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Ban Appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
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18 minutes ago
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ban appeal and apologize
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
Yesterday, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
Forum: Request Threads
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-14-2025, 12:39 AM
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WorldEdit Request Thread
Forum: Request Threads
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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Ban appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: Nether_Ruler
03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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03-12-2025, 04:44 PM
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A problem I'm having
Forum: Report a Problem
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-09-2025, 02:53 AM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: the4neko
03-08-2025, 06:12 PM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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Forums Username Change |
Posted by: Maddie_Amity - 03-01-2016, 08:15 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (11)
So remember on the old forums we could reply to a thread with our desired forums username, and we'd get it?
I'd like to bring that back, if possible.
(And if someone could change my username to Maddie , that'd be gr8 m8)
Ban Appeals |
Posted by: NerdyGamerHD - 03-01-2016, 07:50 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
[b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] SMP
[b]Minecraft name:[/b] NerdyGamerHD
[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Griefing
[b]Who banned you:[/b] vilsneas
[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b]I should be allowed back on the server because all i did was add a walkway on to someones island. Soon after Vilsneas told me about that being Griefing I had took it down and he replied with "Its too late" Which I didn't even know it was someones island because the warp was called warp Rules. I went to read the rules and I thought someone destroyed the island.
[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] I want to come back because I loved the server and I had many of my friends on it.
Ban Appeal |
Posted by: Kirk_1701 - 03-01-2016, 04:17 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (2)
Server you were banned on (SMP): Survival Multi-Player
Minecraft name: [Player] Kirk_1701 (Rank obsolete due to new ranking system)
Reason for your ban: Grief/Disrespect/Annoyance
Who banned you: [Detective] Grimm_Wolfe
Why should you be unbanned: Because it has been four months and i have learned my lesson. I have disrespected staff, modified other people's works, talked down to people, and disobeyed orders. I was 100% wrong and trying to debate whether i am or not will not help, nor has it helped, or ever will. I am not in charge. I promise to always behave, and use this rather unpleasant experience as a lesson learned. I apologize to any persons who were affected by my bad decisions, and i apologize to the Hometown staff for making your jobs harder than they needed to be. My amount of time on this server does not make me immune to the rules, and it does not make me senior to persons of my same rank. In addition, the fact that I have been on so long makes it pretty sad that i am here right now, because any seasoned member of this server is WELL aware of the rules by now. As am i. From now on, i will always follow the rules without question, and treat others how i wish to be treated.
Everybody makes mistakes and I am truly not a bad person, but one does not know that with my history of misconduct with the staff, among other things. I can't change what happened, and i AM sorry for what happened. But i do promise to change, and all that i ask is that you grant me one final chance, so that i can prove it to you. I am wrong for my actions, and i apologize fully for them. My 4-month commitment to coming back should support, that i wish to return to the server and do good. There's no way around my mistakes and arguing won't fix them at all.
Why do you want to come back: Like my older brother The_Ender_Fox and i have expressed. I have a Memorial Park, dedicated to those who have served, serve, and will serve in the Armed Forces of the United States. This type of work simply cannot be replicated with the amount of time and effort i have put into it. All i wish to do, is continue to work on the monument i have worked so hard to create. I am rather very fond of it, and it means alot to me as a member of a military family. In addition, i do like this server, and wish to continue playing on it as i always have.
Thanks for your time,
/Warp TicTacBow |
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 02-29-2016, 12:11 PM - Forum: Build Showcase
- Replies (6)
We all played Tic Tac Toe, and we all know how to draw the game.
Not all of us know how to accurately shoot a bow in Minecraft, even if some of us do, we are inconsistent.
Based on these "facts"
I Created, in 2 hours, Warp TicTacBow
A Tic-Tac-Toe with shooting bows.
And I say, it is quite hard, even for me, Jelly the skelly.
How to play:
1. press the reset button
2. go into separate rooms
3. look at the light above the board, if the light is on your side, you are the one to shoot. Do not shoot if the light is off on your side
4. shoot 5 arrows, then press the pass turn button on the gold block.
