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How to Vote |
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 05-28-2023, 06:19 AM - Forum: General
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A Simple Guide to Voting
Go to www.hometownmc.com/vote to get to the thread where the voting sites are listed.
You can also get to them by clicking the Home button in the upper right corner of the forums:
![[Image: fuJ6ggm.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/fuJ6ggm.jpg)
Then clicking the Vote button on the right hand side of our main page:
![[Image: cwQlpU3.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/cwQlpU3.jpg)
Which will take you to the page with the vote sites listed, which looks like this:
![[Image: 4XzHmyT.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/4XzHmyT.jpg)
You can then click on each of the 6 numbered blue links to visit each of the 6 voting sites that we use.
The 1st voting site looks like this:
![[Image: RdglVC8.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/RdglVC8.jpg)
Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the blank box, and then click the blue Vote button below.
The 2nd voting site looks like this:
![[Image: t6xdv0i.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/t6xdv0i.jpg)
Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box under Minecraft Username where it says "optional", then click the blue Vote! button below.
The 3rd voting site looks like this:
![[Image: urWl2kp.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/urWl2kp.jpg)
Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box that says "Minecraft Username", no need to check the box for Post a Review if you don't want to, then click the blue Vote! button below.
The 4th voting site looks like this:
![[Image: KZNjzvD.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/KZNjzvD.jpg)
Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box that says "Minecraft playername", then click the green Click to Vote button below.
The 5th voting site looks like this:
![[Image: rKbeY2l.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/rKbeY2l.jpg)
Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box that says "Type your nickname" and make sure the box is checked next to "I agree to MinecraftPocket-Servers.com's Privacy Policy." and that there's a green checkmarked circle with "Success!" for Cloudflare, then click the blue Vote button below.
The 6th voting site looks like this:
![[Image: QrCcunQ.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/QrCcunQ.jpg)
Just checkmark the box next to "I am human" and then type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box that says "minecraft username" then click the green "vote for this server" button below.
And that's about it! If you've done everything correctly, you should have 6 gold nugget "slot tokens", $150, and 384 claimblocks waiting for you on the server! (Pro Tip: make sure you have an empty inventory space beforehand, or you won't get those gold nugget slot tokens!)
Ban appeal |
Posted by: 1block2 - 05-28-2023, 01:41 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (3)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): hometownmc
Minecraft name: Your 1block2/1block3
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Using X-ray. Banned by TheDutyPaid.
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): before I tell you why i should be unbanned i first want to say why i did it. I was x-raying becose i neaded ingame money to buy those nice invisable lamps. and i dident nead 1 or 2 of the lamps but hunderds so this would cost alot o money. at first i just mined normaly for diamonds or used the drill and then poked around to cover more ground and see more blocks or hopefully diamonds. but it became boring an at one point the game itself also became boring becose of no progression becose i was just mining and not bulding anymore. also i started working and not go to scool so i had alot less of time to play so i starter using xray to speed up the progress this ofcourse is not an excuse of using xray but stil i did and should not have. Now the reason why i should be unbanned. I do understand what i did was bad and i wont do it agan becose i donkey nevver hits his head twice on the same rock. i also think i was a great member in the comunety and peaple knew me from my bulds just like the big house that i was bulding. so i think i deserve a second chance to keep bulding and to have fun with the other peaple that r on the server.
Why do you want to come back: i want to come back becose after the ban i just took a break from the game itself and ofcourse the server. the game minecraft had always been a game where i just come back to and sometimes take long breaks from. i also wanna come back to talk to the peaple that r on the server and to contineu my quest to make all the blocks in minecraft but then big. and also all the animals. this wil take a long long time but was a thing that i enjoyed doing.
Ban Appeal |
Posted by: tyepie1807 - 05-22-2023, 09:21 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (5)
Ban Appeal-
21th May 2023
Server you were banned on: HomeTownSMP
Minecraft name: Tyepie
Reason for your ban: Xray/Grief of claimed or named warps
Who banned you: Nether_Ruler
Why should you be unbanned: It was only recently after being asked back by a good friend to help with a project that I even remembered I was banned. It has been almost two years and over that time span I have grown and learned not just from this mistake but just on how to be a better person in general. I understand what I did not only made the game a nightmare for some players as the griefing must’ve been a pain to clean up. I also understand the massive consequences xraying can have as injecting that many resources into the economy can ruin the experience for players who mine their resources legitimately.
