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  ban appeal
Posted by: alex120103 - 03-15-2016, 06:35 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on: Smp hometown
Minecraft name: alex120103
Reason for your ban: ban for inappropriate language.
Who banned you: Star
Why should you be unbanned: I think what i did was wrong and disrespectful. i am deeply sorry to anyone who had to wittiness that atrocity,Although it was a horrible joke i was just kidding around with a friend i invited to the server His name is volzide I know him in real life. I also didn't say the word i only said the beginning and stared the rest out so it wasn't the actual word
Why do you want to come back: I wanna come back because i feel this server is apart of my life. It has a great community great people. It would also deeply sadden me to lose this community for it being  a no pvp no grief server and not many servers enforce those rules. I would also lose the friends i made on the server and the real life friends i invited we would need to find a new server. Anyways thanks whoever is reading this hopefully we can meet again. Again i am deeply sorry and apologize for the mistakes i made in the past but everyone is human right.

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  Unable to name withers
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 03-15-2016, 05:25 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

I am sure I applied my name tags onto my wither at warp jelly, but the name did not carry over to the top of the health bar. It still says Wither, not JELLY or whatever I named it. I looked at the 1.9 update and there is nothing suggesting a change on that end. So is this a bug?

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  Ban Itz_Keiran
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 03-15-2016, 05:04 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (2)

The photos should say enough
Spam and lots of bad words

It is still on-going the time i posted this, and more bad stuff was said

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Un-rightfully banned.
Posted by: aberuncatoring - 03-14-2016, 08:25 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP): SMP

Minecraft name: Aberuncatoring

Reason for your ban: "Using X-ray"

Who banned you: Star

Why should you be unbanned: Well as the title states, I was un-rightfully banned. I was just going on a mining trip (Strip mining.) And I luckily come across a lot of diamond's. So I mine these diamonds with my fortune 3 pickaxe, I end up with 3 stacks of diamonds! (A lot I know.) Then I decide to sell a couple stacks of diamond's me and my community have mined up so we get more income going through our little town. (/warp occidere) Then apparentally I was using X-ray to find the diamonds according to Star. After this I was IP banned.

Why do you want to come back: Well I want to keep playing this server. I love this server, I have just started creating a town with a few friend's and would like to continue doing this. And all this because of a staff member's mistakes.

It's also not fair a staff member taking the town's tools. We worked hard for them.

Kind reguards, George (aberuncatoring)

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Posted by: Meowcat213 - 03-14-2016, 03:25 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (8)

Server you were banned on (SMP): hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: meowcat213

Reason for your ban: Grief

Who banned you:I dont known, I wasnt in the server at the time

Why should you be unbanned: I know it was wrong to break a huge rule in the server, and it was  wrong of me to do. I will never in my life do it again an I promise. If I do it I will report myself for doing it until I have learned my lesson. At the time Ii wasn't thinking of the consequences and I wasnt being honest, next time I do it I will leave the server after I get banned or warned once again for safety measures.

Why do you want to come back: I absolutely love this server, everyone in here is very kind and its fun to meet people just like you, its also nice to look around at the small towns made in the server, and possibly joining some. Its also nice to go around and do the same old survival things but it being so much more safer. I greatly regretted the decisions I made and promise never to do them again. It mind sound cheesy saying all of that but please know that I will keep my word, I understand if you dont want to unban me. Have a good day.

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  Current End Cleanup
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 03-13-2016, 05:47 PM - Forum: General - Replies (9)

Every corner, every empty space, there is an end farm within 100 blocks, there is nowhere to build, and they all interfere with farms beside them. There are sooo many abandoned farms, farms belonging to banned players, farms unfinished, farms just started, farms that doesn't even work in 1.9. They are all there. Please for mine, and many other player's sake, clean up the end for us. If the player is banned, remove their farms. If the player is inactive for 1 year, remove their farms. If the end farm has huge amount of pulsing pistons, which i found a lot of, remove it. I am trying to build a second end farm due to popularity and it is impossible to find a place. I am sure this request has gone unfulfilled for a long time and an end clean-up is long overdue. So please, I beg the server admins, have some initiative. Thank you.

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Sad Ban Appeal
Posted by: tech4all - 03-13-2016, 01:03 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)


Server you were banned on (SMP): hometown mc
Minecraft name: tech4all00
Reason for your ban: grief
Who banned you: Rowebot
Why should you be unbanned: I do not know what I did. My English is not very good , maybe I did not read a sign? I did not destroy anything.
Why do you want to come back: I like hometown mc . I like the gaming principle an d the no-grief policy.

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  Ban appeal for Scottknightwsp
Posted by: scottknightwsp - 03-13-2016, 10:02 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - No Replies

Server you were banned on: Hometown SMP Server

Minecraft name: Scottknightwsp

Reason for your ban: X-Raying Diamonds

Who banned you: Grimme_Wolfe

Why should you be unbanned:

Hey Grimme/admins, obviously writing this post makes me feel like a total idiot, but I figured I'd do my best to make up for something stupid I did around a year ago. I'd like to start off by making it known that I truly regret my actions, and understand that certain things on this server are not allowed, and some of those things are held at a higher level. But of course, being as immature as I was a year ago, I decided to test my luck X-Raying, pretty much the worst of them all, and hoping to not get caught, even though I had seen how it had faired for other people in different ban appeals I read. I'm honestly not sure what made me do it, maybe it was immaturity,  as I'm not the kind of person known to do things that break rules, but figured that this was a great idea. I understand what I did and get that it was wrong, and don't want myself to be known as one of those people who were stupid enough to try to do this, but instead want to become someone in the community people respect, and I truly miss the hours I've spent on this server. If there's one thing that I believe led to me X-raying, it was more than likely immaturity, as stated above. Although you can only mature so much over the course of a year, I've come to respect authority figures much more, especially with all the anti-authority protests and state of mind in the western world. I can now understand how being an admin on a server like this can be difficult, because although you can be a respected and loved part of a community like this, you can also be known as someone who is disliked simply because you do your job. To close, and come back to my original statement, I'd like to be unbanned because I realize the error of my ways and attribute it to both my stupidity and immaturity.