5. Enjoy and compete!!!!
The rules are on the wall in front of the warp, try it out today, and enjoy!
Redstone info: per module(x9): 4 comparator, 2 repeator, 1 pressure plate, 2 piston, 4 dropper.
One of the side's memory circuit (2 droppers) is active when the other is not. Arrows shot near the wooden pressure plate activates the enabled memory circuit, which makes a piston pushes out a corresponding block (glowstone or sea lantern).
The piston will not retract or change state until a reset switch is pressed which restores the items in the memory circuit.
![[Image: RvnFtHY.png]](http://i.imgur.com/RvnFtHY.png)
![[Image: bkE17rz.png]](http://i.imgur.com/bkE17rz.png)
![[Image: 8fQ1chP.png]](http://i.imgur.com/8fQ1chP.png)
![[Image: p0yryeQ.png]](http://i.imgur.com/p0yryeQ.png)
Ban Appeal |
Posted by: U_Miami20 - 02-28-2016, 07:12 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (5)
Server you were banned on- I was banned on Hometown MC
Minecraft name: U_Miami20
Reason for your ban: I'm not 100% sure. I did break into someones house, but no one said anything to be about that. Then, I called the Mod who kicked me earlier for I guess for inapropriate language.
Who banned you: I do not 100% remember. I think the name was verocrapter or something.
Why should you be unbanned: Because I feel that I was stupid for testing the admins and mods and I will learn again from this lesson.
Why do you want to come back: It seemed like a pretty chill server.
The warp center is now open! |
Posted by: redstonecreeper6 - 02-27-2016, 10:32 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (1)
Come one, come all! to the newest form of shopping for the hometown community. This is the warp center a place where all shops can come and advertise their store in a small kiosk for a low rate. This is for those businesses that want to get out there for the server, and at the same time for those that are looking for new ground breaking shops that may be looking for items, not all shops sell in bulk. At the same time, you can have warps to your towns business and shops and much more it is not only limited to the shopping system. Now, a 6x6 room may seem small for $20 a piece but, for the foot traffic that is expected it is worth the price. You will also have the opportunity to buy more then one for a much lower rate of $25 for 2 rooms and the more room you buy, only $5 is added to the overall price per room. And, right now we are having a 50% off grand opening sale on all rooms of first purchase. If you are interested in this opportunity do /warp warpcenter today or msg GhostBuster or Redstonecreeper6.
Altrea (and all its holdings) are up for sale. |
Posted by: Corrupt_Reverend - 02-27-2016, 10:29 AM - Forum: Trading
- Replies (23)
So what's included?
All of Altrea! That's right. The entire build.
Here's a video showing the castle.
That's just an overview. What exactly does altrea consist of?
Well first there's the castle which features a wizard's tower, indoor garden, grand entry hall, giant indoor conventional farm, spider grinder, zombie grinder, two beacons, shop spaces, and a huge gold farm.
Then in the courtyard there is:
a fully automatic melon farm,
fully automatic pumpkin farm,
fully automatic sugar farm,
two clickable auto-farms for wheat/carrots/potatoes,
an auto fish farm,
iron farm
full auto egg harvester
redstone nether portal
two beef/leather grinders/farm things
and a fully automatic potion factory (just flip a few switches and it does the rest)
But wait! There's more!!
Within the courtyard is a ravine that has been fully dressed and ready to be a subterranean town sporting four levels, a potion shop that's fully stocked (with it's own warp), a food shop, access to the iron farm output, a nice park at the bottom, and a casino with fully functioning slot machines! The ravine city can be accessed through the castle, or via a secret entrance that only opens during the day.
This build is massive. I don't even want to think about how many hours I spent building it.
As if that's not enough, I will also include a fully automatic bone/arrow farm + fully automatic cactus farm complete with warps if the price is right.
I'll consider all reasonable offers.