Minecraft name: Diego5137 (Used to be DiegoG5137 last time I played.)
Reason for your ban: Arguing with staff / not cooperating with staff.
Who banned you: Multiple Staff (I remember IllogicalSong was there.)
Why should you be unbanned: I've had a full year to think about what I did, and I've come to accept the fact that I was in the wrong. I broke the rules without knowing and I should have just complied with staff and gotten on with it. I apologize for what I did, and I ask for forgiveness.
Why do you want to come back: I haven't found another server like Hometown and its community, and one of my friends recently got Minecraft and we wanted to play on an SMP. I remembered that this server existed and found the Discord link on the forums. I joined it and asked if they could warp to my old town's warp, which of course was still there.
I've been really thankful to all of you for supporting my shops a lot.
I would like you to be informed that warp Cheapshop and warp ReemArt will be soon closed temporarily as we're moving out to a new building.
This process approximately may take a couple of weeks or less, depends how fast I get things done.
I will post the closure date soon in forums and chat when the work begins.
Until further notice, the shop is operating as usual.
I used to play on hometown with a few friends a couple years ago. Since then, it seems the server has been reset. I know the server had reset once before when I was playing on HT, and the world file was still saved and people could play on it as an adventure map. Is this the case for this past world file that was reset? Is there any chance someone could run the server for a bit? I was just hit with a wave of nostalgia the other day and I really wanted to see some of my old builds, as they were probably some of the best I've ever done. No worries if this can't be done, I just wanted to see if it was possible. Please let me know
I would like to suggest something but i'm unsure if we already have these or not. If there is, please let me know it would be useful.
Well, I was building a small interior aquarium and wanted to put a baby turtle in, but i realized it will eventually grow into an adult, which would not be spacious enough in an aquarium i built.
Was wonder if VIP could have the ability to keep their beloved pets small/baby. Just like how we could avoid leaf decay or grass growth.
I also like baby Llama and wolf, but yeah, they grow tho.
However, i am usure if turtle eggs will hatch..i have not tried.. But still, this ability will be helpful for us to keep other pets remaining as baby.
Well, if its a dumb suggestion or idea, forgive me.
hello. you have probably seen me around on hometown over the past ~2 years, being a public nuisance and such. you can find the things i've been doing with a few other people at /warp fortuna and /warp dragoncity. we like visitors, feel free to stop by and explore :) i play in bursts, so if there's a period where i haven't been on in about a month, i'm probably still gonna come back.
(ps: if you read this, try to find molten's island and leave a melon there for me)
First of all, I am so sorry for breaking the worst rule of all, I am also very sorry for not being smart enough to foresee the consequence, of using a texture pack that makes it easier to find all the goodies. (basically x-ray). As you said "this better be good". X-ray does not only make it unfair for others, but it has also been a big "no go" for a lot of years of Minecraft history.
Not only does x-raying make everything unfair, but it also affects the server and the players. The game should remain fair, and x-raying is the opposite of that. I apologies for being so blind not to see how stupid I was. I admit to using X-ray in the /warp res world, I also used it for a very little time in nether. I had actually deleted the texture pack right after I went afk yesterday, since I had decided to play the game as it is supposed to be played, but then I was maybe still gonna use it sometime later, so I think this was an eyeopener for me to never use it again.
X-ray is a bad thing, and mark my words. I will NEVER touch it again, since it will only cause me trouble. I know you have no reason to unban me, but i really think I can prove to you that I am not who you may think I am.
I feel like I deserve a second chance, since I have played on the server for more than 3 years, and as you may know, I recently came back to the server and started a big project. And I was stupid not to see that sometimes the easy way, is not the right way, but since I have learned so many new people to know, and established a good place in the server, I feel like you should give me another chance, I want to prove to you that I can do the right thing.
I had also planned on spending a lot of hours on the server, and I am also considering to buy vip2, in order to get the fly command, but enough of that. Basically I would love to spend a lot more time on your truly amazing server, and a lot more time with the totally awesome community that you have fabricated.
Why do you want to come back:
As I said, I have a big project going on, and I have met a bunch of nice people, including staff. I also will never use x-ray again, since it's a filthy thing that will only result in a ban. There is no need to lie about that.
I would also love to become a member of the staff one day, but it's gonna take a lot of work if I get unbanned of course. So please consider giving me a second chance, and I can prove to you that I can behave.
If you choose to unban me, which would be a true miracle. Then I will assure you that no matter how poor I get, I will never use x-ray, and I will go mine legit. You can even monitor me all you want, I wont go near x-raying again.
And I will never use an X-ray texture pack again! You have my word.
Today is March 13th. It is the lockdown anniversary but it is also my 5 years on hometown! I've made so many memories on here and so many friends. Its been a wonderful 5 years and I can't wait for more! Thank you to all my friends I made on here, you know who you are. Never would I have imagined I would make such good memories and amazing friendships on a minecraft server of all places. Over these 5 years I made friendships that I hope will last forever.
-Gam3babizz, Shirxanh12, gamisagirl, xGAMx (whoever you met me as)
(copy and paste): today is my 5 years on hometown! to celebrate I will be giving everyone $5, not much but its something. there are 1825 days in 5 years so 5 lucky winners will win $1825! mail xGAMx saying you want to enter and you will be entered! one entry for everyone. entries are free. good luck!
I was on the server building my base, I've only been on this server for about a week now, i got disconnected, i tried to reconnect and it says im not whitelisted for the server... my account name is Vixon2002