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Ban Appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: lbbear054
Yesterday, 02:27 PM
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ban appeal and apologize
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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03-14-2025, 12:39 AM
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03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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Ban appeal
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03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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03-12-2025, 04:44 PM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-08-2025, 06:12 PM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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  Monthly Top Voter
Posted by: frost - 04-01-2016, 05:16 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (28)

Just in case you didn't know, we have still been doing this, I just haven't been posting the winners.

Prizes are VIP2 or $1250

March: thatchicken1 was the top voter receiving $1250

April: Thorsassin was the top voter receiving $1250

May: Thorsassin was the top voter receiving $1250

June: Thorsassin was the top voter receiving $1250

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  Ban Apeal
Posted by: EnderSeaTurtle - 03-31-2016, 03:07 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (7)

Server you were banned on (SMP): HomeTown MC

Minecraft name: EnderSeaTurtle

Reason for your ban: Grief

Who banned you: lexsux

Why should you be unbanned: Because I was banned a year ago and just got unbanned I swore never to grief again and then I was banned whilst cutting a tree for no reason.

Why do you want to come back: HomeTown is the only reason I played Minecraft

Check my other post for the full story

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  Banned!!!!!!!! Again!!!!!!!! for what?
Posted by: EnderSeaTurtle - 03-31-2016, 01:24 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Hello people reading this,
As you may know from the title I am banned, but this time I had less time to play. September last year I was playing with my friend and go a little bit cheeky and may have greifed. I appealed and did everything i could but I couldn't get back on. Cut to now march 2016, 6 months later I stoped playing minecraft because without hometown I couldn't find a point I tried looking for another server but it was hopeless. I had nothing to do so I decided to play some minecraft, And I was unbanned i was so happy and I swore not to grief ever again. I was telling this very story I am telling you now to the chat when BAM! Banned from this server by lexsux reason grief. GRIEF!!!!!! What I didn't do anything this time I admit I did break blocks last time but greif this time I did nothing. Please don't ban me again I was this close to calling my friends to tell them to hop on to play. And if you are going to keep me banned fine but i want to know what for.

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  My Ban Appeal
Posted by: UnstablePanda_ - 03-31-2016, 06:25 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Server you were banned on (SMP): I was banned on the SMP server

Minecraft name: UnstbalePanda_

Reason for your ban: Building on another person's land claim and near their builds

Who banned you: Rowebot

Why should you be unbanned: I know that what I did was wrong. After building a wooden tower on mabelmselke's claimed land area, I saw mabelmelske saying that somebody (I) had built on their land claim. I then warped back to their town and sprinted to the area that I had built on intending to take it down and apologize for what I did. I then saw that it was destroyed by admins that had already gotten there. They told me that i was, and I quote, "being a dick". Which I was, I was not being kind or considerate of mabelmselke's property and land claim. I apologized and swore that it would not happen again. I apologized to mabelmselke and he forgave me and said it was okay. Believing that all was well, I logged off early because I had school early the next day. I logged on the next day in the afternoon, and discovered that I had been banned by Rowebot for "being a dick". Even after apologizing to mabelmselke, and telling Rowebot that I swore nothing of the sort would happen again, i logged off. I am confused and saddened to know that I was banned from this server, and I would like to be able to come back and play and enjoy playing and working together with other people from all over the world. that is why I would be overjoyed if this ban appeal were approved.

Why do you want to come back: I would like to come back because I play on this server almost everyday, whenever I can get a chance to log on and play. I have made multiple friends on this server an have also invited a few of my own friends to this server, and I wish to work together and cooperate with them again. I enjoy this server a lot, I had just recently been accepted to become a builder for a large town on this server, moderntown, which is owned by mumsan19 (Lilian) and co-owned by HorseSonya. I had even planned on donating $30.00 to this server and purchasing VIP2 because of how much I enjoy this server. I love the community an [font=\\Exo 2\\, sans-serif]activity[/font] on this server more than I have on any other. I have never seen an SMP server with this many members with such a close-knit community. I love this server and playing on it. This is why I would be extremely happy and overjoyed if this ban appeal were accepted and I would be able to play with the friends I have made on this server again.

                                           Sincerely, UnstablePanda_

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Posted by: Nitro - 03-31-2016, 02:55 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (1)

Looking to buy bookshelves Tongue

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  Server Outdated?
Posted by: Judyspag - 03-31-2016, 12:03 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (3)

I can't get on the server.  I was just on last night and now it says that the server is outdated. 

The dialogue box says

Failure to Connect to Server
Outdated Server.  I'm still on 1.9

On the server list it says Paper 1.9 with a red X.

I am running this on Mac OS X.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks, Kelly

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  Introduce Yourself!
Posted by: Presto_chan - 03-30-2016, 11:45 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (10)

Hey guys!

I didn't find an introduction thread, so I decided to start one myself Smile  If there is one, please let me know.

Let me start with myself! I started on the server two days ago, and have been pretty quiet because I've been building. My only online game experience is from FFXIV, which I played for a year and a half. I decided to join a Minecraft server because I was tired of playing solo, since most of my real life friends are busy.

I'm a Canadian and currently trying to get my diploma for Esthetics. My favourite kind of games are cooperative or at your own pace games, such as Journey. I do not enjoy PvP or time limited games. I love making friends, and will hopefully be able to be more active soon in the game chat. I love helping people, and will gladly lend a hand.

My house is in /warp roostertown.


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  I'm back temporarily
Posted by: Lavakitten - 03-30-2016, 03:21 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (6)

So I've disappeared due to a large amount of assessments lately, but I will be temporarily back till Tuesday 5 April as Veo_ is coming to visit till the 7th.  Tongue
After that I will be on much less often as exams are starting soon and I need to study, I will try come online and stock my shop at /warp market every so often and see people but for now, I'll try spend as much time as I can on HomeTown for the week  Big Grin

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  /Warp Portland
Posted by: Donkey - 03-30-2016, 11:25 AM - Forum: Build Showcase - Replies (6)

Hey Hometown Family :Smile just wanted to show you all my town, it is /warp PortLand so come stop by. I am selling markets and houses there also if your looking for any of that. All I wanted to say thanks for reading Smile (The Town is a WIP)

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  $1200 IGM for VIP2?
Posted by: nikkisunshiiine - 03-30-2016, 10:33 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (3)

Hey guys I really want VIP2 for this server [Image: smile.png]

So I have $1200 in game money for someone who would pay for my VIP2 and don't worry I can't scam because [Admin} Vil will be a middle person and hold the money for you. 

(price rate is from hometown shop http://hometownmc.enjin.com/shop)

Real life $10 = $350
Real life $20 = $800
$350+$800 = 1150 but I will pay you $1200

If you are interested pm me please

Thank you for reading  [Image: heart.png]

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