Why do you want to come back: I would like to come back as I think I can become a part of the community again. Almost how a prisoner is reintegrated into society, I'd like to become a functioning part of the Hometown Community again. And with this text post, I also vow to not break a single HT rule again for as long as I'm on this server, and if unbanned, I ask that you one day permanently ban me if I have broken a rule to the slightest extent. Another reason and the final reason I hope to present, is that I'd like to come back and one day, despite my tarnished record, become an Admin on this server, as I now can understand what it is like to be the lowest level of the HT hierarchy, I'd eventually like to become someone who has went from breaking the rules, to enforcing them at the highest extent.

I'd like it known that since they weren't removed and I was shortly unbanned for some reason, I have given all diamonds I own, X-rayed or not, to Lex, as part one of my two part apology.

 I'd like to thank all who read this and wish you well throughout the rest of your day.


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  stuff you did as a child
Posted by: 12wolfie - 03-13-2016, 05:09 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (13)

we all know that little kids do some silly things often. what'd you do when you were little?
some weird things i did:

- i was really scared of balloons popping. if you had a balloon, i warned you not to blow it up and pop it because i was afraid of the loud noise. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- i asked really, really weird questions about death. i clearly remember asking my mom strange questions like: "do you have dreams when you're dead?" no. "oh, thank gosh, i wouldn't want to not be able to wake up from a nightmare.."
- walked across a tiled floor and tried not to step on the lines. all. the. time. 
- i once got really mad at this boy because he stole my lunchbox and ate the candy my mom packed me.
- until, like, second or third grade, i remember i used to always take one of my stuffed animals and bring them to school with me. before that, i grabbed one for the car ride there, then left it for me to hold on the way back home, and then one day i forgot to leave it in the car or something. i'd hang my backpack in the cubby and leave it unzipped just a little bit so that the stuffie's head stuck out and i could see it while i was in class.
- in maybe 2nd to 4th or 5th grade, i was somewhat germophobic. i used hand sanitizer frequently, didn't like anything icky, stuff like that
- i once asked my mom if my friend is a boy or a girl [okay what even the fuck was wrong with me]
- wore crocs. went out without socks just one time; got blisters. ouch.
- knocked down the christmas tree, breaking delicate ornaments...
- didn't like soda one bit. or pizza...except for the crust...
- didn't know what puberty was or how babies were made until 4th grade. oh god, the humiliation. 
- played roblox
- played club penguin
- played moshi monsters
- played super mario bros
- played sonic the hedgehog, like, the first game ever created by sega
- watched some of the old cartoons like the flintstones, i think...
- watched newer shows like dora the explorer [ and diego ], bear in the big blue house [ i think it was called? ], lazytown, wow wow wubzy [ AND ALWAYS PLAYED THE COMPUTER GAME TOO V.V ] those kinda shows you get the vibe already 
- didn't fucking play pokemon until this year x.x
- was terrified of spiders [ i still am, though ]
um...i'm going on and on now. o-o yeah. um. post your things. um, have a nice day too i guess

- the floor is lava 
- was absolutely terrified of the characters from sesame street after i apparently had a nightmare that they tickled me to death. o-o 
- built forts using couch cushions, chairs, blankets, etc. 
- used to like bugs, and i'd play with ants, worms, slugs, snails, etc.
- damn i skinny dipped, too until like 8
[ i had to mention these cause y'all reminded me of em just now after i read your posts ;p ]

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Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 03-13-2016, 12:23 AM - Forum: General - Replies (14)

Recently I have noticed a major anger Over the Presidential race In the United states

And it has gone to far. On my part and other people. Most of the arguments have turned into hate speech from both side of the campaign and so on. I am right now asking to the mods and admins of the server and FROST especially. SO add it to the hate speech and language towards other players.

Now I most likely will get a shit tone of hate for this post and this is ok. But instead of it being a civilized conversation between a group of people. it has turned into basically an offence war. Most of the information coming from one side or the other is just personal attacks not actual information. When ever I try it get into those conversations I do my best to make sure I have my facts straight, and that the research is found to be correct with back ground checks on the internet and through old history books.

and I am willing to stop the political banter . I mean they start for the worst reason. One of them took place because of a joke about Villager slavery On HT.

In Conclusion I think is ruins many of the long relation ships that have grown on this server and is tearing us apart.

Please admins , mods , Owners, STAFF, ALL PLAYERS. At least make this information like spamming in chat is it kick able and after three kicks it is a 3 day ban. Please I hope some people will put their opinions aside for once . I am willing to stop if others are. thank you

Again this is not because I a pissed off at anyone . this is because I have lost to many friends which is more important then about Kasich VS Sanders. or Trumps vs Hillary. it has gotten old. and I hope , beg , and request that the only comments that are associated with this are supporting comments not Political Bullshit on the Left or Right

/warp BC
/warp BCcity
/warp sunshine mall

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