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X Ray Usage |
Posted by: bap - 05-11-2016, 12:11 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals
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b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] smp.hometownmc.com
Minecraft name: ibudsc
Reason for your ban: My use of the X Ray texture pack.
Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe
Why should you be unbanned: Although my usage of the X Ray texture pack and breaking the rules is a very good reason to not unbanned me, I do want to apologize. I was merely curious how the texture pack worked, and got greedy for I had a stack and 11 diamond ores already in my inventory in under 20 minutes. I'd like to support this server, even if I hadn't been the longest player to have played on it, but my curiosity and greed had contradicted my wishes. I'd try to promote the server maybe, to get more people on. I already suggested this server to six of my friends, whom are enjoying it very much. Of course I cannot support the server by breaking the rules, so I will never break any more rules ever again.
Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because the community is very nice and friendly. Of course using X Ray isn't a very nice thing to do, for I apologize for that, but I do want to redeem myself of my greediness. Of course from my cheating, I cannot live up to what other people do in the server, but I do enjoy how the community helps each other out, and would like to be apart of that again.
I will understand if you deny this appeal and or that I need to add more things to my appeal.
Multiverse: Skyblock |
Posted by: andreasdb39 - 05-10-2016, 07:28 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (12)
Hey, so recently I had this idea: Why doesn't HT have a skyblock world?
Now instead of like making another server for it, why not use the multiverse, like we already use for Resource- and creativeworld? I think that some of the other HT servers failed, is becasue alot of the poeple didn't know about it, only a few ever came on, say the pixelmon one. Bykeeping it on the same "base-server" alot of people would actually play on it.
I know many people actually like playing on skyblock, and maybe with the grwoing community on HT alot of people might like this too. Plus, it would be a nice change from yournormal overworld view, that everyone knows on HT.
A couple of plugins would also be usefull for this:
- Like one of the plugins that spawns ores, instad of cobble in cobblegenerators
- achievemnts?
- ...
What do you think?
Now Hiring! |
Posted by: Thorsassin - 05-10-2016, 07:05 PM - Forum: Trading
- Replies (10)
Update - Still looking for slaves, i mean workers as of 26/06/16
I'm looking for a woodcutter. You'll be using my auto farm to plant saplings and then cutting the logs outside. It's nearly instant replant sapling after sapling, no need to worry about bonemeal either. Just spend 5+ mins standing in a spot placing saplings, it's that simple. Once you have planted 1.5 - 2 stacks of saplings you then go outside and chop the logs, and repeat.
Payment will be $32.40 per double chest. I don't have a limit to how many chests i want, so you could make $500-$1000 if you really wanted to.
- You'll also get free access to all the farms at /warp info. If you already have access, i'll refund you what you payed.
- You'll get free loot from some of my other farms, such as, iron, sea lanterns, ink sacks.
- I'll give you some bonuses now and then when i pay you for the chests. Like free diamond ore, blocks and stuff along with the direct payment of cash.
- Free Diamond axe with max enchantments.
- Access to the farm itself. This is a private farm with no access being sold.
(min 5 double chests before getting non cash payments)
There is a beacon with Haste II outside. So along with the free diamond god axe it's very fast cutting the logs.
Oak and Birch are the only saplings you can use. Saplings will also be provided, you'll have to go in/under/around the redstone powering the machine however to collect the new saplings that drop when the farm works, as the 1.8/1.9 loot stacking together have bugged it up a little so it does not go into the hoppers all the time. There will also be apples as well, just put those into the chest.
I'll show you in game how to use it, and if it breaks (if you don't watch how much logs are outside) i'll show you how to fix it.
Lastly, clear the new logs you just made before finishing. If you don't clear the new logs then the next worker will basically take over ownership of those new logs. This saves on hassle of who made what.
How to apply.
1. Enter your In game name below.
2. Only active players may apply. At least 2+ hours of play time most days. If your on the server stats
(http://hometownmc.enjin.com/serverstats) you'll be accepted without a doubt.
3. Most important. I only want players who will stick to it. At min, 5 double chests of logs. If you do not have the time, or get bored very easy then please don't apply and waste both our time. I often have players who want a job, and 1 hour later gets bored and goes awol. You can make steady money if you put the time in, very simple 
You can work on-off whenever you want to, but you must get at min 5 double chests after 1 week. If you wish to quit after that, then by all means.
I will accept more than 1 worker and if someone quits i may message you in game at a later point to ask if your still interested.
