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Ban Appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: lbbear054
Today, 04:38 AM
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ban appeal and apologize
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
Today, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
Forum: Request Threads
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-14-2025, 12:39 AM
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WorldEdit Request Thread
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Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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Ban appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: Nether_Ruler
03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-12-2025, 04:44 PM
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A problem I'm having
Forum: Report a Problem
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-09-2025, 02:53 AM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: the4neko
03-08-2025, 06:12 PM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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Ban appeal 2/18/16 |
Posted by: MelTheLemon - 02-19-2016, 08:19 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
Server you were banned on (SMP):Hometownmc
Minecraft name: MelTheLemon
Reason for your ban: Crop Griefing
Who banned you:Lexsux
Why should you be unbanned: I Should be unbanned because It stated when you go to the warp to make sure to replant. I thought it was open for Public use as well. if not then I apologize for my mistake.
Why do you want to come back: The reason I would like to come back is because I really worked hard on this server and put a lot of my time on it. I don't want it to go to waste. I also really enjoy this server. Its filled with a lot of fun people and it has a positive community including you guys as mods.
/Autore time and server restarts |
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 02-18-2016, 02:03 PM - Forum: Report a Problem
- Replies (2)
Recently I have noticed a series of unannounced server restarts (without countdown). Also, the /autore time command displays a message of "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command". Is the auto restart system no longer there?
Bann Apeal |
Posted by: ShogunGamer - 02-18-2016, 03:09 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (4)
I am sorry for griefing on your server. I promise that if I am given another chance to join your server I will not do what I have done ever again. Thank you and I am sincerely apologize. Thank you
Minecraft User: ShogunGamer
Server: HomeTown
Reason: Griefing and mob killing
Who ban me: Kat
Why I should be unban: Because I enjoy playing on your server. I also have friends that play with me on this server and I have invested lots of time playing. I vote avidly and I think I should get one more chance
Why I want to come back: Because playing on your server is really enjoyable. Its a place where not every one is a troll. I understand why I was ban and I would ask for nothing more than a final chance
Finally found home... (town). |
Posted by: Landline - 02-17-2016, 10:58 PM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (20)
Haven't been playing Minecraft for very long -- my daughter is very in to it, so I watched her a couple times, and decided to try it out. I was instantly hooked.
Yes, I'm an old fart dad, with bad dad jokes and the whole 9 yards.
I built us a server and we played on that for a while, but it was laggy, and neither of us were big into maintaining it.
She was also more into PvP servers, and Creative mode. I enjoy more of the Survival type of Minecraft.
So when I found the Hometown Survival server, I knew I had arrived.
The server is well-moderated. I had a ban early on for all-caps, and another warning for "spamming" -- I still don't get that one, but I'm grateful there are diligent humans on the other end to keep everybody happy.
After a couple days, I went ahead and made my donation. I know it's just a little thing, but I understand what goes in to the management of a server.
I've got a long way to go -- many folks have been on this server for years, and there are some very impressive builds. Keep up the good examples, everybody.
See you in Noobopolis!
Banned from Hometown |
Posted by: Sharpshooter03 - 02-17-2016, 02:07 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (5)
Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown
Minecraft name: Sharpshooter03
Reason for your ban: I greifed someones house
Who banned you: Lexachu
Why should you be unbanned: My brother went on my acount be accident and greifed someones house (i think) i have been banned for a couple of months i would really like to come back and i wouldent greif someone EVER AGAIN
Why do you want to come back: I really want to come back because it is the only minecraft server i like and i run a town please can you let me back.
Ban Appeal |
Posted by: ShogunGamer - 02-17-2016, 01:20 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
I am sorry for griefing on your server. I promise that if I am given another chance to join your server I will not do what I have done ever again. Thank you and I am sincerely apologize. Thank you
Minecraft User: ShogunGamer
Server: HomeTown
Reason: Griefing and mob killing
Who ban me: Kat
Why I should be unban: Because I enjoy playing on your server. I also have friends that play with me on this server and I have invested lots of time playing. I vote avidly and I think I should get one more chance
Why I want to come back: Because playing on your server is really enjoyable. Its a place where not every one is a troll. I understand why I was ban and I would ask for nothing more than a final chance