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Photo Hello, my new friends!
Posted by: BlueFalcon55 - 01-01-2016, 10:29 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Hello, my name is BlueFalcon55, a new player on this server. I have only been on for three days, and I must say, I am impressed. This is the only peaceful SMP server I can find that has this great of a community and amazing staff! All of the players I have met so far have been very helpful to me, and I would like to thank you all. I feel as if this will be my new home server!
Anyways, I am building a village and would like to request help. The warp is (for lack of better name) villagebeautiful. A picture of the area is at the bottom. You can build your own house, shop, and farm anywhere around the area. And the best part? Everything in this town is free. I don't charge for houses, food, or supplies. Just ask!
However, there are some ground rules to follow. They are pretty simple though, so don't worry!

1: Don't grief. Pretty simple, also one of the server rules
2: Don't steal. While I do give away needed items, there should be NO NEED to steal
3: Don't touch the horses! I will find you a horse if you want one, just don't take any of them
4: Be nice to the other players. Once again, another server rule
5: Be helpful. If you aren't doing anything at the moment and someone asks for help, help them!
6: Replant! If you cut down a tree, replant it! If you harvest the wheat, replant it!
7: Have fun! This town is made for you to free-build your own house, your own store, anything!

Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your time to read this, and have a Happy New Year!

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  The New Buildcorp.And your suggestions
Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 01-01-2016, 11:37 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (3)

Hello everyone . Its me GhostBuster. And I have noticed recently that My business at buildcorp is low to the ground broke in New business. I Wanna apologies for all the crap I have said and done on the server. and I want suggestions on how to improve my self and the business.

     The people that can help me the most with this issue will get a small cash prize and an automatic 25% stake in the business.
 Now I want actual ideas that will make me better as a builder, and business owner . I wanna know what I can do to fix the brand and become better at it. I wanna do my part . and I can't do it with out you guys. Thank you.

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Exclamation New shop /warp minemart
Posted by: Donkey - 01-01-2016, 10:38 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (3)

Hey I opened a new shop /warp minemart the prices are good and there are items on sale, atm quartz,Clay,Hardened clay,and sugar cane are on sale !!! Thanks for reading -Donkey

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Posted by: 12wolfie - 01-01-2016, 08:39 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

d u dE

guys! hello hello welcome to the thread, glad to have you here hun <3
after a long ass year [felt like it went by so fast!] it's 2016!
i can't believe that we've all spent so much time together and grown so close with one another. i'm looking at you guys <3 there're too many people who have helped me every step of the way! to start, let me make a toast... *raises glass of soda*
you guys have been here for me when i'm feeling down, or hurt, or upset, and you've been here to listen to my rants and raves.
you have been here for me to joke around or sing a song.
you have lightened my day countless times.
i don't know how i could get along without you. really!
you guys, everybody here as a whole, have all done something at some point to make me smile. i mean everyone <3
even if you hardly know me, just a "wb wolfie" really can make me a little happier. so again..i'd like to thank you all for making me happier, from the smallest kindness to anything else you've done...
i apologize for giving you a 300% bonus of your daily intake of cheese [have fun, lactose intolerants!] yet i really do mean it and you guys don't know how much you mean to me <3
i love you a hella lot <3 <3 <3 [new year's kiss in case you didn't get one: :* <3] 
to 2015, here's to many more! cheers! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

i hope that you guys have had a fantastic year just as i did, and that you'll have the best 2016 that you can get! happy new year's everyone! you rock <3333333

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  wat year is it????
Posted by: TheNamesGames - 01-01-2016, 05:18 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

so, another year has passed away! time really goes fast when... when.... what the sandwhich did i do the whole year?
propably watched tv on the couch. this was a good year. stuff is happening! i ate a candy cane!

happy new year to everyone! fire those fireworks! kick your sibilings! spend time with the family! thats what i did...

have fun! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

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  I'm back
Posted by: ChaosWrath - 01-01-2016, 03:03 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

I wasn't expecting this, but I was away so long I was apparently wiped from the forums, I expect some of my threads are gone now.

