I feel Hometown is missing something... Something that I noticed several players enjoyed making, but hardly any event held for it...
Oh I know what it is!
Welcome to Hometown's first official
ArtMap contest!
What's one more contest, right?
Over a course of a month I've poured my blood, sweat, and tears into an overly huge build and an entire new plugin just for this contest. And now it is finally ready!
I hope you enjoy it!
Please read on for answers to your questions.
How does the contest work?
Warp to the art contest (/warp art_contest), pick a plot you want, and right click the sign in front and to right of the plot to claim it. Then you will be able to sit at the easel in the plot and start painting something related to the theme of this contest! Anyone can join, even non-VIP players! If you are new to making artmap, please read near the bottom of this post for a brief instruction on how ArtMap works.
I know there are people that make better art than me, and players that make worse art than me (no offense), so I'm trying to make the contest as fair as possible for everyone.
There are a total of 5 different categories for this contest; most of them are not based on your drawing skills. These are
- Most Creative
- Most Original
- Most Detailed
- Cutest
- Trekkie's Personal Favorite
Each of these categories has a totally sweet reward for the winner. Your artwork will be entered in all of these categories, but it can only win one category. Everyone participating in the contest will still get some great rewards at the end of the contest.
One more thing! You can add a brief description for your artwork. The description can be written in a book or on a renamed item. Put them in the barrel behind the easel. At the end of the contest I will check the barrel for the art description.
What's the theme for this contest?
The theme is... Summer time!
Your art can be anything related to summer time. If you have some troubles coming up with an idea, here's a few questions that may help you brainstorm. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear/see "summer"? What do you usually do during summer time? Is there something you look forward to in summer every year? Do you have a holiday you participate in during summer?
When does the contest start/end?
The contest starts... RIGHT NOW! And it will last until the end of May. You have a whopping entire month to work on your art!
What's the rules for this contest?
- Don't break anything at the warp or try to get out of the warp area.
- Don't use anything that convert a picture into a pixel art for you. I want to see your real skills.
- Your friends can give you tips on your artwork, but they can't make the artwork for you.
- Claim only one plot and make only one artwork. You can't use your alts. If your siblings are participating in the contest too, please let me know before the end of the contest so I don't disqualify you.
- No NSFW material, please.
- Please leave your artwork on the easel until the winners have been picked out. At the end of the contest you will be able to save your artwork for personal use.
How does ArtMap works?
There is an easel in the center of every plot. You right click the easel to sit at it. Your inventory will be temporarily replaced with art kit for use on the easel. The art kit contains of several different types of dyes for painting on the easel, and several tools to use. The tools are quite well explained, you can read them if you hover your mouse pointer over them. There are many different colors you can use in your artwork. To see more of them, click on the block with pink arrow texture to get previous/next page of the kit.
You hold any of the items from the art kit in your hand, and paint on the easel with them. Left clicking will create a dot. Holding down right button and moving your mouse will create a line.
At the end of the contest, you will be able to save the artwork you made and remove it from the easel. You save it with /art save (name you want to give the artwork). Then you can keep the art in your home, or create multiple copies of it to sell if you like.
I think that's all I need to say in this post. If I missed anything, please let me know.
Now go find a plot you want and get started! Happy painting!
The contest has ended!
The winner for each of the categories are...
Most Creative: pocketTheyThem
Most Original: Zakenzie
Most Detailed: Landline
Cutest: Brother_Goron
Personal Favorite: (Actually a tie!) ChakoChanga and _MDShAd0w_
Each of the winner has received either VIP1 or $7k as substitute, along with several easels and canvas... and infinimend bow with power 6! Everyone that has participated in the contest, check your inventory for a barrel and/or an orange shulker box! These contain your rewards! If you don't see one in your inventory, check your mail to see if I have sent you one.