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Ban Appeal
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9 hours ago
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ban appeal and apologize
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03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
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03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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  I would like to apply for a shop in the market.
Posted by: ScooterBerry25 - 03-18-2016, 04:42 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (6)

Hi there!
Minecraft name : ScooterBerry25
I would like to apply to have my own shop room in the market i would have like maybe diamonds wood wool all sorts of things! I think this is were I apply I am not sure I hope so though   Tongue

Thanks for reading this message From ScooterBerry25.

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  NEEDED : Interior Designers
Posted by: frost - 03-17-2016, 08:42 AM - Forum: General - Replies (14)

I'm working on building a noob town for starters. 

All the builds there look alright from the outside but once you go inside, it is just a giant empty room.

I need someone who is very good at building the insides of houses to work permanently in this town. It will pay very well and include many benefits.

You must be able to

- Make various furnitures 
- Make a giant empty room look awesome
- Make a giant empty room into a full fledged building with rooms / floors
- Be flexible with all styles

Only the best of the best will be hired. Please post pictures of your best interior designs in order to be considered.

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Posted by: The_Epic_Legend - 03-17-2016, 04:36 AM - Forum: Trading - No Replies

Hello! I'm looking for 3 things to be built!

An Airship, something a good 100+ blocks wide, kinda like The Hindenburg, or the Prydywen from Fallout 4

A Yhat, something cool sailing the seas, idk how big it would be

A Hot Air Balloon, something like whats used during the Phoenix Air Balloon show. Colorful and Fun C:

I will gladly negotiate a payment for the work!

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Judyspag - 03-16-2016, 07:31 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (7)

Server you were banned on:  SMP

Minecraft name: IrishNinja03

Reason for your ban: Griefing

Who banned you:  Vilneas

Why should you be unbanned:  Hello there.  I am a 50 year old mom who (due to a series of unfortunate events) had to move to another country and leave my 16 year old behind in America.  She has been playing Minecraft off and on for a bit now but she is still in learning mode as well as me.  This is her first time on a server.  As a way to spend time together, she suggested that I take up the game and that we play on a server so we could have some semblance of being together.  Kind of nice building a home together in cyber space, you know.  I am totally new and have no idea how to do things.  It's been a struggle for me figuring out this game.  I am perplexed as to how with all your rules and monitoring in place that someone seems to keep coming into the house that we are building and tearing stuff up but that is besides the point.  The birch wood sky high tower on the deck was not amusing.  I don't know how to get up that high (fortunately my daughter is better than me at figuring these things out and she took care of it).  My daughter built the house not me.  I'm just stumbling around trying to keep up with her.  She explained griefing to me when we started.  I am befuddled for your need of an apology on bended knee.  My daughter says I am outdated, but I really started enjoying the game when someone on the chat recommended warp resource.  Felt like I was finally getting the knack of it.  I decided to build an underground garden to impress my daughter when she got back on.  There is an 8 hour time difference you see and a small window of time for us to play together.   It took me forever to figure out how to get the watermelons to work.  I still haven't figured out how to get seeds out of the carrots.  I wish I knew how people are getting up so high to reach stuff.  This game is a struggle for me and I am playing it to be with my daughter.  Mistakes are a way of learning you know.  We have a nice little house going mostly due to her.  It would be nice of you to unban me.  I mean, I don't think you are two bit rule bound Nazis, are you?  Have a heart for God's sake.  

Why do you want to come back:  To interact with my daughter.  To learn to play this game on a server with other people.  To figure out where you are suppose to get resources because they seem impossibly hard to find and when you do take them it seems to be at the expense of someone else.  My daughter got a horse but I have no idea where to find animals.  They won't follow me through the warp from the resource place and now I'm wondering if I'm even allowed to kill them in the resource area.  It's a vague fog navigating through this game.  A little kindness would be welcome.

Ceallach Mhic Thréanfhir
Country Carlow

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  Redstone Issue
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 03-16-2016, 06:06 PM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (1)

Besides the regular entity lag causing redstone lags, there is a bigger issue.

I have noticed quite frequently that comparators fail to update when taking output from blocks with inventories such as dropper and hopper. It seems to be quite random, and not just triggered by loading and unloading the chunks. I have lots of circuits that can be simplified with hopper and droppers but it is not viable due to the glitch. Any way to solve this?

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  DK_, Geno, Frost and the end.
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 03-16-2016, 03:59 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

Hello DK_, Geno, Frost, any admin who wants to step in, anyone with access to warp CEF2 and warp enderman, 

I have made a graph of the HT end, with farms labeled either working (green circles), Incomplete (red circles) and not working (blue x's). From what I have seen, I have some plans to make new end farms that WORKS. Hence one of either:
1. DK_'s and Geno's warp enderman at (392,367) (not working)
2. South of warp CEF2 at (251,-315) (owner is banned, and lots of piston firing causing lag). 
3. North of Sir_Puffalumps' end farm at (24,332) (not working)
4. North of Geno's warp Enderman2 (-123,298) (noy working)

I would like to have one of the space mentioned above which requires deleting the farm associated with it. If you have any other suggested spot, please let me know. Notice the center of the graph is empty due to the end island. The horizontal is the x axis and vertical is the y axis.
plot and all calculations credit to python :p.

I am eager to split my endfarm's load of members (70+) into two groups, and I have invented anti afking and anti accumulation devices to eliminate mob capping (working in warp jellyend). Please respond with your thoughts.

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  Cannot join server
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 03-16-2016, 06:23 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (8)

Everytime I join my minecraft crashes instantly, I believe it is a server problem, and the crash report involves some item frame or sign error in my shop, can someone tp me outta there? The error only occured after frost restarted the server a few minutes ago. My single player works fine.

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Rainbow hometown is great but please unban me (:
Posted by: ScooterBerry25 - 03-15-2016, 11:01 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (8)

Server you were banned on : SMP
Minecraft name :ScooterBerry25
Reason for your ban : Greif  
Who banned you :Kat
why should you be unbanned : I love hometown and would love to come back to play its a great server I taught my friend not to grief when she got on. I really want to come back I have made so much progress and I pledge not to ever grief  Smile ! so please let me come back on I think its the best server I have played and I will vote for the server a lot but heres the thing why did she report me if I did nothing? I don't know what I did but it made her want to report me. All I am asking is to let me come back on Thank you for reading this.              

I will never do what I did agian thank you.  Heart and also its my birthday today  Big Grin  I am not lying (: and when can you ubnan me?

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  Who are the mods?
Posted by: Spyer2k - 03-15-2016, 09:31 PM - Forum: General - Replies (9)

Is this where the Cookie Cartel people went?

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Rainbow Hi!
Posted by: annaleaPlaysMC - 03-15-2016, 07:55 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (9)

Hello! I'm Annalea  Heart My favourite colour is lime and purple. I'm a little weird, and I bring a hint of fun to servers! On a more serious note, I'm used to lots of commands and plug-ins. But I mostly just want a friend  Smile who's as weird as me. 

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