expanding HomeTown Minecraft society. I don't know if it's possible to be able to update as well so when there are changes. I've often searched the hometown forums site, but there are a lot of times things get lost in the forums (or the forums get wiped cleaned to help with server space issues, etc)
This would be a great place for:
HomeTown rules and guide for new users
HomeTown ranking system
HomeTown security (how to protect your creations and ask for grief assistance.
In game messaging
Voting and how to make money
VIP benefits (flying, sethome command, etc)
Basic commands (screenshots, etc)
How to upgrade your MineCraft avator
Other step by step guides
List of good to know warps (warp moderntown, warp florisse, etc) and stores (warp 7/11, warp kshop, warp packmart, warp joshop, etc)
Recommend places to visit, see the greatest builds of HomeTown.
Feedback welcome. What do you think?
Official Suggestions for New Ranks |
Posted by: frost - 12-27-2015, 01:50 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (39)
This thread is a suggestion thread for this post about the new ranking system. Please read it first before posting here.
Please post your suggestions on :
Perks for the new ranks
- What perks should each of the new ranks have? (more sethomes, etc). Keep in mind not every rank increase should have a new perk.
VIP name ideas
- New names to replace VIP1 VIP2 and VIP3
Where VIPs should fit in this rank system.
- Should they get their own ranking system with perks, should they fit into the current system, or something else?
New Rank System Official Announcement |
Posted by: frost - 12-27-2015, 01:47 AM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (16)
Hello, as you have all seen on the server, a new rank system as been established. This post is to answer any questions you may have and also to clear up any misunderstandings.
First let's talk about why this was implemented.
Our server as it is, is simply too big to have a manual ranking system such as ours. There is no way that a small group of people can keep up with hundreds of unique players in order to fairly deal with promotions. The majority of players were [Player] rank. Many of these players have been on the server for months and even years and were unnoticed due to how big we were. The same goes for certain [AdvPlayer] and Vips. That was a big issue. Many players felt like they were stuck on a rank for what seemed eternities. With this, the server has also been dwindling in popularity. Our numbers were dropping steadily and if nothing was done, this trend would continue. With this system, I was able to combine an auto rank system with something that can put us back on the boards in terms of popularity. Of course no system is perfect. Some players feel like the new ranking system is a demotion, or devalues the rank. If you have any questions or concerns please post below.
Now to the ranks themselves.
We have added many new ranks. There are now 10 ranks under the first staff rank which is Enforcer. Keep in mind, there will be perks added to these ranks. If you are already Experienced, subtract 110 from the required votes of the next rank. For example experienced to advanced requires only 90 more votes if you are experienced.
Please suggest some perk ideas here in this thread ---> https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=48
Default Guest
3 votes Rookie
12 votes Regular
50 votes Member
110 votes Experienced
200 votes Advanced
330 votes Adept
After this, the expert rank will be given out similar to how trusted was given out. This is to keep some form of prestige to ranks for the members who feel like ranks should require more than just playtime. This rank can be achieved after advanced or adept (usually the latter).
180 votes Veteran
The elite rank will be chosen from the pool of veteran players. Elite will have the ability to use /kick and possibly a temporary mute. These players should help out in case there are no staff online by dealing with trouble makers. This rank will be the last player rank before Enforcer.
For VIP ranks, I am still trying to figure out a good system for them. Should VIPs have their own set of vote perks/ranks? Should VIPs be implemented into the current system? example: IPs automatically get [Advanced] rank.
I am also wanting to change the VIP rank names
If you have any ideas regarding VIP rank names and how should VIPs fit in to this system please post your suggestions in this thread ---> https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=48
Banned from Hometown |
Posted by: Meowcat213 - 12-27-2015, 01:10 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
Just today I had learned that I was banned for griefing on the Hometown Server, my MC username is meowcat213, (It's written like that btw) to be honest, I don't exactly know who banned me. I only know that it seems that I griefed TheOnlyKat. I know it was wrong to do such thing and you shouldn't do it at all costs, I understand my reason for being banned and to be honest, I wish to be able to go on the Hometown server once again because it was the only server I loved to be on the most, I never actually got bored there and I had so many goals I was shooting for, I understand my consequences right now and also understand if you refuse to let me back into the server, however if you will let me back, I promise I will never break any of the rules, nor will I ever grief again. Thank you for reading this.
- Meowcat213