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  Can't Connect - Not White Listed
Posted by: Nuwrok - 04-01-2021, 09:19 PM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (6)

I attempted logging onto the server and I was unable to do so. I received a message that I was not "White Listed."

I was not notified by anyone that I was being banned.

However, I do know of one possible reason that could have caused an infraction.

Last night, or should I say very early this morning, I was AFKing for Iron. I should have stopped sooner than I did because I kept fading in and out while AFKing and collected the Iron and poppies that accumulated. Over the time there, I managed to get just over six stacks of Iron Blocks. However, because I was fading in and out, I did lose track of the amount of time that I was there. I cannot honestly say if I was only there for my allotted time of "One Hour" or if I went over this limit!

Judging by the fact that I have been locked out of the server, I can only assume that I have been banned. However, because I do not know the details of who may have done this to me, I unable to follow the proper way to request an appeal to this assumed ban.

This was not an intentional infraction of the server rules, just a lack of sound judgment and going to sleep when I was too tired to play and pay proper attention. 

I humbly apologize for my poor judgment and my resulting bad actions and request reconsideration to be considered access to this wonderful server once again.


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  my own Easter egg hunt
Posted by: xGAMx - 04-01-2021, 12:46 AM - Forum: Off Topic - No Replies

first of all I would like to clarify this is not an event hosted by staff. Its something small I wanted to do for fun. I am hosting a "scavenger hunt" or an easter egg hunt as you would call it.I have hidden 14 chests around the world(not res world) each chest has something inside, read what it says and do what it says.(msg me if some dont have something in it bc I might have missed 1 or 2) 
1.im opening this hunt March 31st. you will have. from march 31st till the end of Easter Day, this coming Sunday.
2.you're only able to find 1 chest a day to make it fair for others.
3. each chest has the same prize but there are also other prizes for each chest found. some may be really good but some also may be a potato so that is where you will test your luck! but if you end up with a potato you still get the initial prize which may or may not be $$$.
4. for any further questions, mail xGAMx
5. there are 14 chests so im going to put a number generator 1-14 and whatever number it lands on will be the price u get.
6. if you get to one and its empty (MSG OR MAIL ME FIRST, it could be one of 2 things. I didn't put an item in there at first or someone else went to that chest first. I can check that for you so please let me know)
Here are the coords to the 14 chests















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Heart Ban Appeal - Xray
Posted by: IceDogLucas - 03-28-2021, 08:48 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (7)

The server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTown SMP

Minecraft name: IceDogLucas

Reason for your ban: X-ray

Who banned you: Trekkie

Why should you be unbanned: I really would like to be unbanned from this server because I absolutely love this server, and this is the only server I only really enjoy playing on. I know that I made a big mistake when I logged on with this and promise I will never want to hear the word X-Ray again, for this will not be used. I understand how unfair it is for me to easily get this so quickly were others spend up to hours mining to get it. During my time away from the server I realized how much of a problem hackers are and that I was being very stupid, immature, and straight up dumb when I logged on with this. I don't know what I was doing and why I did not see there would be a consequence. I would do anything in the world for this server and to make it a better place,I honestly am very, very sorry. I hope you understand.

Why do you want to come back:  As I said earlier, I love this server and it's the only server I find fun these days. I feel that I have made many friends on this server and would wish to continue making friends and bonding with my good friends. ThisThis is the only server that makes me feel at home since everyone is so friendly, and if I were banned from this server I would probably never play minecraft again, and I feel as if I would lose lots of friendships even with my closest friends. I really want to join the server because this is stressing me out a lot and I would love to just get it off my shoulders and enjoy myself. If I lose this server I would probably cry so please, I hope you really understand and I am sorry for the inconvenience.

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  banned for grief?
Posted by: Elephantz - 03-28-2021, 03:21 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp

Minecraft name: elephantz

Reason for your ban: grief

Who banned you: elsio

Why should you be unbanned: To be honest i have no clue why i was banned, ive never griefed and when i
did accidently grief i replaced the block

Why do you want to come back: I havent played hometown for months and i want to see what everybody is
doing now.

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  Discord Server
Posted by: MadGamingPlayzYT - 03-27-2021, 09:14 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)


I have been banned on the Discord Server for posting anime pornography in the NSFW section, if the section is NSFW, and NSFW means Not Safe For Work, which means inappropriate posts (swearing, dark humor ect.). I thought I wouldn't get banned if I posted that, so I request to be unbanned from the Discord server. (my Discord name: Le Quacc#4481)



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  Public Service Warps
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 03-27-2021, 08:24 AM - Forum: Request Threads - Replies (3)

We recently received a suggestion from a player that we thought was a great idea, so we’re going to begin implementing it immediately.

If you have a warp that provides a public service to the players, you may be eligible to have said warp protected with an admin claim to save yourself the claim blocks. You as the owner of the warp would still have full access to build and trust whomever you wish as normal.

The kinds of warps we have in mind include xp and other farms, as well as pvp arenas, whereby you would unclaim and get your claim blocks back and an admin claim would be placed instead.

The warp must be public and free to all players, no paid access.
The warp must not have any kind of private farming collection on the side, all products must be accessible by the public.

