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  /Warp Jellyshop
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 12-28-2015, 12:09 PM - Forum: Trading - Replies (3)

"Cheap Ass Prices at the Expense of Diversity"
- Jellyshop

I am proud to announce the completion of /warp jellyshop
I only sell Enchanted books, selected foods, Potions, Flowers, Treasures and Selected enchanted tools. 

Look for the price listings on the bottom. 

As the quote suggests, my shop is incredibly small, but it sells stuff cheaper than I can afford. (JK)
[Image: dbpzH9J.png]

[Image: w5jRNyC.png]

Here are the listings: (+ means extended potion)
$ 0.08: Strength +
$0.09: Swiftness +
$0.10: Night vision +, invisibility +, splash slowness +, fire resistance +, splash weakness +, splash poison +, Splash Poison II, Strength II.
$ 0.11: Swiftness II
$ 0.12: Water Breathing +
$ 0.15: Splash Harming II, Splash Healing II.
$ 0.99: Leaping +, Leaping II

Small flower: 8 for $0.10
Big Flower: 8 for $0.08

Baked Taters: 16 for $0.16
Cooked Rabbit: 8 for $0.20
Pumpkin Pie: 8 for $0.16

Enchanted Tools:
Unbreaking III Efficiency III Diamond Axe for $2.99
Unbreaking III Efficiency III Diamond Pickaxe for $2.99

Enchanted books:
$0.99: Punch I
$1.39: Infinity I, Flame I, Silk touch I, Respiration II, Aqua affinity I, Fire Aspect I.
$1.79: Sharpness III, Knockback II.
$1.99: Depth Strider II.
$ 2.39: Lure III
$2.99: Looting III, Protection IV, Thorns II, Feather Falling IV, Power IV.
$4.59: Unbreaking III
$6.59: Efficiency V

Name Tag: $6.99 for 1
Saddle: $3.49 for 1

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  Jelly's New Base
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 12-28-2015, 11:48 AM - Forum: Build Showcase - Replies (6)

After nearly 3 months, and heaps of diamond picks, my base at /Warp Jelly is complete. 
It is a boating base, about 95% covered with water.

Here are the pictures, which only go briefly into rooms and does not represent the entirety of the base, also none of the tunnels. Pay me a visit at /Warp Jelly to find out more about the intricate details!

When you visit me, please turn brightness to MOODY, FOV to NORMAL, Texture pack to NORMAL and sound to OFF.
I only selected 10 images cause of the thread limit. The base is 12x12 chunks, a lot is missed. 
This is actually a vertical drop of 57 blocks, right to the entrance of tunnels.
[Image: 9FGJr5q.png]

The alphabetical storage, with 1000+ chests, this section is block storage.
[Image: 33QdvP1.png]

Another alphabetical storage, this section is item storage, from the back.
[Image: nvQE70H.png]

Center of the base is a ghost ship! With wither (named Jelly) onboard as the ship's ghost duh. 
Above is a huge compass!!
[Image: 6SSyb33.png]

This is in my factory room, this is a real furnace that cooks!!
[Image: nmxpAvW.png]

The giant bucket thingy, on the right is the Mumbo tree farm, I've done enough machine designing in this base already, so i copied him. 
[Image: VmGTxwK.png]

My Favorite room besides the ship. This is my brewing room! The stuff arranged around the central giant cauldron are ingredients (built out). There is a smart brewer under the lava! 
[Image: 5oUujd8.png]

This is my mini-library. Housing the enchanted books only. 
[Image: cmi0bbP.png]

Entrance to the nether, with a moving pathway (under lava at the moment). DO NOT attempt to cross by the pathway.
[Image: KYyi6Ax.png]

The enchanted Enchanting room, with the power of Ying and Yang. 
[Image: 130c4ED.png]

Be sure to visit me to see the base yourself! The pictures do it no justice. 

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  A couple questions...
Posted by: Brianpl - 12-28-2015, 10:32 AM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Hello, new to the server.

1) How do we create our own warp(s)?
2) Is in game money only used for purchasing from player shops?
    -Are voting and selling items the only ways to earn money?

Thanks Smile

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  Mob Arena
Posted by: LanceZKiller - 12-28-2015, 12:22 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (2)

In the mob arenas, because of no pvp, you cannot attack the angered wolfs.

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  /warp martyville
Posted by: Marty - 12-27-2015, 11:56 PM - Forum: Build Showcase - Replies (5)


As some of you might know i have a smalll town at /warp martyville, please go check it out and leave a comment or suggestion. My last project is a chinese styled temple but it is not completely done. i'll post some pics below, let me know what you think. currently i am thinking about making a shop or houses/ plots to sell.

greetz, Marty (ign: victorheyerick) [Image: ic36nk.png][Image: dgnzpf.png]

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  Mirenthiral Improved Ban Appeal
Posted by: Mirenthiral - 12-27-2015, 11:22 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: Mirenthiral

Reason for your ban: <Spamming> I was banned because I dident follow the warning signs from the staff, It was late and I was tired, therefore I wasent paying much attention to the chat.. if the spam was because I was just talking to nobody then I can explain.. I was talking to my skype mates on the server..

