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Ban Appeal
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Yesterday, 02:27 PM
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ban appeal and apologize
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
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Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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03-14-2025, 12:39 AM
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WorldEdit Request Thread
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03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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Ban appeal
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Last Post: Nether_Ruler
03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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03-12-2025, 04:44 PM
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A problem I'm having
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03-09-2025, 02:53 AM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-08-2025, 06:12 PM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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Leaving the server |
Posted by: Wrexial33 - 04-03-2016, 02:50 AM - Forum: Off Topic
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Later tonight and tomorrow will be my last times logging onto the server, if I owe you something or have something you want, ask me at those times.
/warp Nitros |
Posted by: Nitro - 04-03-2016, 12:44 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (3)
/warp Nitros has gotten an upgrade!
Now there is a horse stable (WIP) a enchantment service, a repair service and a enchanted book service!
My One year anniversary! |
Posted by: TheOnlyKat - 04-02-2016, 06:10 AM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (23)
Hello! Today is my first ever year of being apart of one of the most wonderful and caring servers I have ever been on. I am thankful for multiple things and thankful to multiple people (There is quite a lot, so you might want to just look for you name) Not in any specific order here we are:
Sox & Seb: Ever since I have joined Minecraft as a whole you two and I always spoke, after troubles on our old server, you took me here. I couldn't imagine any place better than here. I am really thankful for you two showing me this place. You two are wonderful and amazing people and I always love talking to you. <333
Brock:You are the whole reason I am on HomeTown today. You had shown Sox and Seb this server which is how they got me to play. I hope to see you sometime soon back on the server. You are someone who I am glad to have spoken you. I am really thankful for showing us all to HomeTown.
Spart:Spart. Ever since the beginning of HomeTown I have always called you my brother. No matter what you have always been there for me and make me smile. I know that you haven't been on much and that's really annoying. But I just want you to know that I am glad to have you in my life and I always enjoyed our calls.
Chickne:You have always spoken to me, and a great companion. You are one of the most kind and sweetest people I have ever met online. I really enjoy seeing you on the server. Even though we don't have much time to talk and stuff, we always get to catch up with each other. You are a wonderful bed and don't forget that. I luff v much. Never forget that I'm always here to chat :3
Wolfie:Ever since I joined and met you, you have always been a funny gal to chat with. You are always great fun to chat with and are always fussy over your nutella I'm glad that I met you and had so much fun with you on the server.
Andu:Andu. Ever since we have spoken I have always enjoyed speaking to you. You have never let me down when playing SG and such. You are such a fun guy and I always love talking with you. I am glad that we met because you always make me laugh and smile. We share similar likes in music and I'm glad I know someone who does.
Pengu:When we first met, you always confused me with what gender you actually are. I always thought you were a girl until you first spoke to me. After a few months of being on HomeTown we started to talk a lot with each other. I really enjoy your nerdy company and like too.
Kiro:At first you and I thought that we both hated each other. Until we actually spoke to each other. The first time we spoke to each other I think we were trying to not think that the other person “hated” us. After then we have always had great fun, laughing and joking around. We always talk to the staff in PM and they usually always reply. I love talking to you and glad to have you as a friend. Even though your puns give me physical pain <3
Uri:Uri. I know that you have left the server and all. But back to the times you used to play was always such a joy. I always loved talking to you and really enjoyed talking with you. It makes me happy to see you on the server when you're only just popping in. I hope to see you sometime soon <33.
Veo: Ayy Peter! I'm glad to know you mate. Your banter is so funny at times I don't even know. You sometimes randomly message me the craziest of things and they always make me laugh. I'm glad that I can talk to you and you are one of the most kindest people I know.
Marcos: Marcooooossss sirrrr Hello friend! I'm am really happy that I met you as you are one of the most sweetest and lovely people there is that I know. You are always so upbeat and someone who I really enjoy talking to.
Zo & Jo: You two are probably the first people I spoke to on HomeTown (That hadn't shown me the server) and I think that you guys are such amazing people. I have always loved seeing you guys online with a positive attitude. I love you two!
Ara:I know that we rarely get to talk much, however when we do we always make each other laugh. I always love chatting with you and getting to relax. You have such a chilled out personality and I think that, that is what makes you such a wonderful person to talk with.
Ash:When we first played OITC, I couldnt stop giggling. I was so nervous and shy all I did was giggle. You are one of the people who have got me to be who I am today. Every time I get to play OITC with you I always remember that one time I won and you were raging. I'm glad to know you and get to talk with you.
DeeK:Yo nerd.Ever since talking to you have always found weird ways to make others laugh. No matter what. You are such a nice person to talk with and watch play things like Outlast. I still can't believe how much you laughed at the “I'M FUCKING OUTRAGED” post. Its the most I think I will ever hear you laugh. Nej dig.
Grimm:Grimm, ever since we have spoken I don't think I am that “scared” of you now. You are a really nice guy to talk with and the best [BADMIN] I know. You can always make me laugh and know how to make me dIE when on the server.
Guy:Guy. When we first stared talking it was always fun. You're such a nice person to chat with and you say some quite funny things. You're always so positive and happy and I like that. I'm glad to know you.
Lex:LeX bBbbB you nerd. I remember the first time you had played the song “HonkyTonkBadonkADonk” and you giggled soooo much to it. However when I said it I think I might of killed you. As well as the time I said “Double Bitch Hole” I dont think I have met a nerd that is so meme like. You are always so much fun when we talk to each other and I lov you very much!
