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  Ban appeal
Posted by: PivotalFlame539(ForgotAccount) - 12-17-2023, 08:22 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: .PivotalFlame539/Jeremy_Belpois

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Ban evasion

Who banned you: DiamondBlockBen

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?):

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because hometown SMP is a great server with a great community. We have a firm, but fair staff team keeping the peace, fun activities, and new ways to play Minecraft. I enjoy the freedom to build and also build with others. It makes me feel good when I work with people because it can teach me cooperation and social skills.
Overall, Hometown SMP is where I would want to spend my time playing Minecraft. 

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.txt   Why I should be unbanned (PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER).txt (Size: 3.9 KB / Downloads: 10)
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Sad Unbann me
Posted by: MTriple1k - 12-16-2023, 04:00 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (5)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Siscord):SMP

Minecraft name:RealProMahi01

Reason for your ban : Theft of Netherite from the Beacon Tutorial

Who banned you:TheDutyPaid and Essayjinx

Why should you be unbanned: sorry for theafting nethrerite from your beacon tutorial if i unbanned i always mantain your rule and  i will give your netherite block and i always help the new memeber.next i will keep myself very careful. if i do this work again you banned me

Why do you want to come back: i want to comeback to play my favourite minecraft SMP. I want to make my base in this SMP. I have a youtube channel.i want to make video on this Smp in my youtube channel.pls unbann me.thanks for reading my appeal

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  Unban request for my alt
Posted by: Nifty3665 - 12-12-2023, 02:04 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Your text

Minecraft name: .YeetusPotato397

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Ban Evasion

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I am sorry for ban evading. I also didn't realize that was what ban evasion meant. I probably should've but oh well. Yeah the main thing was the "griefing" of my own base for my main and this account was my bedrock one. I didn't really think about it then got banned immediately once I joined.

Why do you want to come back: I want this acc unbanned for a few things. For 1 I need to unclaimed a area on my base I accidentally claimed. There was a second way but I just realized I was wrong.

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Rainbow unban request
Posted by: bobinkaoncrack - 12-12-2023, 01:27 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Bobinkaoncrack

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): ''Beacon base breaking and beacon theft, you knew you could get iron free, why did you steal it?''

Who banned you: Essayjinx

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): i knew i shouldnt have stolen the beacon and the iron around it but it was before i knew u could get quick iron for free (i have no excuse for the beacon i shouldnt have really i just really needed one) and this was before i completely understood the concept of the shops and stuff, i can go on yapping about how im innocent im not i shouldnt have stolen the things and i promise that IF i get unbanned ill give back all the iron and the beacon back to whoevers it was (i have no clue who'se it was ngl) and i promise to not steal shit again im gonna give the beacon nd iron back frfr (those are the only things ive ever stolen on the server swear to god)

Why do you want to come back: because its the only survival smp server where there arent a million million mods that make it just crap, and its an active fun server with people who are actually nice (which i wasnt by stealing and i apologize) and i have grown quite fond of a build i was in the middle of doing and would love to get back on it and i apologize to whoever the beacon and iron is/was (i really dont know) i just wanna get back because this server is hella fun and i sincerely apologize for taking away some of that fun for others i should have known better.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: .Flipperio - 12-07-2023, 11:36 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: .Flipperio

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): You have been banned from this server. Reason: Grief again!!

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I am honestly unsure what happened! I do not remember breaking blocks in anyone else's base, and I have tried to be a respectful member of this server. If you can exactly explain to me what I did, I would get a better idea of the situation. In advance, I am truly sorry for any damage or harm that I have caused. Please, let me know what I did wrong so I can resolve this matter.

Why do you want to come back: I love Hometown SMP, and it's unlike any other SMP I had been a part of. It sounds cheesy, but I felt at home in this server. I've spent multiple hours on this server because of the warm magic that prevales here. I feel a close connection to this server, for the people are welcoming and kind. Please, let me know exactly what I did wrong so that I can rectify my actions.

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  Secret Santa
Posted by: DiamondBlockBen - 11-30-2023, 07:02 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (24)

Guess what time of year it is?

It's Time for the Secret Santa Gift Exchange!!!

[Image: LLcCk1e.gif]

For those of you who have never done a Secret Santa before, fret not! The concept is simple, just reply to this thread with your in-game name (please, no nicks). Around 9:00PM (EST) on December 14th, I'll lock this thread, draw names, and /mail you in game with the name of the person you're responsible for gifting to. Head on over to /warp SecretSanta (warp will be opened on the 15th) and find the chest with your person's name on it.

Gifts will be due by 9:00PM (EST) on Sunday, December 24th. Gifts can be opened on Monday the 25th after I've unlocked the chests. 

Please put effort into your gifts! Think about something you would be happy to receive and try to put the same effort into your gift. Good gift ≠ expensive! I know not everyone has tons of money to spend, but there are plenty of other ways to make thoughtful and clever gifts without having to drain your balance. Try to make someone's day!