Who banned you: Vilneas

Why should you be unbanned: I wanted to be unbanned because allthough I was really tired last night I had alot of fun and the community is great, I am really sorry I caused a little spam. Is it really worth getting rid of a happy player just because of a little spam at 4am when not many people were online. Once again Im very sorry, I put alot less effort into my last appeal because it was 5am and I was in a rush to do something before my dad woke up.

Why do you want to come back: I truly want to play on this server because its got a brilliant community and no lagg, its not really something I want to give up on.. You can take my word on the fact. I will follow guidelines in the future and try my hardest not to break your rules, once again Im so sorry.

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  Banned- Why?
Posted by: LadyRose15 - 12-27-2015, 07:00 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Home Town smp

Minecraft name: LadyRose15

Reason for your ban: Grief???

Who banned you: DK

Why should you be unbanned: I'm not to sure why I was banned as I have not been on this server in a while If I have its just been to say hello. I do not remember griefing. I have been accused of grief before as I did not read the rules and did not know about it being an anti griefing server. If this "grief" was before my last ban I didn't know that it was an anti griefing server.

Why do you want to come back: I would love to come back on and create a town. That's why I noticed that I was banned.

Any info on why I have been banned would also be nice. Thanks Smile

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  are ocelots extinct?
Posted by: itsynibbles - 12-27-2015, 06:53 PM - Forum: General - Replies (6)

if not i would like an ocelot to turn into a cat.  i have not seen an ocelot since i got here over a year ago.  actually i would like 2 so i can make more cats at my tower.

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  Layne Cambridge City Centre
Posted by: Brockist - 12-27-2015, 02:32 PM - Forum: General - Replies (5)

Cambridge City Centre
/warp CCC

Shop Directory
  • /warp Quasar, 107 Main St. for HomeTown's #1 clothing store, Quasar Boutique!
  • /Warp TopShop for all of your building needs<3 Cheap wool, diamonds, and more!  
If you'd like your shop in the Cambridge City Centre advertised here, leave a reply with a short message (less than 100 characters) it should state the name of your shop / the address and a brief the description of what you sell.

  • For leasing opportunities, contact Brockist or Sarahx in game. 

Tenant Rule Book

  1. No griefing.
  2. You may not build outside your shop except for on/next to the pillars to the left and right of your main door(s).
  3. Your warp must be placed on the stone slab path.
  4. No refunds

Tenant Agreement

a. Inactivity
  1. I and my shop will not be inactive for over 30 days without notifying a leasing representative.
  2. I will not be banned and not make an appeal for over 15 days / have my appeal denied.
b. Stock
  1. I will not leave my store mostly unstocked for over 30 days without notifying a leasing representative.
c. Re-Selling
  1. I will not re-sell items from another shop in the Cambridge City Centre without that shop owner's permission.

We take all claims of re-selling seriously. If you've been reported for re-selling and we've gathered enough evidence to prove those claims as true, we will take action. (Note: Reports will only be taken from the the shop owners offended.)

d. Banned Items
  1. PStones
  2. Jukeboxes (Playing)
e. Non-Recommended Items.
  1. Item Frames
  2. Armor Stands
We do not recommend you use these items in your shop as they can be stolen from without a log trace. You will not be punished for having these items.

By stating "I agree" I agree to these rules and future renditions of them. I will check back on this thread often to see changes.
By stating "I agree" I agree to be evicted for breaking any of these rules.
By stating "I agree" I agree that I can be evicted for no reason.*

Contact Us
  • Mall Manager: Brockist
  • Leasing Representatives: Brockist, Sarahx

* We only include this agreement to make sure that we cannot be prosecuted for evicting someone for "not breaking a rule" we rarely need to use this. You're safe in Layne's hands.

[Added rule: to "d. Banned Items" "Jukeboxes (Playing)" effective January 6th 2015 12:01 AM PST]

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  Today, I was banned
Posted by: Ummmmbro - 12-27-2015, 12:33 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Today me and 2 others were banned for supposedly "Spamming" I can not speak for the other 2. However, spamming I most surely was not. I simply making a statement about cooking spam and being sarcastic TO the spammers. No one else. I didn't not mean to hurt anyone. I had no idea this was a delicate server. I used CAPS one time and was warned not too. I would also like to point out that not being able to use caps is oppression. It suppresses our freedom of expression. I've never understood why it was bad. It's not like it hurts your ears or anything. I personally believe it's because I am black.

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