Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): "crit hacks bye loser."
Who banned you: Illogical
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): This whole situation unfolded about 4-5 years ago, the gist of what happened was I was in the pvp arena with a staff member and one other player. I was doing fairly well and then got into an argument about how I was hitting. I'm not going to argue the decision that I was cheating or not, because I know that won't get me anywhere. Cheating aside, I handled the situation poorly, there were many situations in which I could have been more respectful, more understanding, or even have stopped the argument entirely. It's been many years since then and any problems that came from that situation are sure to have since been long dead. I apologize for how I handled everything at the time, It became increasingly obvious over the years just how many things I did wrong, and everything I could have done better.
Why do you want to come back: The weeks following my ban I had a hard time finding a new server to play on, and new people to enjoy said servers with. It would end up taking me over 3 months to find anything remotely as comfortable as hometown made me feel. Now that I'm older and have real responsibilities, I just want someplace to come back to when I return home that I can sit down and enjoy. I sincerely hope that whatever grudge was held against me at the time has since been lifted and that I can return back into the server. I can assure anyone reading this that I will not cause any more problems of any manner.
To whoever takes the time to read this, thank you for considering my appeal.
Hello. I was banned from this fine server about 6 years ago. I have changed since that time. I wish to be let back on so that I may flourish in the nurturing and pleasant environment that the staff and players of this server so dutifully create on a day to day basis.
I first joined this server in 2017. I was a young man then and full of ambition and a great deal of chaotic energy. I played as many do, building a house, making friends, participating in the economy and eventually joining a town. Everything changed however, when I inherited a fine and prosperous town known then as Lapis Lake. Long story short, I accrued a tremendous amount of clout and was the friend to many. If you don't believe me, do /seen Infernoclaw6.
I hope this appeal finds you well
best, Infernoclaw6
It's spooky season yet again, and it's time for another Pumpkin Carving Contest!
If you'd like to participate, head on over to /warp pumpkincontest and pick out your pumpkin! Right-click the sign of the plot you want to use in order to get build perms inside it. If you want your pumpkin to be judged specifically at night time, please leave a sign in your plot saying so. You have until October 30th to carve or decorate your pumpkin, and then staff will judge and pick a few of our favorites in a variety of categories, including but not limited to:
- Spookiest - Most Creative
- Most Disturbing
- Cutest
- Staff Favorite
Previous year's pumpkins have been saved and placed all around the edges of the contest, so go around and check them out if you want some ideas or inspiration!
Why should you be unjailed (Why should we give you a second chance?): I was just flying around randomly and stumbled upon "Jenny's honey pot" I asked an admin "TheDutyPaid" that does she know who Jenny is and she said a random users name I said to tp to me but she said that she was busy so I waited eventually I lost my patience and decided to break in to what was there I had no intention of grief I thought I'd see what's there place back the blocks leave but I got tped to jail
Now I thought it was custom naturally generating sturcture because it had beacons and db and wasn't claimed
Now i have some questions
1. Why was it built near my base as Mel said that duty made it
2. Why are y'all taking so long to decide what to do with me
Why do you want to come back: cuz I have grinded a lot
Voted a long etc
Took me about 2 hours to make
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of 100 battles"
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War