Either way, I am back for now and will be bringing a few people with me. It's fun to hang out again.

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  Hello There :)
Posted by: Seasoap - 12-31-2015, 08:03 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)


My in game name, as well as forum name is Seasoap (in case you didn't read that already Rolleyes )
I don't exactly remember when I first joined Hometown but when I did there were only two people online and apparently it's grown quite a lot (or perhaps I'm just playing at different times now Tongue)
Nevertheless I'm happy to be back on the server and finally on the forums.

See ya on sometime  Tongue
(feel free to say hi, if you need any help building or whatnot I'd love to  Smile )

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Tongue Your Last Meal?
Posted by: Grimm_Wolfe - 12-31-2015, 03:03 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (13)

So, Vilneas and I were talking about food–to be more precise, how best to eat steak–and we came to the conclusion that the meals we were talking about were last-meal worthy.  The forums were still down when we both decided that this thread should be made, so here it is.

In a kind of morbid curiosity: if you were sentenced to death, what would be your last meal?

Mine would be as follows:

  • Porterhouse steak, medium-rare to rare with a mushroom-onion gravy on top
  • Pelmeni <Russian dumplings> with a lot of sour cream
  • Bacon-wrapped and roasted asparagus spears
  • Puto <Filipino ricecake> for dessert
  • Coffee to my liking

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Posted by: HighJumpIsLife - 12-31-2015, 11:09 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Survival

Minecraft name: HighJumpIsLife AKA Whovian (Played on HomeTown since June 2015)

Reason for your ban: X-ray

Who banned you: Grimm

Why should you be unbanned: I came back online from eating dinner and then I asked someone if I could see their house and they didn't set their home. So I followed them through a few tunnels then I went in front and recognized a very long tunnel that leads to the ravine i tped into. Then I made it about 50 blocks across the ravine and got jailed.I think Grimm thought i was xraying to find my way out.

Why do you want to come back: I want to be able to play with friends i've made on the server and to keep finding new things to do with other people.

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  Abandoned Warp Reclamation Thread
Posted by: Arrei - 12-31-2015, 10:45 AM - Forum: General - Replies (28)

This thread is for applying to gain the rights to purchase a warp name that has been abandoned, so that desirable names are not forever locked to people who are long gone. Please post below if there is an old warp you wish to buy. The rules for this process are as follows:

1. The warp must be owned by a player who has either been gone for six months, has been banned for three months, or has been permanently banned. If the warp is owned by multiple players, all players involved must fall into one of these categories. For the purpose of determining inactivity, if a player is no longer appearing in /seen they will be considered inactive, unless they have clearly been seen recently in case of glitches.

2. The warp can only be reclaimed if it is at a shop, farm, or other business. Warps that go to homes and towns are not up for grabs at this time.

3. You must pay the full price for setting a new warp - $50 for players and $30 for VIPs as normal. Since the previous warp did not belong to you, you are for all intents and purposes setting a new warp, not moving an existing one.

4. A player whose warp has been reclaimed will be allowed to set a new one with a different name free of charge should they return.

5. Warp rights are first come, first served. Posts on this thread are the only way to reclaim warps to keep things organized, do not contact staff directly about reclaiming warps unless you have already posted here.

6. Warps that have been reclaimed will be renamed starting from "reclaim1", "reclaim2", and so forth, and will be logged with the player's name in the list below. As a result, no one is allowed to place warps following the same format.

Example format:  reclaim1 - /warp spawn - FrostVINCENT

- Warps Wanted -
reap - warp free

- Warps Reclaimed -
reclaim1 - /warp banner - RachelRay
reclaim2 - /warp paris - Keero__
N/A - /warp rshop - RachelRay
reclaim3 - /warp 2shop - the_dirty_spoon
reclaim5 - /warp v - greene345
reclaim6 - /warp nether - geno

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