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Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 02-22-2016, 10:27 AM - Forum: General - Replies (4)


I have found something big on the server that I feel needs to be addressed. Even though I am unable to post photos on the forum I have the evidence and for those staff members such as frost. It is important he knows this and sees this.

Recently on the server what I found was crazy. The VIP player Ash was thrown in the server jail for x-ray. Now everyone at this point I believe knows is that x-ray is perm bannable. But what happened next is the strange part. Lexus or loxus. Who was the moderator at the time on the server. was the one who through him in the jail. but nearly 5 minutes later . Realised him saying. "I my self am an xrayer." "We xrayer's stick together.

But Frost of grimm wolf or someone of staff high above lexus . I have the snapshots available to you as we speak but because the website will not allow me to post pictures I am forced to just leave my skype right here. skype : Weston.Matlow1

Please Take this info. This is not allowed and completely wrong and destroying to the seriously this is what is killing the server.


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Information New Town
Posted by: Donkey - 02-22-2016, 06:39 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (5)

Hello everyone I have decided to make a town on the server and need your help. But before I say anything about that I just wanted to say that I will be less active on the server the next few weeks I have sports things and family things ect. Now back to the main topic.. I am making a suburban/city town and I will need a lot of stuff I will accept anything but mainly I will need ; BLACK WHITE YELLOW WOOL, Brick, All wood Logs, Stone, Stone Brick, Glass, Cobblestone, TONS OF DIRT/GRASS, stained clay of any color but preferably cyan, glowstone and sea lanterns, gravel, sand, sandstone, smooth sandstone, Anything else not named on this list is still appreciated. Also I am just going to go through a few things im planning for the town (not set in stone) I plan on Office buildings for company expansion (mostly shops and building companies) I also plan on apartments for cheap and also houses for cheap I really hope you guys help really anything is really appreciated. One more thing MineMart will be closed due to it being moved to this town so it is unfortunately going to be closed for a while but it is all for the better because I am really excited to get this town started Big Grin Thanks for reading -Donkey  Big Grin Donations can be given to me directly of at /warp mooshroom Smile

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  Question about /fp and creative world
Posted by: Pinkax - 02-22-2016, 03:48 AM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hi there!

I'm new to the VIP ranks, and was wondering about 2 special capabilities:
1. Put any online picture into an item frame (use /fp for more info)
I tried /fp but it seems to be an unknown command.  Does anyone know how to put an online picture into an item frame?

2. Access to creative world
How do you access the creative world?

Thanks for your help!!  Shy

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  HELP, anyone know anything?
Posted by: Danoir_ - 02-22-2016, 01:42 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

Idk where to put this as it is not a server problem. It's a client-side problem, but does anyone know anything about or anything on how to fix:

Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.readtimeoutexception

 I have this message every so often, perhaps once a week, when there is a period of time that I cannot connect to the server and get this instead. Sometimes, I do connect only to find nothing - not even my EXP, hunger and health bars - loads. Does anyone else experience this? Does anyone know how to fix this?

Any information will be greatly appreciated   Smile

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  ban appeal Da_Red_Panda
Posted by: red panda - 02-21-2016, 11:29 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): home town

 Minecraft name: Da_Red_Panda

 Reason for your ban: theft and lying

 Who banned you: DK

 Why should you be unbanned: its a great server

 Why do you want to come back: ill give you pickaxe and its a great server

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Posted by: Sky - 02-21-2016, 05:21 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Good news everyone,

I have been humming and harring on making a big, modern skyscraper. Today I thought Lets do this. So I have started work on Skyloft a triangular shaped skyscraper. I might sell aparments in it OR I might just sell the whole thing on to anyone who will buy it. I'll think of a price later If I decide to sell the whole thing.

So uhh Yeh! HI hope you guys will like it Tongue

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Photo SHOPS AVALIBLE and new warp center
Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 02-21-2016, 10:02 AM - Forum: General - Replies (8)

I Want to welcome a new style of shop and warps for the server . this idea is something important, and something different. I am calling it a warp center. Its just and Idea right now and I am in the early stages of building this new warp center.