Why do you want to come back: I’ve been asked back by a friend to help on a seriously big project, I was a player who ran a small town, had an official warp, and a player who prior to cheating had contributed to the server. I simply wish to continue contributing to the server, and to make amends for my mistakes. I believe I have become a better person who has grown and learned. I also believe that I have had sufficient time to think about my mistakes. So with everything in mind I would like to kindly ask the staff of HomeTown SMP to repeal my ban.
Thank you for your time,
You guys rock |
Posted by: sarahlasvegas - 05-15-2023, 11:15 PM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (3)
Hi, I don't think I've ever formally introduced myself. I've played on this server for maybe a couple of years (or more? I don't really remember). Something cool happened today, so I thought this would be a good time to say hi.
My name is Sarah, I'm in my 30s. I'm married and have a six year old who sometimes plays with me in creative mode. I personally have been playing Minecraft since 2013. Last time I actively was on was 2022. Then work and life got busy, and I stayed off.
Last Thursday, I found out I was pregnant. Over the weekend I miscarried. Everything moved so fast, and even though I'm more or less fine, I was (and still am) a bit bummed.
So during this weekend, I thought I would get back into playing Minecraft. My husband rebought the game for me as a Mother's Day present the week before, and playing is such a fun and relaxing activity. I made a new user name since the old one didn't seem to work anymore.
This morning I was playing under the new user name, and I got to talking about some of the regulations of the server with melaneedeebot (I hope I spelled that right). I shared my old name and melanee found all my old stuff and restored it to me!
Man, that really brightened my day. Probably seemed like a small deal, but this weekend was pretty emotional. It really lifted my spirits.
So thank you. Thanks for keeping this server going and thanks to melaneedeebot for finding all my old stuff.
My old user name was sarahlasvegas
It's wilkinsonhorn now. Come by and say hi sometime!
Posted by: Nether_Ruler - 05-10-2023, 08:17 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (7)
Hey everyone!
Due to his wanting a clean slate, Elsio is giving away all his warps, and due to his current status on the server, I will be overseeing it.
These will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please either comment your name below (along with which farm you want) or PM me/mail me/talk to me in-game or on Discord. Due to the fact that there are only 7 warps available, each player will be allowed to claim ONE warp. There are no restrictions on what you do with the warp once you claim it (for instance: paid farms do not need to remain paid farms, nor do they necessarily need to remain public farms). Please be patient in receiving the warp. I will unlock everything for you when I get the chance to do so and I will mail you when it is done.
There is also no fee for taking these warps!
(For those who are wondering why we are giving away warps from a player banned for cheating in items - all of these warps were built before his promotion to Mod)
Anyways, here are the warps:
ElFarms (a variety of farms that lead into a central collection area) - TheDutyPaid
ElGuardian (paid guardian farm) - .IamNotDamian
ElGun (paid creeper farm) - ThatOneWolfe
ElRaid (raid farm) - The_Great_Catsby
ElTrade (villager trading hall (villagers are not labeled)) - .Lightsquid35112
ElWart (unfinished, not sure what exactly this is supposed to be, but I believe it is a nether tree farm) - EssayJinx
ElWitch (witch farm) - Reaper_DN
ElWither (does not function, but it is supposed to be a wither skeleton farm. Note from Ben: if you drop the kill platform down a few blocks the farm should work) - .ExponentGolf695
Appealing for a unban |
Posted by: Chery209146 - 05-10-2023, 06:18 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
Hello , im appealing for a unban , I understand what I did was wrong and I know I cheated , xray and stole but honestly it’s because im shi* at the whole smp thing, I just wanted to play on a server what seemed good and I messed by doing what I did. I’m deeply sorry and I know how much I messed up. I hope you can forgive me and unban me so I can play properly on your amazing server.
I’m sorry for xraying and stealing , I know it’s unacceptable of me to do so.
LyingStar was the one who banned me
Chery209146 is my Mc Name
Poll: Should we reset the map for 1.20? |
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 05-04-2023, 02:21 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (5)
Don't panic... This is just a poll for your opinions.
Lately we have been receiving some feedback from you, the players, talking about how the current server has become a bit--- saturated, and not just a space issue. All the farms have been built, longer-time players have already done/built everything they can, and most concerningly, the economy balance is way out of whack. More and more players are suggesting/asking if we will be doing a reset any time soon so everyone can start fresh. So, we want to know where everyone stands on this idea.
Should we reset the server for the coming 1.20 update? - This means a brand new map, no builds or items or money will be transferred over. The only things you'll keep are your votes and your voting/VIP ranks.
**We will still be updating to 1.20 either way, and would do an expansion of New World instead if we didn't do a reset.
Yes, let's all start over fresh!
No, let's keep map and expand instead.