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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: ItzzLouieee - 04-14-2021, 08:36 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTown

Minecraft name: ItzzLouieee

Reason for your ban: Evasion of ban from an account I got banned on years ago

Who banned you: Nether and Trekkie

Why should you be unbanned: I was banned on a different account that I can no longer even get into, and it was years ago.  

Why do you want to come back: I enjoyed this server and thought that I would be okay saying that I had a 24 hr ban on an old account.  

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Lightbulb BottledEXP Plugin
Posted by: Zekrom@guyanesebossman - 04-14-2021, 01:00 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Hey all, i have a suggestion regarding a plugin to allow players to deposit and withdraw XP lvls from bottles to save people from having anxiety attack for venturing with friends and risk losing over 9000! xp lvls or somethin like that XD.


this link provided above is to a spigot specific plugin. And from what i see, it can be used with configuration to ingame $$$

Overall this should save everyone from having to either grind back for all the lvls they might have lost by accident and be able to store em for use later.

Another benefit is the ability to repair armor from stored xp bottles given whatever stored amount gets used, slowing traffic to xp mob farms for other guest ranked+ players to use for repairing their tools/armor, unless intention is for gold nuggets and or other items at other mob farms. Also Disable exp drop from mob spawners for any mob farms made for resource gather to lighten the load of entities of xp orbs sitting in bulk at multiple mob farms loaded in by the players.

This feature should be also available to players atleast [Advanced]+ ranks and VIP1 to give all the earlier players a chance to explore xp farms and those contemplating to stick around long term to be able to bank their xp for future use for self/shops.

Please have a look through the link and see what you think about it. thankies Big Grin.

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Heart Snap shot 21w14a (1.17)
Posted by: TheReem - 04-13-2021, 05:03 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (3)

I was trying to install Optifine G7 and coincidently found out that anyone can access snapshot..


I was too excited and decided to explore. Its cool guys.... I am not done exploring yet but really had a lot of fun.

Those new ores were awesome. I like the spyglass a lot, similar to binocular. Will be useful for us to zoom something from far instead of flying towards it. I love the candles too but not sure if i could lit it. 

I am now practicing to get used to it in case we decided to upgrade so that I know where and how. 

I have not tried what those new ores could do or what purpose it has. I have seen on youtube but its absolutely satisfying when i played by myself. I was able to explore.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: AnonymousMonkey6 - 04-13-2021, 02:58 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: AnonymousMonkey6

Reason for your ban: Use of known game exploit

Who banned you: UberDeathBunny

Why should you be unbanned: What I did was I found diamonds mathematically.  I was not aware that this was a "game exploit", and thought that this way of mining was just another technique, like strip mining.  Also, I feel like a permaban is quite an unnecessary punishment for mining like this.  If it was an X-ray ban, that might be a more reasonable punishment.  If I ever get unbanned, I would pay back as many of the diamonds I obtained, and would either pay back the rest of them with community service, or by mining (Normally ofc) for the rest of the money.  I'm not sure how many diamonds I got, but it was probably around 2 1/2 stacks, since I used fortune 3.

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back to the server because it is one of my favorite servers.  I have made some friends on there, and it would really be disappointing to not be able to play on the SMP.  I really enjoy all of the features of the server.  I really hope that I will be unbanned.  Thank you.

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  Noob Hut Removal Request Thread
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 04-13-2021, 12:45 AM - Forum: Request Threads - Replies (119)

Noob Hut Removal Request Thread

Have you ever found the perfect piece of land to build on, and perhaps even begun to build, and then discovered a tiny shack, a noob hut, a minimal effort little wood plank box, or part of the foundation of a house that was begun by a player who seemingly never returned to the server, and your plans for a grand base are now hopelessly foiled due to the 100-block rule?

Fear not, for we the staff team have finally decided to implement a protocol for removal of these builds that are cluttering up prime real estate for no reason!

If you have one such "piece of work" near your base and would like it to be considered for removal by staff then you may post a New Reply on this thread and make your request.

The build in question might be eligible for consideration if it meets one or more of the following guidelines:

1. 10x10 or smaller
2. Minimal effort invested, primitive materials used e.g. dirt, wood planks, cobblestone
3. Unfinished foundations e.g. floor/no floor, walls/partial walls, no roof/partial roof
4. If the player is banned, they must have been offline for minimum 3 months
5. If the player is not banned, they must have been offline for minimum 6 months

To determine who the build belongs to, you could ask an Expert+ to use /co i and see if there are any block logs, or, if there is anything locked with a magical spell, e.g. chest, furnace, door, use /cinfo to find out who it belongs to. Then you can /seen the player and see how long they have been offline.

