Last year's pumpkin carving contest turned out so well, I think we should do it again!
If you'd like to participate, head on over to /warp pumpkincontest and pick out your pumpkin! Right-click the sign of the plot you want to use in order to get build perms inside it. If you want your pumpkin to be judged specifically at night time, please leave a sign in your plot saying so. You have until October 30th to carve or decorate your pumpkin, and then staff will judge and pick a few of our favorites in a variety of categories, including but not limited to:
- Spookiest - Most Creative
- Most Disturbing
- Cutest
- Staff Favorite
Last year's pumpkins have been saved and placed all around the edges of the contest, so go around and check them out if you want some ideas or inspiration!
For those of you that haven't participated in one of these before, the way it works is everyone that wants to participate puts in their name, I use a website to randomly assign you someone else's name, and you anonymously leave a gift for that person at the designated Spooky Santa warp, there will be chests labeled with everyone's names.
Please reply to this thread with your full in game name if you would like to participate, I'll give everyone 2 weeks to enter, so you have until October 16th to sign up! Then, I'll draw names and /mail you in game with the name of the person you will be responsible for getting a gift for. Once you've got your gift together, head on over to /warp SpookySanta and find the chest with your person's name on it.
Gifts will be due by Saturday, October 30th @ 11:59 p.m. EST, and then gifts will be opened on Halloween morning, whenever I wake up and unlock the chests!
Please put some effort into your gifts, think of what you would be very pleasantly surprised to receive! This doesn't necessarily mean expensive, I know not everyone has a ton of money, but a thoughtful gift or something clever or cute would surely make someone's day
Reason for Ban: X-ray. Banned by Nether_Ruler. Zero-tolerance Policy! Appeal your ban at it better be good.
Who banned you: Nether_Ruler
Why you should be unbanned:
I have 2 reasons why I believe I should be unbanned.
The 1st reason is that my computer (a macbook) can't run any mods on it (even performance enhancing ones such at Optifine) since Apple decided to not allow Java to be downloadable on basically any Macbook. If there is a way to do it though, please let me know. I'd really like to get Optifine as I'm told it enhances your gameplay.
The 2nd reason is that I have a new roommate and he tends to go in my room when I'm away in class or at work and touch my stuff. The other day, I left my laptop open with notes to remind me to finish them. When I came back, my email was open and had shown that my minecraft account's password had been changed. Turns out my roommate had changed the password and started playing on his computer with my account. It looks like he took the ip to this server too (as it's the only one I play on) and wanted to mess around. I was and am still beyond pissed. I have since reported him to my RA and they're seeing about either moving me or him out and having someone else move-in (basically roommate swap). I have updated my password to a nice, long 30+ character one.
Why do you want to come back?:
I'd like to come back to the server as it's the only good server I've been able to find in quite a while. The community is really nice and it allows me to escape the tiring college/work life. I guess it's one of my few forms of relaxation. I like the server so much that I was thinking of donating to it pretty soon. I used to play on it a long time ago too. Not sure if under the username of Byrnndi_ or Hammerhead426 (my old account that was hacked).
Hope you see this soon and if you decide to not appeal, I understand. X-raying is a cheap way of getting rich fast. There's not honor behind it, ya know? Like no actual reward for all of the hard work that you do.
Posted by: RedHaseeb - 09-25-2021, 10:20 AM - Forum: Trading
- No Replies
- Moonstone Apartments has been a project under-planning for months! It wouldn't have been possible with the help of JaydeToast for building the structure, Mina_Huntress for the interiors & HyperTooth for the Gardening and structure! It is one of the most affordable apartments in BlueCity! If you want to purchase one of these send me a mail! (/mail send RedHaseeb ...)
Why should you be unbanned: when I believed I've remembered and understood the rules I was wrong in terms of grief and land claim. although it's been a minute since being on the server it's no excuse to not go back and reread the rules which case ill remember to go back and learn them again.
Why do you want to come back: I've made a lot of progress in hometown, the community seems tight and admins are helpful and kind and its an atmosphere I've become attached to and is not worth losing over grief
Reason for your ban: Ignorance of shop rules // constant Rule 1 violations. Banned by TheDutyPaid/Nether_Ruler. Appeal your ban at
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid/Nether_Ruler
Why should you be unbanned: I had some shulker shells, So I decided to make shulker boxes and sell both of them to shops to earn a living. When I entered Nethers shop the first time I couldn't notice the rules board so I continued going to sell it. When I went to grab the second set to sell it at his shop I noticed a signboard saying the rules are in the book so I decided to read the rules and found out I have crossed the sell limit of the shop. So I decided to go to another shop and sell and yes I forgot to check for the rules this time as well. I forgot to check the rules I promise I won't repeat this mistake again. And I apologize for my mistake.
Why do you want to come back: I have invested alot of time in HomeTown, I wish to come back because I want to continue with my BlueCity project and I will make sure not to repeat this mistake again.
After logging into HomeTown (spawning into either the creative world, or the survival world and warping into the creative world), I went back to my base in the survival world. I wanted to continue demolishing an old build, but for some reason, my inventory had stayed as the creative world one. I tried going back to creative and to survival again, or leaving and rejoining incase of lag, but it still stayed. Now I'm worried that it's all gone. My tools and armor took forever to make, and I had an irreplaceable effX axe I got from a drop party.
Is there a way you can roll back my inventory? It should be a full enchanted netherite armor set, sword, pick, shovel, and axe, and the rest full of chest stacks. I'm mainly just concerned about my effX axe, since there's no way for me to get the eff levels back from regular enchanting.
My inventory at the current moment is a plain netherite helmet, pants, and boots, along with a spruce sign (for whatever reason I want holding it), and a plain elytra. This is what I usually wear in the creative world. I just want my old survival gear back, don't want these, I have my own elytra anyways lol. Replaced inv should be attached as a png.
TLDR: I need my inventory rolled back to the last time I had tons of chests in it. Got replaced by my creative world inventory somehow, and need my EffX axe, other tools/armor, shulker box, and chests back. Current unwanted inventory is attached as aaa.png.
I have an insane stock of quartz, and I keep them in a van where anyone can take it. Feel free to go to /warp SLC or /warp SaltLake to get free quartz! Don't worry! It won't ever run out, my insane stock of quartz shall keep it filled. The quartz is located in a van that is put together by Quartz.
Posted by: Toadstars - 09-13-2021, 09:39 PM - Forum: Off Topic
- No Replies
It is interesting to come back to HT Forums to find more people have been banned, which leads to them making ban appeals and making stories for me to read. No, I'm not dead.
I play with a semi modded client (provided a Full list Below) I promise you I don't use them in and mischievous ways, its only simple tools to help me with planning and building. If these are an issue I have no problem disabling them. I have never used any X-Ray!
This is all only an honest misunderstanding, if you could explain the reasons, i've been accused of XRay. i could better explain myself.
Honestly this ban was a surprise, and I am truthfully confused as to what i could have done, even tho i play with a lightly modded client i have always felt i kept my gameplay legit. That is why it is my hope we can resolve this soonest, so i can get back to playing with you all, and building up my base.
Why do you want to come back:
I was Enjoying my time on your server, its getting harder and harder to find a good server with a nice, friendly community. I had alot of time put into my build on the server and plans to spend many more.
Litematica MaLiLib (Litematica dependant) Mod Menu OptiFabric VoxelMap WorldEdit (Only for Single Player, Obviously i don't have Permissions on server) WTHIT