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  TheDutyPaid unbanned me but I'm still banned...
Posted by: Thebabycarrot - 07-06-2023, 05:49 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Recently I was banned for griefing on the Minecraft server. I submitted my appeal, TheDutyPaid went through it and asked me some questions that I answered. 3 days ago TheDutyPaid said that I was unbanned and that I have to hand all of the greifed items to a staff member when I will return. Today I decided to do that and tried to log in but it said:

You are banned from this server. Reason: Griefing. Banned by [actor]. 

I was surprised because TheDutyPaid told me that they will let me return.

I'm sorry if I just don't understand something and maybe players are supposed to wait a bit before they will return but I just want to make sure there isn't any mistake with this.

I really wanna return. Also I have to hand over all of the items I collected to a staff member, which I can't do if I can't log in.

Can you let me in? Or am I still banned. I don't understand...

Thank you,


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Question Suggestions
Posted by: DisneySentai - 07-06-2023, 01:50 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)


I would like to suggest the addition of the Elytra Trims Mod for VIP1+ or Advanced+

The feature/mod isn't supported on the server yet (as 1.20 does not exist on the server yet) but it would be a great incentive for people to vote. 

Another suggestion I have would be to use a plugin to combine Elytra and chest plates (Advanced+ or VIP2+ only, ideally) 

Sorry if this feels like asking for too much, but I would love shop owners to be able to stock shops via creative (VIP3, Adept+, or players trusted by staff)

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  Ban appeal
Posted by: Death - 07-05-2023, 05:02 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (10)

Banned for xray. I have no choice but to show my strategy. I have a mod, journey map mod. This mod shows me chunk boarders. I blow up the tnt. I check the explosion pattern. This pattern tends to be somewhat random but predictable. I check around. Get the ancient debris I find exposed. Then, I go back to that pattern. I notice the blackstone that is nearby. If this is near a boarder of a chunk, I blow it up just in case. When I was banned, I was blowing up a wall of a chunk. I was making tunnels and noticed a corner of the tunnels intersecting. I blow it up. Didn't even see the ancient debris there. I mine it and go out to the main section to stop. When I stop, I am looking at this map, trying to find possible locations that the tnt might have missed. In looking at this. I can see how this looks as if I am using an xray, I mean I did go right towards it by the viewpoint of a ghost in the wall watching. I see how you came to that. However, I would blame my strategy and my map mod. (journeymap for fabric) btw. I exceeded expected luck in the eyes of you. As similar to my accusation with the diamonds quite a while back. I have shown my other trick there, as I did here. These methods seem to be OP to get you to feel as if this is active xraying. As a person who has used strats that is OP before, getting accused of xray, and getting backlash for using exceeding yielded methods, if you understood me so far, and have the mercy to lift the ban hammer. I will simply not go gathering these resources. Diamond and netherite. I hope to have landed a fair ear on this, and be granted even a benefit of a doubt. 

I understand your instincts, your conclusion, and your ultimate decision. With my explanation, my reasoning and my quitting with resources, I hope you grant me a return to this gem of a server, and continue the fun times to come.

By the way. I included a screenshot I took the second I got banned. Not much and doesn't hold up on its own, but still.

Edit: After warning from Frost, I will use the suggested format, and sorry for misunderstanding. I will keep up the section above for reference. If I need to take down the original edits, I will do so.

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP, HomeTown Server

Minecraft name: IAmDeathHimself

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): "You have been banned for Using z-ray. Zero Tolerance Policy! Banned by TheDutyPaid. Appeal your ban at http://www.hometownmc.com/forums. It better be really good."

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I genuinely believe my innocence. I should be unbanned because I am honest on what has happened. At least I try, as memory is hazy. I have been here for almost three years, never cheated. I have been accused of x-raying in the past by IllogicalSong(Exact UN I don't recall). Back then, I was getting extremely lucky on diamonds. Even now, I cannot explain my luck rate, however, I fessed up to an honest mistake I have made when looking into lava. I was told not to do that, and I have tried not to actively use it. In this case, I am being accused by TheDutyPaid for ancient debris luck. I find ancient debris the normal way, however, I pay extra attention to the explosion patterns it creates when a long line of TNT is ignited. This pattern is mainly random, however, where TNT does explode, I pay close attention to the chunk boarder. Ancient debris, as I understand it, spawns anywhere in a given chunk, The ancient debris tend to occur anywhere between 20(i think) and bedrock. I remember a video of the world's fastest ancient debris find. In this, the player hugs the wall of the chunk, and is given a more likely chance of finding debris. I use that, plus noting where debris is possible to be left by the TNT pattern. This explains, at least I hope, my luck in finding ancient debris. I assume, TheDutyPaid, has been following me and noticing my luck. As I was about to widen a tunnel by the sides as I have done before, I found 3 debris. As I tried to explain in my first draft. I failed to realize this, and went to continue the tunnel. As I flew to turn around, see it, pick it up, and ban. If I am granted the unban request, I would be happy to show staff personally how this done step by step, or at least, my butchered way. My apologies if I am not adhering to the format you have  
requested. TLDR, I should be unbanned because my mining methods, though understandably, are to be mistaken as malicious mods.  Through this chance to return, if given, I will return to a strictly vanilla experience as possible, and will be grateful for my allowed return, even more as I am grateful for being heard out. Here is not the exact video here, but I have learned where ancient debris may spawn. I could not find the exact video, however, it uses the same border hugging as I talked about. I have diverted from this method, however, I use the information that they, and the original video shown, about Ancient Debris spawning habits and ran with it. Occasionally, I just mine straight in a line that is at 13y and light TNT. 

