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Ban Appeal |
Posted by: Kirk_1701 - 02-27-2016, 08:24 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (6)
Server you were banned on (SMP): Survival Multi-Player
Minecraft name: Kirk_1701
Reason for your ban: Something about "griefing"? I just remember placing signs and an argument with Grimm_Wolfe. The property was someone i knew, who is cool with me being there, i placed a sign outside of it on the outskirts saying something about a expedition or something. I got banned when i was off the servers eating lunch.
Who banned you: I honestly forgot, it's been awhile, sorry. It might be Grimm_Wolfe because i remember a scrap with him.
Why should you be unbanned: Listen, looking back on my conduct on the servers at the time, i realize i talked down to people who were higher than me simply because i've been on longer or the same amount of time. I now realize that was and is wrong. I say, let bygones be bygones, i am a server veteran and i am well aware of the rules, despite the irony of me writing this ban appeal. Saying this, i promise to not be a smartass who pushes buttons again. At the time, i may have thought i was a person standing up for himself-when in reality, i was just a seasoned player who made admin's jobs harder than it should be. As for my dear friend Grimm_Wolfe: Listen, i get that you might get some enjoyment out of banning rulebreakers-because it's your job to do so. And until i'm a Detective, i won't try to tell you how to do your job anymore. Because as minor as it might have been (it was quite minor and harmless at that) it was still a violation of the rules, and when you told me to go about my business, i got an attitude with you like you were the problem. When it was me causing the trouble, even though by placing the sign, i truly did not mean to.
Why do you want to come back: I run, or, ran, a memorial island chain, the whole thing was a memorial dedicated to the men and women of the military. 9/11, the U.S.S. Maine, World War 2, you name it. Even frostVINCENT's grandfather has a tombstone there. I've dedicated large amounts of time and effort to make such a project come to life. Well over 200 tombstones, all heroes. Chris Kyle, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Audie Murphy, John F. Kennedy, etc. More than anything else, i very much wish to continue building this monument to military service. It is very important to me as 14+ members of my family have honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces, and i wish to do the same. Hometown was my first and only server and still is. What happened happened and it can't be changed, but, i can control my actions in the future. And that i will, and for the better. In other words, i'm sorry guys, and i hope you'll forgive 'ol Kirk and give me another chance. I won't screw up anymore.
Typing this with two fingers because the other fingers are numb because my hands are asleep for some reason,
[Player] Kirk_1701
Mayor, Lapis City
Commandant, HometownMC Naval Association
Owner and Founder, HometownMC Military Memorial Park, est. August 2015
Ban apeal |
Posted by: ShogunGamer - 02-27-2016, 06:31 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (2)
Minecraft User: ShogunGamer
Server: HomeTown
Reason: supposed X-Raying
Who ban me: grim_wolf
Why I should be unban: Because I was ban for X-raying. But how does one know if they are "xraying?" Just becuase somone digs straight down and looks around and then happens to find diamonds and iron does not mean they are hacking. I understand if that activity is suspicious but I can confirm you that I was indeed not hacking.
Goodbye |
Posted by: moziiia - 02-26-2016, 09:34 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (15)
Wowie, never thought I would come to this day.
Hometown has been a big part of my life for almost a year and a half now.. not sure about the exact date but its been a long time. I still remember the "Welcome" I got from chat upon joining the server, how it made me chuckle. Being interested in PVP Minecraft primarily, the thought of actually staying committed to a vanilla (mainly) server was kind of crazy to me. I actually remember spending a majority of my first weeks on the server lurking in the ./warp pvp arena, rarely straying from this arena. It so happens this is where I would meet someone who soon became one of my best friends on the server, 12wolfie, but I'll touch more on that later.
I feel like as I am getting older, minecraft just doesn't appeal to me like it used to, sadly. Another thing is that I have been continually using games as an excuse to escape from my responsibilities and problems. It's time to grow up, and this seems to be the first step to take in that process. I also feel like I've lost my connection to the HT Community, a majority of my friends don't play or have quit, or aren't on when i want to stop in to play with them.
Sadly i feel like most forum members will see this thread and have no idea who I am, when I've played Minecraft on Hometown, but that's okay, this is mainly for my friends, a formal thank you, a formal goodbye, something that you deserve, instead of leaving you hanging with the question of where I went on your mind, if you care at all.
SPECIAL THANKS: (Sorry if i leave someone out, this was hastily written, don't take offense please!)
Vil: Thank you for being such a great influence on me, believe it or not, you have taught me much about where the line should be drawn in comedy, and giving me a figure of authority that I can respect. I would also like to say thank you for being a great friend.
Star: I know how fun it would have been for you to get the opportunity to ban me, but i don't think that'll happen now. You seem like a very responsible individual and I have no doubt that no matter what you end up doing in life you will be successful.
ThatGuy: You're a great guy who definitely knows his pokemon. You were always one accidental tp request away on the server, which is how I originally met you. Thanks for being a funny and kind friend.
Grimm: Even though you originally scared the shit out of me when i joined the server, I've come to know you as an individual with a tangy personality and a great taste in weaponry. You're easily one of the most intelligent people I've ever met, and i hope you continue to ban h4ckers with relish.
Zany: I saw that you stepped down from your position on HT and admitted that you wouldn't be nearly as active, which was a main influence on my decision to leave formally as well. The squids will always miss you. (SICK PLAY SICK PLAY SICK PLAY SICK PLAY SICK PLAY SICK PLAY )
DK: You were a great help in my early days on the modded Cobalt Myst HT Server, which i loved for a short while, then slowly lost inspiration. You are easily the greatest Danish person I know, maybe bc youre the only Danish person i know. Both you and Veo are great pranksters, and have made me laugh many times.