You may Be wondering what it is well.  That information will be given at the bottom of this document. But the first matter is that at /warp BC we now have 4 shops available each of different prices for those that are looking to open small business on hometown. There is no rent . All the buildings besides one is 25$ and the other one is 35$ and I will do my best to provide pictures, even though IDK how to. Blush Tongue

anyway on to the information on this warp center. The  warps center is a large building and place where people can buy out smaller kiosk's that are 6x6x6 plots. IK the Numbers seem racists but that is not the goal. The rooms are 10$ and piece and there are gong to be 30 to 40 rooms available . Now the goal of this warp center is the following. It allows business to have growth what I mean by that t is . it give people they are looking for shops to go several options that are on the server . so lets say that you wanted to fine Redstone blocks . well if you don't know any shop warps and the shops you normally go to are all out. this place will have options and other places for you to go to and this completely powered by the shops and people on the server. I will be realizing information on when this warp will be officially open to the public. It is something that will be very successful. now even though places like avolan have done horrors to people and the shops on the server . this place has no chance of failing because it is being funded by BC and I hope that has the future goes on we can open several of these warps centers through out the server for people to go to.

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Posted by: TheCrookedDoctor - 02-21-2016, 07:49 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

I am OFFICALLY Ungrounded, and plan to devote most of my day to HOMETOWN  Because, this is the best server EVER. The only other server I REALLY play on is Hypixel.


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  Ban Appeal SirLemonade
Posted by: SirLemonade - 02-20-2016, 11:24 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

[b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] smp.hometownmc.com

[b]Minecraft name:[/b] SirLemonade

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] "Theft: find a new server"

[b]Who banned you:[/b] Grimm_Wolfe

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] I joined the server, read all the signs, looked at the protections information etc etc, after that i started to use /random alot because i could not find a good spot that wasnt already found. while doing this i decided to look at a town.
when i came to a farm from someone i found that i could look in a chest, and i pressed the potatoes in there, seeing i could take potatoes using the take half button i wanted to take 25 potatoes, but i immediatly put them back, and asked if stealing was allowed on the server.
this was answered by a No from 3 players,

so i kept on using /random until i came to a spot i wanted, killing cows i came by a player called Grimm_Wolfe, he asked me if i had food so i gave him 3 of my baked potatoes that i had gained from spawning on the server ( like 16 baked potatoes and 16 wood? )
when Grimm  gained these BAKED potatoes he jailed me for stealing UNBAKED potatoes which are not even missing from the chest i supposedly had stolen them from! i had no stolen items in my inventory.

i wouldnt even had enough time to have baked these so called stolen potatoes so i am very surprised Grimm jailed, and after trying to explain myself to him, with no answer, even banned me for no good reason but being probably annoyed by me which i understand. but to jail a new player without even checking or knowing what has happend and not even having that so called stolen item on them is just plain rude and unfair. i just wanted to play on a good survival server and then some admin decides i steal because i tried but did not take potatoes not because i even needed them but just because i am new and still figuring the server and its rules out.

also besides not being allowed to grief i did not see a dont steal sign anywhere.. henche having to ask it.
i was shocked by this admins behaviour and i hope he will be more carefull checking players in the future, i would not wish anyone the treatment i have received for just looking in someones chest..
and asking the rules again like a good player.
no hard feelings though Grimm_Wolfe, you're just doing your job, probably pretty good. but it felt very unfair so i just had to appeal.

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] From what i could see on the server for the brief time i was on it, it was a very good server with good rules and the perfect way to stop griefing. i like the p stones idea. and the atmosphere was nice. its hard to find good survival servers so i was very happy to have found one. So i would like to be unbanned so i can actually start to play on the server.
and i will never look into someone elses chest or some admin will probably falsely accuse me again. i would love to have a second chance even though i didnt do anything wrong.. i hope you will consider it. ps: LOVED the tutorial ( "Le doghouse xD ")
My sincere apologies to Grimm_Wolfe for calling him a sucky admin, i was very angry for being falsely accused.

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  Why did I get banned?
Posted by: The_4thdoctor - 02-19-2016, 08:42 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Ban appeal


IGN Name:The_4thdoctor

Reason for ban: I was banned 02.19.2016 because of griefing. I was trying to conect to the server today and I found out I was banned. I do not know what i griefed or broke, and i really whish to know.

Who banned me: vilneas

Why should I be unbanned: Firs of all I do not know what i broke/griefed. and I really want to keep playing on the server because it is allways so much fun and I have gotten so many cool in game friends.

Why do i want to come back: i have made so much progress on this server, and it would be sad not beeing able to keep on making nice stuff for myself and others on the server. I don't think I have ever played as much on a server as I have on hometown.

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