Maddie:Maddie, I know for a fact that you are one of the most nicest girls I know. I have known you for quite some time. Back when the outlets had first come out. I'm glad that I get to talk to you and watch you play sims and fuck shit up with any mods you install onto it. Don't for get that you're not a “Double Bitch Hole”.
Vil:Ever since I have joined there has always been a few jokes that you and I both share. From the very start, you had always told me to get optifine, and I never did. Until one day I had logged on and finally downloaded it. I never realised how much it really does help. As well as when you joined you would always say Heyo and I would always tell you it was Mayo.
Star:Star. Ever since I have known you, you have always been such a great help to me. You taught me how to do most of the staff things and I'm thankful for that. I'm glad that I met you and I still can't believe how much you laughed at the “I'M FUCKING OUTRAGED” thing. As well as your reaction to my blue eyes.
Turbo & Rachel:Ever since meeting you two, you have both always made me laugh and smile with the jokes you have had in the past, that are still funny to this day. I don't think that I have found two unique people like you ever. I love talking to you both and listening to the tales you share.
Sarah:SaRAh. I don't think I have ever met someone who is so confident and bubbly as you. You always make me laugh and smile. You come up with some of the most craziest stuff. You always share some really interesting stories. You are always there to talk to and I always enjoy talking to you. I always enjoy when we both sing parts of songs together and laughing at things we did as small beans. I lOve yoU bEaN!
Thank you to everyone else who I didn't mention but who did take part in my journey throughout the past year. I can't believe its been a whole year! Thank you guys so, so much. I really can't say how much I love you all. But I guess all I can say now is Cheers! To the new year to come!
-Kat <333333333333
Render distance increase |
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 04-01-2016, 11:01 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
Lots of my things, including crop farms or mob farms, or just auto brewers and furnaces in my base, do not work under the current 5 render distance. I heard that it will increase after 1.9.1 update and it has not happened. I have gone without my iron, gold, guardian farms for a long time now, please increase the render distance to 7 or 8 please.
The Attacks Of 4/1 |
Posted by: Nether_Ruler - 04-01-2016, 10:31 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (3)
This morning something very tragic happened.The Attacks of 4/1. Tens of poor chickens, rabbits, cows and pigs died this morning in the hands of hamstergirl07 and creepercreep48(the number might not be exact for the creeper guy) Also, 9 blocks of iron and 5 rows of wheat and 1 row of sugarcane were stolen. These transgressions were dealt with by [Expert] Wiseman, [Expert] Thorsassin, [Veteran] Veo_,
[VIP3] Nether_Ruler, and the person who banned them [Enforcer] Kat (sorry if I left anyone's name out :/ these were the people who mainly helped
Here's the story to all who want to hear (read)
Yesterday hamstergirl07 had killed my skeleton horse Named Dawn after she bought a house from me at my sky island (/warp rulerville). I decided to let this go after Kat was joking about it. Anyway, this morning I was raising money to buy a beacon. I obtained the $5 I needed to buy it and I did ( /warp emporium thank you so much <3 ) I asked if anybody had iron and an anonymous player gave me them (can't remember the name :/ not important anyway) I made them into blocks and Creeper asked to tpa to me. I accepted and he wandered around Rulerville while I finished building the base for the beacon. After I finished building it and places the iron in it to power it, I noticed creeper and hamster getting into a fight. She started getting pissed at me for something he did and told me to make him apologize. I didn't respond and she started to tear down the beacon. I got the beacon part but she got the iron. I then started "screaming" at her and Wise and Veo tpa'ed over. He began to take screenshots and Thor also came over, tell her to stop and leave. Guess what? She didn't. By my command a Zombie Pigman came out of my Nether Portal and hamster saw it. She attacked it and it started chasing her. Wise trapped her in between two of the houses and the pigman killed her. She still didn't learn her lesson and she /home'ed back. Wise and the others were trying to ask her (still politely) to stop but she wouldn't. Then she and Creeper started killing all of my mobs (the attacks) after about 10 seconds they were all gone. I have over 30 mobs in total most of them being bunny's. They then broke out of the animal pen and started griefing my farm. Hamster then either suicided or fell of the warp. She then /home´ed back again and began to leave the house. Wise began to spam build and tried to trap her within the spam build. He finally succeeded and he placed a pstone. Wise added me to the pstone and while hamster was typing some of her hurtful words (¨Fuck You Nether!¨, ¨-Slaps Nether in the face-¨) I trapped her in a cobblestone ¨wall¨ She then /home´ed again and Wise blocked the Doors. placing a pstone and trapping her. Veo then began to question me and I told him everything that hamster and creeper broke. Kat then came on minechat while she was waiting for her computer. After she got on PC she Jailed them, questioned them, then banned them both. She then Rolled back the area and I gave her the beacon I picked up because she also rolled that back.
Well that´s it for whoever wanted to know. I am building a shrine for all the animals and I am asking an admin (or mod) to re-spawn the animals. I only want 2 of each as I don´t know exactly how many I had. I am asking for 2 pigs, 2 cows, and 2 rabbits. Please go to /warp rulerville and go to the right and find the animal pens. Place the 2 animals in each pen (same animal). Also, you should so chickens wandering around the warp. If there aren't 2 place 2 please. I used to have around 10 but I'm not sure
Giving away Elytra Lottery |
Posted by: Thorsassin - 04-01-2016, 01:49 PM - Forum: General
- Replies (36)
I have not done a lottery in a while, so i'll be giving away the Elytra i have! Just enter your IGN below to enter. After 3 days i will enter all names into a random generator.
I will enter your names here > http://wheeldecide.com/ When the wheel stops that person is the winner. I'll make a video of me spinning the wheel.
Good luck to all taking part!