- Geno/Thor
paper 1.9.2 |
Posted by: itsynibbles - 05-10-2016, 06:56 PM - Forum: Report a Problem
- Replies (4)
I am unable to log in because paper 1.9.2?
says server is outdated. was fine a couple of hours ago for me.
[edit] downgraded to 1.9.2 from 1.9.4 and i was able to connect. i have been able to connect and play using 1.9.4 since it was available so i find this odd. can anyone shed light?
Silk Touch Plugin |
Posted by: JO11Y1ND1AN - 05-10-2016, 10:57 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
I was wondering if the "silk spawner" plugin could be allowed on HomeTown, as i tend to find many dungeons but end up just destroying them because i cant afford to buy warps. Could this plugin be added to the list of "allowed" plugins, if there is such a list?
Ban Appeal -- X-ray usage. |
Posted by: Sintact - 05-10-2016, 06:51 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (3)
Server you were banned on (SMP): smp.hometownmc.com
Minecraft name: Sintact.
Reason for your ban: I was caught using an x-ray mod/resource pack.
Who banned you: Vilneas.
Why should you be unbanned: First and formost, yes, I did use an x-ray resource pack, seeing as there's really no use in piling a bunch of excuses and apologies in this appeal. This was truly my first time using any type of OP beneficial mod or resource pack on Minecraft and at the time I didn't realise that when it comes to playing fair, the staff don't play around.
In my honest opinion I really did just bypass the server's rules by using an x-ray mod which does deserve punishment. Though I didn't admit to it when I was confronted, I knew right then and there that I had been caught out even though I acted like a pride-filled "I'm innocent" kind of person at the time.
Hometown is a very friendly, tightknit community. And I can tell you guys really do care about being fair when it comes to cheating. X-ray was always a curiousity to me and it was a huge mistake to have used it on a server such as yours. Bypassing the rules is one thing, but going through with cheating was an extremely dumb decision of mine. Nothing I can write in this appeal can really excuse my behaviour on the server.
Why do you want to come back: When I first joined the server, I was welcomed with open arms. "Welcome Sintact!" was the first thing I read. When I bought my VIP1 rank, I was immedietly helped out with how to colourise my nickname as soon as I asked for someone to help me out. Hometown is full of extremely friendly people, helpful and caring people and I don't see that on a lot of the other servers I've played on.
Seeing as I bought a rank (which gives me no exceptions whatsoever), I really do want to become a frequent player on the server. Seeing as I cheated I really did ruin my chances of becoming a member of the community. It never occurred to me during my time on the server that everyone around me were working long and hard to achieve the things they had. Their towns, their projects, all done through hard work. Meanwhile I was cheating my way through all that hard work.
As I said before, nothing I write can really truly excuse my behavior but I do really apologize for taking a side-step to the rules and then going as far as going against everything rules said not to do to keep all fairness within the game.
Sincerely, Adriana AKA Sintact.
Ban Appeal #2 |
Posted by: kittypower3 - 05-09-2016, 04:29 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
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Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown
Minecraft name: My minecraft username is kittypower3.
Reason for your ban: Grief/ Theft
Who banned you: KatNip (TheOnlyKat)
Why should you be unbanned: I ended up on the outside of a shop, some parts broken, some parts of buildings, and I saw abondoned beacons, as of what I thought. I know exactly where all 5 beacons are and I promise to return them, no hesitations. I am truly sorry to you and Thorassin and I regret everything I have done.
Why do you want to come back: Ever since my last favorite server got shut down, (Agartha), I've been needing to find a new server. When I found Hometown, I was the happiest girl in the world. It was like Agartha, but better! It had more people on it, more variety of things to do, and not having to worry about getting killed by another player. I ended up making awesome friends, Kitticorn20, victorias21, & tons of others, that i never knew i could make. I am sorry for what I have done and I truly hope you will bring me back to the server. Thanks for your time. -kittypower3-
Ban appeal |
Posted by: DMMP16 - 05-09-2016, 04:11 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown
Minecraft name: DMMP16
Reason for your ban: Grief
Who banned you: Rowebot
Why should you be unbanned: I must be completely honest. My friend and I were just messing around the world. I am completely unaware of what we, or me in this case, did grief. We went through many places that without noticing I could've accidentally destroyed a persons creation. I am truly sorry for what I have done damage to. I am not a person who likes to destroy the works of others and I would have never done it on purpose
Why do you want to come back: I enjoy the server a lot. Its a great community as well with no PvP and no griefing. Yes that might sound very hypocritical but I will promise to not destroy the creations of others. unless given permission to. The staff on the server are very kind and willing to help when asked and I really do enjoy servers like that