Maddie: Always there when laughs are to be had, you have a fun personality and may be the only person to understand my memes. GOTTA GO FAST!
Osh: You're one of the most caring people I've met, inside or outside of minecraft, and are a joy to talk to and be around. I wish the best to you in life, and I know that Fat Ariel will always be something I remember.
LeXaChU: Lex, you have the best taste in music out of anyone in this group(IMO) and youre the only person to actually have coined their own language, fitting for a very original and unique individual. I hope that you continue to jam out to Foster the People.
Kat: You're one of the most polite and helpful people I've met on this minecraft server, which is definitely something to hang your metaphorical hat on in this day and age, where courtesy and kindness seem to have taken a backseat.
Kara: The best ghost type pokemon gym leader I've ever met, you're a very independent person, i hope that never changes!
Kiro: I've indirectly known you for a very long time, dating back to when you only got on minechat and not the actual server, because you weren't allowed to play. I hope in time you'll learn to not be afraid of Vil. 
ZCMA: You're a one of a kind individual, who knows what they want in life and isn't afraid of going to get it.
Craftmaster: I know you'll never see this, but I'm sorry for what happened, I always saw you as a good friend and I'm sorry I didn't do more to change what happened.
The_Epic_Legend: You're a kind and quirky fellow i interacted with regularly on the server, you're an interesting guy, and I wish I had spent time getting to know you better. I hope you still play Star Trek Online for a long time after I've left HT.
the hardest goodbyes (nothing against anyone abovementioned or that i neglected to mention, just these were my closest friends on the server)
Wuf: Again, you'll never see this either. You were one of the best friends I met on this server, a funny guy with an interesting story and loyal to a fault. I still miss you as much as I did the first day you left, and still miss the skin creation requests. Miss you bud.
ThatChicken1: I know this isn't really goodbye, because I'll always still try to talk to you, how could I not talk to my best bird friend?? You've made this server so fun for me, farming caroots, organizing the PVP base, trading with the shiny dealers, so many memories. More loyal than 90% of my friends IRL, you are truly a gift to have in my life, and it's great to call you my friend.
last but not least, 12wolfie:
Sorry for leaving you hanging all this time, I really hate myself for not just making a final decision and telling you that I wasn't going to be playing anymore. You are one of the best friends I've met, always there for a laugh, always at the bottom of the PVP base when I would jump to my death. As time has passed we've both been less active, and I hope that life treats you well and you still enjoy playing minecraft as much as you always have. The times and memories we had are something I wouldn't trade for anything. Thanks for being such a great friend.
I never thought I'd be the type to leave this way, with a big sappy goodbye and such, thinking I would do a quick "peace" and leave the scene, but that really wouldn't be fair to some of the best friends I've met. Overall, thank you to all the friends I've had on Hometown, however fleeting our interaction may have been, you've changed me in many ways and have brought many smiles to my face. Thank you to Frost for having such a well organized server, it was a privilege to be allowed to play on here. (Once again, sorry for anyone I left out!)
Thank you all!
-Moziiia, DongerL0rd, FireFox4Life
Banned |
Posted by: logankirche2014 - 02-26-2016, 08:43 AM - Forum: Report a Problem
- Replies (1)
I have been banned by vilneas for "grief". Im not quite sure what that means but it said to appeal it on this website. I really enjoy this server and would like to be able to continue playing on it if at all possible. if anyone could help me understand, i would greatly appreciate it.
Something about you |
Posted by: TheNamesGames - 02-26-2016, 04:36 AM - Forum: Forum Games
- Replies (17)
The point of this ga- well, not a game, more like a roll. The point of this roll is to tell something basic information about yourself. You dont have to tell anything personal, like name or age, or where do you come from. Those basic things like what are you good ar, what you like and dont like. You get the point! The idea is to get people know each other a bit more better. (Side note: im not a stalker, ok??)
Ill start:
Im kinda young, more young than most people on the server, i like all kinds of animals and vacations. I have six dogs, 4 cats and one turtle. I come from finland, that cold place from the backyard. I get very angry easily, and when i get, everyone stays away from me, but i also become calm very fast. So, dont believe everything i say when im mad XD. Im not not very bright, so trouble makers and griefers can manipulate me easily. Im on high school, on the math based class.
Id love to hear more about you guys!
Updated Ban Appeal For Lex |
Posted by: MelTheLemon - 02-25-2016, 09:20 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
Server you were banned on (SMP):HometownMC
Minecraft name:MelTheLemon
Reason for your ban: Crop Griefing
Who banned you:Lex
Why should you be unbanned: Here is the whole story of what happened. so my friends and I were trying to make farming at the warp Fun by doing a race who could get the most potatoes, wheat, carrots, etc. but we all said make sure to replant. when I was racing with them I must of accidently left a row based on that screenshot.so I apologize with that. Oh, and also, is the farm that we warped to open to the public? if so I'm sorry I didn't know.
Why do you want to come back: Same Reason as the last post.
Ban Appeal(stealing) |
Posted by: joemac24 - 02-24-2016, 07:44 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
Server you were banned on (SMP):HometownMC
Minecraft name:joemac24
Reason for your ban:stealing
Who banned you:star
Why should you be unbanned:Ill pay back what i stole
Why do you want to come back: bc i just started the server and i really like it