Here is an example of an eligible build: 
10x10, primitive materials, unfinished foundation inside (no floor), not banned, offline >1 year

[Image: w4Nlla9.png]

Here is another example of eligible build(s): 
smaller than 10x10, primitive materials, unfinished foundation, not banned, offline 8+ months

[Image: T9o8iAX.png]

Builds that are not eligible for removal could include (but are not limited to):

1. Completed builds larger than 10x10
2. Full bases of players that have been offline several months
3. Some noob huts are markers for underground bases

Here is an example of not eligible:
build(s) are complete and larger than 10x10, considered an established base regardless of primitive materials used

[Image: 5x4UL5w.png]

To put in a request to have a build considered for staff removal, please post a New Reply to this thread with the following information:

1. your in game name
2. the coordinates of the build in question: x y z worldname
3. the coordinates of the part of your base that is closest to the build in question: x y z
4. the name of the player who owns the build in question (if known)

**Disclaimer: Staff have the final say as to whether or not a build is eligible, regardless of the above guidelines.
**Disclaimer: Staff reserve the right to add to or clarify these guidelines as needed for precision and understanding.

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  Ban Appeal (1st ban)
Posted by: Xanorus - 04-12-2021, 05:40 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (8)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Xanorus

Reason for your ban: X-ray

Who banned you: UberDeathBunny

Why should you be unbanned: I had great friends there and was a pretty good builder on the server, and I had some people who were friends with me. I spent so much time on the server and the server helped me deal with anxiety by surrounding me with people i liked to talk to. Please unban me.

Why do you want to come back: I had great friends and great times on the server and I had help with social anxiety and DID from the people in the server.

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  Ban Appeal 2
Posted by: xXREDHORIZONXx0 - 04-11-2021, 10:57 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Smp

Minecraft name: xXREDHORIZONXx0

Reason for your ban: X-ray

Who banned you: UberDeathBunny

Why should you be unbanned:
i know that i shouldn't have used x-ray, yes i used x-ray im not denying it. I just wanted to get started properly because i was new to the server and had nothing, every time i got something i died. so i made a base and turned on x-Ray so that i could get armor and then i could go and play the game normally. Im sorry, i think i should be unbanned because i wasn't using x-ray to grief or harm anyone, i just wanted to get started in the SMP

Why do you want to come back:
 I want to come back to the server because it is my favourite server, everyone there is nice. And if i lost something people would come help me. I know that i shouldn't have used X-ray and that at the start, everyone has to go through what i had to before they get started, and i shouldnt cheat. i think its a great server and i would love to be unbanned so i can play with my sister and make some new friends


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  my dp at spawn (drop party for anyone that doesnt know)
Posted by: coolhandll - 04-11-2021, 07:22 PM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

well hello! im gonna make it simple so basically im haveing a drop party at spawn at 6;30 pm est here are the rules

1~dont use /fly or /speed 

2~ be nice if u have alot let some of the people who dont have alot have some

3~ if u wanna help with me (i already have someone but could use more) mail me Big Grin Smile

just to be clear im talking about in game mail me

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Posted by: harkins2011 - 04-11-2021, 07:41 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

I joined this server about two weeks ago, and I love the server and the people here. I just recently made a forum account to say hi.

Anyways, two sentences about me: I like building modern houses, so you'll see me hogging up loads of smooth quartz. In real life, I am a 20 year old sleep-deprived math major, who's about to get his bachelor's degree two years from now.

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  3rd ban :( ban appeal
Posted by: Eli_Eli_Eli_ - 04-10-2021, 02:00 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

 Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):  smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: Eli_Eli_Eli_

Reason for your ban: dicks are NOT appropriate.

Who banned you: melaniebeedot

Why should you be unbanned:To be completely honest, I understand if I am perm banned as this is my 3rd ban and I was being completely inappropriate and disrespectful! I am so ashamed of my actions and if I was unbanned it would never happen again. I have no logical explanation as to why I was building or painting inappropriate things such as genitals it was immature and offensive. So like I said, I understand that I will probably not be allowed back on this server and I fully understand.

Why do you want to come back: This server has been the only thing that has kept me together throughout this pandemic some of my best freinds play on this server and i have made many freinds which is not an easy thing for me to do. This server has the most cariing and helpful community, best staff, and best economics. I would do anything to be allowed back on this server although i understand if i am not. i have pushed the rules and limits 3 times too many and i am so so sorry. it will never happen again but I'm sure thats not very believable coming from me.

I am so sorry to mel and all the staff that had to put up with me and anyone who i hurt, offended, or annoyed.
From Eli_Eli_Eli_ Heart

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