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back, simply as there is no other server like this. I have been on very few servers, and none come close to this server. I do want to make it clear, I am speaking my honest opinion. Likewise, I have been on this server for around three years. Not only that, but I have not found any other server as enjoyable as Hometown in my around 9 or so years of searching for my multiplayer community, and I would hope, to allowed back in with the community I came to love.

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Sad I got banned for greifing the diamond thing display. I
Posted by: ShaggyVrr - 07-03-2023, 09:17 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Huh Got banned for greifing the diamond thing Iwont do it again. I wont even go to that warp again AT ALL. Also. over 2 diamonds?

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  Best Memory Build Competition!
Posted by: TheDutyPaid - 07-01-2023, 06:00 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)

HomeTown 10th Anniversary, Best Memory Build Competition! 

We want you to build and all to see your best memory of HomeTown.

Maybe a build you remember and enjoyed, a funny moment in our history or that build you always wanted to remember to build. 

Open to all and open now!!!

Head over to /warp Build pick an area and start building.

Comp will close at midnight server time ( /warp WhatsNew ) on the 15th 

1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes and a box o’ gifts for all who enter.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Lunatixx6700 - 06-30-2023, 06:11 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (5)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTown SMP

Minecraft name: LunarShifts

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Xray

Who banned you: Melaniebeedot

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I was wrongfully exploiting the resource world and I admit my wrongdoing. I shouldn't have even considered using it in the first place, and I'm very sorry for it now.

Why do you want to come back: This is the only SMP server I've played on that I've enjoyed a lot, especially since I'm able to play with my irl friends across java and bedrock. I shouldn't have even downloaded Xray, even if it was for wanting to see through building walls, which was my original intention. If I'm unbanned, I promise to never cheat like I have again.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: SlumStance - 06-25-2023, 10:46 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: SlumStance

Reason for your ban: Grief, Diamond block theft

Who banned you: Illogical

Why should you be unbanned: I have learned from my mistakes and I have grown up since then. (I don't remember exactly when I was banned but I know for certain I have grown and learned.) I believe that I have seriously made a change and my personal experiences recently have helped me learn how to be a better person and a better player. 

Why do you want to come back: I miss the community and the sheer compassion the player base gives, I miss the animals I left behind and the villager in the basement who unfortunately is still in his 1x1. I miss going through the world and seeing all the amazing builds people have created and I miss being apart of said community. What I did was foolish and stupid and I  took this ban as a sign to change the Minecraft player and actual person I am. Thank you for your time.

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Exclamation Ban Appeal
Posted by: Thebabycarrot - 06-25-2023, 09:33 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Reason for your ban: Thief, Grief

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com.

Minecraft name: MRTa2911

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned because I realize that Stealing and Griefing a persons house Is not right. I want to say sorry to the people I did that too I don't remember who But I am very sorry. And even thought this was like a couple months ago it still doesnt mean I have it easy. when I played on this server back then I liked it and I felt like I could get away with anything since I never been on a server that really cared if you grief or steal but that is no excuse I know now that you guys take your server very professionally and I respect that. I just really wanna say sorry for what I have done.

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because even though I do not remember the server so well I remember having a good time just playing the game and just enjoying myself I understand if I can't come back But that will be ok I just really wanna say sorry.
I had a great time i would never ruin it on porpoise.

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Heart Lucky day at Bastion
Posted by: TheReem - 06-24-2023, 02:43 PM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Well, what can i say?

All i wanted was blackstone and gilded stone, but end up finding a couple of Debris. Im Happy!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=740]

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  Ban appeal- JoesMine231
Posted by: JoesMine231 - 06-24-2023, 12:06 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Banned server: smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft username: JoesMine231

Reason for ban:
[Image: HfhvKqhr5AWr8bdfH1XysbAZ4gzt01BjWOMo4jAF...p0BGZrnlfg]

Banned by rayvenz

Why should you be unbanned: I was banned in April 2018 (5 years ago.) At the time of being banned I did not break any rules, months previously I had been banned for disrespect, somewhat rightfully so as I had been rude but not vulgar towards another player who I felt was cheating me. This is not about that small incident. I was banned after politely speaking to a staff member who’s user name was rayvenz about ways in which I thought the rules should be more specific to prevent misuse. Mid conversation, not rant, rayvenz suddenly told me she would ban me if I didn't quit talking about the rules. I immediately quit the discussion. The only thing I wrote after was a polite message telling her I'd leave her alone but asking her to please reconsider her decision not to talk to me about this issue. That is when I was banned. I did not harass her, I did not insult her. Since this incident I was briefly a builder/moderator on one server, and for a more lengthy time an admin on another server. This kind of ban would never fly. Not only am I not guilty of breaking any rules with regard to this ban, but the reason listed is: “banned by rayvenz forever.” I'm guessing this is not your policy as the ban format says to copy the exact thing you see when you try to join the server. As I grow older and wiser I realize the mistakes I have made in the past in general and with regards to what I have done. Though in this particular case I have now recognized rayvenz actions and words for what they were, plain emotional black mail and abuse. I can easily substantiate this claim, but the goal of this appeal is merely to be unbanned not to exact revenge or have rayvenz taken off the staff team or banned. I will only write more on this topic if asked to. 

Why come back after all this time? 
I don't actually plan on coming back to the server in its entirety, Mostly I just want absolution as this gets on my mind every year or so. This issue made me quite sick to my stomach at the time as I had been using hometown as an escape from a busy life to hang out with friends irl and online. I would also like to take some screenshots of my previous builds, if they are still standing. I understand it's likely there has been a reset since. I may play somewhat, just don't know yet and probably shouldn't make plans until and unless I'm unbanned anyhow. It would be nice to be able to say again that I have never been banned without an acquittal. 

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