i got off because i had to and then when i get back on it said banded i didn't do anything at all no one told me anything about having to replant the trees i thought there was a person who does that. my name is tinyunicorns666 if you could unbanned me thanks
Why should you be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned because I realize that Stealing and Griefing a persons house Is not right. Especially lying about afterward is even worst. I want to say sorry to the person I did that too I don't remember who But I am very sorry. And even thought this was like 2 or 3 years ago it still doesnt mean I have it easy. when I played on this server back then I liked it and I felt like I could get away with anything since I never been on a server that really cared if you grief or steal but that is no excuse I know now that you guys take your server very professionally and I respect that. I just really wanna say sorry for what I have done.
Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because even though I do not remember the server so well I remember having a good time just playing the game and just enjoying myself I understand if I can't come back But that will be ok I just really wanna say sorry.
In Case Some Of You have not noticed, this upcoming may 9th will be my one year anniversary on Hometown.
My friend and I want to make this special
events are the Following:
As of 4/22/21-5/9/21 There will be a open lotto at /warp lotto
Opening On May 9th will be a Ore Event! /warp IceOreEvent
On may 9th there will be a Drop Party /warp Gdrop Hope You All Enjoy Having These Events! Check Regularly NEW EVENTS MAY BE ADDED
It would be nice to actually see some survival play on this map...all day every day its can i get this can i get that...does anyone actually play the game or just want to play in creative by using everyone else to get materials....its pointless trying to have shops when you can just beg for everything and get it....that'sts why there is no economy on here (or should i say failed economy) just hording and giving for free... Don't get me wrong there are some that play survival and are respected for it ..But not many.
I am constructing a Wall of Warriors arena to display warriors representing my castle. The Wall of Warriors will have a warp, which means you will be able to visit anytime you want. The construction work for the hall has not begun yet but soon will.
If any players wish to be on the warrior wall, you may donate your head at warp cheapshop.
There is a donation chest meant for head donation only, on the right side of the door once you enter Cheapshop.
You are also REQUIRED to come up with a warrior title that represents yourself which will be labeled below your ign on the wall.
Those who are interested, please reply to this thread with your ign and warrior title. Then, do not forget to donate your head.
Example: TheReem93, Emerald Knight
Thats because i love doing raid and collect emeralds. So it represents me at my best...lol
You are not allowed to choose a warrior title that has been taken/chosen by other players. Therefore it's a first come first serve basis. Scroll on the thread to verify if someone has chosen the title you have in your mind. If no, go ahead and post a reply of your ign and title.
So far these titles have been taken, therefore chose something else if you have these in your mind.
1. TheReem93, Emerald Knight
2. Zekrom, Black Knight
3. Jkoke, Duck Noble ( he wanted Duck so badly, idk why..lol)
You have plenty of time to come up with one. I will announce the last date for donation and volunteering when the hall is a week away from completion. Until then, you got time.
Once the deadline for donation and volunteering is due, a list of player's ign with their title will be posted on this forum. This enables the volunteers to check if something is incorrect, misspelled, or left out.
If everything goes well, the list will be finalized. Once everything is completed, the warp will be announced in chat and forum under Off Topic.
If you have further questions, you may reply to this thread or just ask me when I'm online.
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): hometown smp
Minecraft name: psyduck200
Reason for your ban: testing clay/gravel exploit seeing if other blocks would work with the exploit and not listening to an admin when they told me not to do it.
Who banned you: trekkieendermom
Why should you be unbanned: because I was testing a theory out and the mods said only gravel/clay and I thought to myself would other blocks work so I tried it to see if it would work with sand and I carried on even when the mods told me not to and I'm sorry that I disobeyed the mods and I am truly sorry and I will not do it again. also while doing so I also informed a mod telling them how this glitch/exploit worked on other blocks while even those I disobeyed the mod I still helped in a way by informing them its not only clay and gravel. Also this is my first offence I haven't had any warnings/conflicts with any mod/admin on this server before and I would like to come back to the server I understand what I did was stupid and I take full responsibility for the actions I have made and next time a mod/admin tells me not to do something ill listen to them and not do my own thing. I'm very sorry that I wasted the mods/admins time by doing what I did and I hope you could forgive me for my mistake and allow me to keep playing on the hometown server.
Why do you want to come back: as its a nice and peaceful server that I enjoy to play on also the people on the server are nice. also its a nice place to express myself also i love the events uber dose and the op items he gives out.
Reason for your ban: Grief. I built a house-like structure on top of the server-owned wheat farm. I did it because I was trying to draw more attention to the fact that you could build anywhere on top of most of the farms as I thought that maybe other staff members didn't get the message from one of the guardians because the bug wasn't fixed yet. I should have either asked or waited before making a drastic decision like the one I made.
Who banned you: Nether_Ruler
Why should you be unbanned: I have screwed up once before as I used the clay/gravel deposit exploit (for lack of a better term) because I make poor judgements and decisions sometimes. That's just who I am but I know that it's not an excuse for what I did, it's more of a reason. You can't make excuses for what you did, you just have to own up to it and be open about it. That's what I believe, anyway. So I guess the reason is that I screwed up badly because I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I never had bad intentions when I was doing what I did. Next time I need to just be more patient, more understanding, and less stupid.
Why do you want to come back: I really enjoy the community and people on this server. I would say that I have made a few friends on this server even though I've only been on the server for a few days. I know that I make poor decisions but I try to do the right thing and I try to be the best I can be, even if I make dumb decisions.
Reason for your ban: I was Re-selling by putting the items in my own shop. Who banned you: Nether_ruler, Melaniebeedot, trekkieendermom
Why should you be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned because it was a mistake that I shouldn't have done. and I want to learn from this mistake and show I can follow the rules to become better.
Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because this is the only Minecraft server I play on because I love the server and all the people on it. I like being on the server to talk and have fun with friends and also to learn from the server and grow.