Aside from these requirements, any warp submitted for consideration is subject to the staff team’s discretion. (Meaning we have the right to decide if it qualifies or not, over all)

If you feel your warp may be eligible, post a New Reply on this thread with your in game name, the name of your warp, and a description of what public service it provides.

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Heart Shop closure date
Posted by: TheReem - 03-26-2021, 12:23 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Hello HT playas,

Attention: Warp Cheapshop and Warp ReemArt will be closed on Sunday 28th March at 10pm(MYT) due to renovations and move out. Shops have been scheduled to reopen on April 10th.

Sorry for the inconvenience! Your patience is much appreciated. 


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  Xray Ban Appeal
Posted by: NameSakeJake - 03-22-2021, 12:55 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

The server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTown SMP

Minecraft name: ThatXboxLiveKid (alt) /NameSakeJake (original account)

Reason for your ban: X-ray/Ban Evasion 

Who banned you: melaniebeedot

Why should you be unbanned: 
It has been almost a year since I was originally banned and about 3 months since I was banned a second time for ban evasion. I want to come back to the server and I've been missing out on playing with all of my friends on the server, and I hope that this can all just end. Since I've made all of my failed appeals I've had lots of time to think about how dumb hacking is and how unfair it is to other people. I've recently been playing a lot of other games and other servers have realized how much of a problem hackers are, and just how un-fun it can make games to play. 

Why do you want to come back: 
I've been playing with my friends a lot recently we've gotten close to running out of things to play when one of them suggested going back to the server. I wish that I could join them but sadly I can't since I'm still banned. I want to be able to go back to the server so I can just be able to enjoy myself again and be able to play something other than Roblox with my friends. I've had the most fun I've ever had in Minecraft playing on this server and I really hope that my fourth and probably last chance will be the charm. I know my chances are pretty low but I think that this is worth a shot.

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  c0w's introduction?
Posted by: coolhandll - 03-21-2021, 09:21 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

why hello there! You all probably know me as c0w and yes I did join Smile Big Grin   well thats all i have to say oh and also donate to /warp buzz created by me co-owner is cefyre


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Lightbulb /shop HUD, but it's Organized Warps instead.
Posted by: HqppyFeet - 03-20-2021, 10:52 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Personal Prelude
|Hello, I am a player who has participated in many survival servers since 2013, and I am willing to suggest features and ideas to developing servers. These suggestions can - obviously - be taken into consideration by the moderators, and adjust these features to fit the theme of the community.

Server Review
|I first joined this server 4 days ago (16.3.2021), and I want to say that I fell in love with the community and the environment within the server, furthermore inspiring me to spend effort and design my new project in survival.
|There are some aspects and factors that make this server unique. 1; the community is truly friendly and has continued to support the server for long durations. 2; the server isn't plugin-heavy in survival, i.e. there is no McMMo, custom enchants, OP crates. Plus, the economy/marketing in this server is something that I haven't come across before; 

  • You can't sell crops,
    which stops players from breaking the economy from cactus farms, etc. 
  • /warp shop is limited,
    which allows players in the community to create their own marketing system and allow for more player interaction. (*and I LOVE that)
|I wanted to introduce my review to the server above^ because I want to make sure that I make a suggestion that fits the theme of the server, and that my suggestion doesn't involve breaking the system of the server.
|The suggestion that I considered introducing would be the addition of /shop HUDs to the server. I have realized that this server contains players going through the system of typing /warp shoplist, and looking at all the random usernames - WITH NO DESCRIPTION - and then warping to players that may sell items that you are looking for. Sometimes, you may warp to players that don't sell the items you want, or someone else is selling them cheaper. 
|Do you see the minor flaw? It's not a huge deal, because players of the community have been used to this system of navigation - I get that. However, this feature can be improved to help new players in the community, and allow navigators to easily warp to markets with 100% satisfaction and accuracy. 
|Here's my concept in visuals, though moderators/developers can adjust this to however they like:
|This is a video that I have quickly put together. 
|The only thing I am curious about is if there is a plugin that makes this implementation possible.

|Analyzing the content in the video, you will be able to navigate the /shop HUD and warp to shops that sell specific items, with the help of the player's warp description, and where they choose to place their warps in the /shop HUD.
||This will also remove the unnecessary need to "remember" people's warps, and/or remove the need to ask the chat about who sells what. aNd it will also simplify the need to use /warp shoplist. 

|Thank you for reading, and thanks to everyone who contributes to the quality of the server!

|This is a Q&A. Reply with questions if you are concerned about something.

Are you talking about /warp warplist?
|Yes, but with more specificity, and allows for a more accurate overview of all the existing warps that have been made.
|Consider this: You are looking to sell and/or buy items. It could be armor, building blocks, etc, anything. There may be shops that you can recognize, such as /warp illo or /warp reapsshop, because that is what players often tell you when you ask about who sells/buys what, limiting you to all the other existing warps that exist. /warp warplist may show some warps that you don't recognize, but they might not include all of the warps that have been made in this server.
|With the addition of the new /shop HUD, we can allow players to access all the existing warps that the community has made, allowing for more social interactions.

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