[Image: 4dkm1gI.gif]

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  It's been a while
Posted by: Krystal77 - 11-29-2023, 10:32 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Krystal77

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Griefing

Who banned you: Dar

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): It has been a while, I honestly can't remember when I was banned, I am guessing somewhere around early 2019. It was actually my second ban. I got caught X-Raying the second time, promised myself to never do it again, then got banned again for griefing a while later. I then decided I wasn't mature enough to play with other people and left for what I thought was going to be for good. I have grown a lot since (almost half a decade), and I am no longer a cringy teenager with a desire to piss everyone off. Since this is my second ban, I'll give an actual example to help convince you, I used to be a boatload of trouble at school back when I was creating trouble on the server. Today, I am about to start working in education, with the same kind of kids I myself used to be (albeit younger than I was). I hope this can convince you that I have matured enough to be back on the server.

Why do you want to come back: I have thought a lot about this server over the years. I miss the interactions I used to have with others on the server, ones that had the friendliness that I never had the chance to experience on another multiplayer game. Besides, this server really has everything that I like, in terms of activities, roles, and economy. That's definitely something that I couldn't recognize a few years ago (I really wish I did) There's truly no match to it. I am hoping to come back to the server and keep building things like I used and loved to do back then. It was one of my only multiplayer experiences, and it really went beyond all my expectations. Thank you for reading my appeal, I hope I have been able to convince you that my demeanor has changed enough in recent years.



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  No link/button to delete my forums account
Posted by: AcaciaWooddd23 - 11-28-2023, 10:10 PM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (1)

Hello!  I've just created an account here accidentally and i'm unable to find the button inmy account settings to delete my account here in this forum.  Is there an easy link/button i can use to delete my own account by myself?  It's kinda odd not having a way to delete my own account easily and i didn't realise i could just view these forums without an account and most other forums i've been onbefore also had easy delete account buttons.  I've heard about this minecraft server a couple weeks ago and just wanted to learn more about it before joining pls help me

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: SophiaIsWeird - 11-26-2023, 09:51 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: SophiaIsWeird

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): The message when I was afk and about to play again was "You have been banned for Using x-ray. ..."

Who banned you: "DiamondBlockBen"

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I have lots of resource packs on my client, like making the ores glow, returning the former background music back, and some other accessibility-related packs that don't allow me to cheat or "x-ray".  I also have Optifine.  I have been on this server for a few years now, on and off, but still for a while, and I understand how frustrating it can be when others cheat (I've ran a few servers in the past and had some annoying people online that I had to ban myself.  I have never used x-ray, but I have experimented around with a lot of other random packs on my client before, but not x-ray or other cheating related ones.  I have recently (as in yesterday or so) installed a pack that would make my ores glow while mining (so I wouldn't have to carry around a torch all the time), but that's about it.  I am a bit scared/anxious, and I feel really bad because I have never gotten banned on any servers before.  I also am not sure if it's related to some money and crap that some random user gave me a few years back before he got banned (I think it was some diamonds and iron and whatnot, but not sure as it's been a while).  I am also worried that one of my resource packs may have somehow triggered the ban even though none of them are used for cheating.  I am willing to go through and disable each and every one of my resource packs while I play on this server to decrease the chance of future bans, just in case.  

Why do you want to come back: Spending time on this server, especially during the past couple of days, has helped my mood a lot (I have severe anxiety/autism, and often need some "place" to wind down, even if it's playing MC), and I really enjoy how this server is not a super "busy" server (a small but still active amount of people is amazing), yet still has so much to explore.  I really love the work that the team has put into creating it all, and how the people are very laid-back and friendly.  I've never seen a server so relaxing to be in, and I would really love to come back and continue building my home, making new friends, and exploring more of the server and the elaborately-made structures in it.  

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: .Flipperio - 11-23-2023, 04:21 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: .Flipperio

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): You have been banned from this server. Reason: grief to onechunk

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I was being dumb, and I realized that my actions were not considerate of others. Looking back, I wished I did things differently and tried to contribute to the peace of the server. After much reflection, I've realized that these actions are not actions of a good player. A good player helps others and does not ruin other creations. They remain friendly towards others and considerate of others' amazing builds. Why should you unban me? You should unban me because, from here on out, I am determined to stop my destructive habits and start being the friendliest player I can be. I completely understand if you remain with your decision, for my actions should not be tolerated in any way. Just know that I intend to turn a new page and try to rectify my past.

Why do you want to come back: Hometown SMP is unlike any other SMP I had been a part of. Usually, I would only play on servers I just joined for up to an hour. This server immediately entranced me, making me already spent multiple hours when I first logged in. I felt a close connection to this server, for the people accepted and welcomed me rather than ignored and despised me. I kick myself all the time for ruining my chance at this wonderful server, for I hoped to play on it for years in the future. This server, I had realized, was really my home.

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