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Ban Appeal
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2 hours ago
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ban appeal and apologize
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Yesterday, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
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03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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03-14-2025, 12:39 AM
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03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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  Arrows not shooting very far.
Posted by: Oshakai - 03-04-2016, 06:39 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (2)

Ever since 1.9 bows have been really weird. When I shoot arrows they barely go a few blocks away. I know that this is in fact a server thing and not a 1.9 thing because when I went to my single player world on 1.9, my arrows were launching normally. The arrows also lag a lot. Is there anything you guys can do to fix this?

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  Server reset
Posted by: andreasdb39 - 03-03-2016, 05:15 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (22)

So a few days ago 1.9 came out, for some a blessing, for others a curse (not to the matter now). Now when we go and look at the server’s map, we see that it hasn’t reset in years, but instead of that the map was expanded. Now this is good, a larger map for a, I presume, growing server. None the less, the map we are on has been here for years and that means people have been building structures for years. If you don’t agree with this, go and venture out, and every chest/door/furnace you come across with, type /cinfo and right-click the door. Then do /seen username and you’ll see how long they have been gone
I’ve done this quest a few times now, and always I came with a percentage of: 80% of the people were gone above 5-… months, the (small) 20% were people who were/are still online in the previous 5 months.


Now a thing with 1.9 is that there are TWO enchantments that can’t be made by using the enchanting table, you have to find them in strongholds, desert/jungle temples. Now okay, frost walking isn’t maybe that great, but mending is (by gathering xp your items get restored). Without it, you force people to give all their money away to a /repair sign.
The end, the biggest change to 1.9. I personally would think that the end itself would just be completely reset, instead of just and expansion, as staff did with the overworld. If (and I speak from experience) you don’t use the new end-island boss fight structures, the enderdragon will not know what to do and basically glitch the whole thing out (really isn’t fun).
Yes, okay, you’ll just say: “so we have to wait until a next super-fight-thing, until we can go and explore the end-city dungeons.” Well not necessarily, if staff reset the end completely and make a new sort of end/hub structure, they can fit in an endgateway block into it (can be placed in the world by simple /setblock commands).


So okay, by now you must have said: “But what will happen to all the stuff we have gathered?!?” Well I got a simple solution to that: 
1.      Everyone, who signs up, gets one chest/double chest of space in a structure thing (doesn’t actually matter what the place is, but has to be contained in a certain space)
2.      Once the final date has been reached the server gets reset, but staff first worldedits, or how they do it, the contained area into the new world, so everyone can access the stuff they brought with them, like OP tools, or tons of diamonds.
And okay, some will say: but I have too much stuff for just one chest. Well to them I say (maybe a bit harsh): Learn to see what you really need, don’t bring tons of cobble, because everyone just mines that up like it’s nothing, choose what’s really important to you, to bring to the other world.


Some of you might have said now: ”And what about all those crazy and magical project that we’ve all build, will they just fade into darkness?” Not really, staff can easily just publish the world-save to public, in all its glory as it now is. And yeah, some of us (even me) are now working on a project, but we can’t wait until everyone has finished theirs, because then another person starts another project, and so the circle will go on … So or you do it, or you just do it. I know, I know, but you’ll make wonderful things again. Plus, if they publish the map, you can easily just go to a place (if you saved cords) and see what you’ve build, or others.


So I hope the ideas I put up here are good, and you agree with it.
If so, then we can only wait, until staff hears us

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  Need a banner designer
Posted by: Maddie_Amity - 03-03-2016, 08:25 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (5)

I've recently started building my new town, and I need a flag design to go with it!

[Image: rt6RDGV.png]
Here's a photo of the design on the front gates of my town, and you can incorporate this design with the flag.

I would like to see 3 different banner designs, and I will pay the designer with the flag I like the best $25

Once you have your designs ready, mail or pm me on the server, or pm me on Skype if you know my username

Happy designing! 

Edit: You can also put the designs on the thread here

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  BC aparpments coming soon.
Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 03-03-2016, 02:59 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (2)

Hey I am going to be starting a little side project that is offside of BC the buildcorp building company.

Basically this will be a major apparent complex that will have several apartments of high quality and low cost available. right now I am just looking to try and find a place to build be besides that we will be doing some crazy things with it.

at the moment I am looking for interior designers and builders of high quality for this mica plaza. I plan to have something that I will provide right here    

but anyway. the business with be leveraged off this and there may be up to maybe 60 luxury apartment IDK yet I am still doing the math for it all. Bit yeah so this is it for now thanks for the time

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Photo TelMitherin
Posted by: Nitro - 03-02-2016, 10:19 PM - Forum: Build Showcase - Replies (4)

TelMitherin is a mystical town that you can live in.  (Based of Skyrim, google it to find out what the houses actually look like) with Tree houses and mushrooms to live in. You can live here but be warned; there are limited amounts of houses however more are on their way. To live in this town, please contact me in game.

There are 3 types of main house types:

  • Mushroom (The larger mushroom is where I live.)
  • Forest houses (Small houses under the tree canopy)
  • Free-form plots (You can build your own house so long as it is inside the border.)
  • Tree houses (A house that is literally a house.)

To claim a house (Some are free, others are not) please ask me in game or post a reply here with the house type.
Available houses:

Forest house (a)
Forest house (b)
Free-form (a)-- Nether_Ruler
Free-form (b)
Tree house (a)

Come visit us at: /Warp TelMitherin

[Image: A2MJVoJ.png][Image: Cuh53NB.png]

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  Secrets of the one Above
Posted by: Arayvek - 03-02-2016, 10:53 AM - Forum: Forum Games - Replies (287)

This was a game that was on the old forums, and it was fun so i thought I would bring it back. Basically, you have to come up with a really out there "secret" about the last person who posted. Obviously, they cannot be real secrets (That is just rude) but comical ones. I would start, but I don't exactly have a last poster Tongue

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  Calling All Artists/Philosphers
Posted by: Arayvek - 03-02-2016, 10:41 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (20)

Hey HomeTowners. What do you think a fusion of all the current staff members would look like? Either physically or personality-wise. You can describe it or post/draw a picture. Let's see what you guys can come up with.

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Tongue Huh
Posted by: Nether_Ruler - 03-02-2016, 10:25 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (7)

Been on this server for over a month. Been on the forums for a weekish. Guess I jever introduced myself. Anyway, here we go. 

   Hello, I'm Nether_Ruler. I have a great passion for snowboarding and math. I am a VIP3/Regular. I own multiple warps and work at others. I am in 7th grade and was born in Hungary. Do NOT make any shit jokes about its name because I hate it and it's mean. I guess that's really it for now. See you all on the server!

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Posted by: GhostBuster123 - 03-02-2016, 09:57 AM - Forum: General - No Replies

Right now the warp center is having a major room sale and room advancement prices have been adjusted by 50%. So that means all main rooms are 10$ instead of 20$ and room expansion is only 2.50 instead of 5$.

Please come this business opportunity for the server is great nearly 50 times a day people ask does  shop sell this or that . the whole point of  the warp center is to get exposure to other shops, their warps, and people who own towns, business , and shops on the server. it is perfect for those that have shops and want better business  and money making on the server

/warp warpcenter
/warp BC

/warp BCaparpments
/warp BCmesashop

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  Why am i not whitelisted?
Posted by: JBullAnimatronic - 03-02-2016, 07:21 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Hello I just noticed that I'm not whitelisted and I was wodering why? any reason that I need to know about?

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