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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: DiscoHusky - 04-01-2023, 01:48 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTown SMP

Minecraft name: DiscoHusky

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Phallic Build

Who banned you: Nether_Ruler

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I was like a freshman in higschool when I built it, I'll admit that it was pretty immature and dumb. I honestly don't know how long I've been banned, probably around two years- I just never really made an effort to come back I guess. I didn't know that it was against the rules to build it on my own plot, but I guess it makes sense to me now since it's a community server and all. I'm sorry if I offended anyone or looked ridiculous- I just want to say, I was also 14 and dumb lmao. I ask that you please consider unbanning me Sad

Why do you want to come back: This is one of the only community servers that I actually enjoy. Again, It's been a long time since I've been on and I wanted to catch up and see what's changed and I miss logging on with my cousin, building cool things, and talking with the admins and other people on the server. It was nice, I miss it lol. 

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  The voices told me to x-ray
Posted by: kek - 03-31-2023, 02:20 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (6)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Smp

Minecraft name: Mikablook

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): x-ray

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Yeah I can't even make any excuse, I was x-raying. I got too silly. But at this point since I'm already under suspicion I don't think there is ever I chance I could pull off cheating again, I mean there is always staff on the server and if I am already a "tainted" one they will occasionally /vanish and tp to me or something. I do feel remorse since the server seems like a cool small-ish community and I was looking forward putting hours in it. Also what if I told you the x-raying was done "irronically"??

Why do you want to come back: Since for the time being I am unable to go outside very much I had been looking for a niche smaller minecraft smp. And most others were either totally dead or a total circlejerk between the 5-6 active players with meaningless ranks. So yeah, your server seems really cool and I was looking forward in creating my own little builds and maybe invite a few friends to make a quaint community.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: piinkchalk - 03-27-2023, 09:23 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP Server

Minecraft name: piinkchalk

Reason for your ban: X-Ray

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned:

As I was trying to log onto the server I was met with the ban message stating that I had used x-ray.
I have not done any form of x-raying to warrant a ban, and I am unsure what evidence exactly is being used against me to have me banned; I was asked to appeal first before I actually am presented with the evidence for the ban. I have been mining for several hours on end for the past few weeks on this server, and since I have been banned without any warning or message from staff beforehand, I am struggling to find evidence why. Upon further thought, I have compiled a few potential cases for my ban that I would like to argue against.

- One potential case for my ban are the times I have dug down and found diamonds or other rare ores. While it is true that this has happened occasionally during my mining sessions, I often do this without finding any ore veins. I only dig down in search of another cave so that I can mine its resources too, oftentimes when a cave is shallow as I've found out larger caves are connected to shallow caves. I have only experienced this around 5 times during my near 2-weeks of constant mining, and the time gap in which I find these diamond veins are very large. The luckiest I have been was finding 2 veins in succession of each-other after mining downwards. Otherwise, the times I dig down in search of another cave does not yield any diamonds.
- The other case I can think of is the fact I do not light up the caves I explore. This is because I use the Lunar Client full-bright option which illuminates the cave, making it easier to see. It does not specifically detect ores for me to mine and I have been told staff has permitted full-bright on the server.

I do not support the use of x-ray, nor have I ever used it - nor do I ever plan to use it for my own gain. I understand the severity of such an accusation and I understand if any of the cases above may have mislead staff into thinking that I was using x-ray. Once again, I have been mining constantly on the server in the past few weeks, and have explored several caves for their resources - often entirely cleaning them of ores and other valuables. I worry that the time I have spent mining for hours on end may have been overlooked. The cases - specifically finding diamonds just by mining down are rare coincidences (and I know that's hard to defend against) that have come up seldom during my sessions, and often times digging down just leads me to another cave or rewards nothing.

Why do you want to come back:
I enjoy playing on this server with my friends. They are just as saddened as I am with the false ban and also hope that staff can bring light onto what would warrant my ban. The community is wonderful and even though I do not often talk publicly on the server it is nice to see how close everyone who plays on the server is with each-other. My time on this server has just been a few months but the experiences I have had on this server are very impactful to me.

- piink

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  Cant Join Server
Posted by: nytamis - 03-24-2023, 10:47 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (1)

I keep getting kicked for using a VPN/proxy but I am not using one.

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Wink Ban Appeal
Posted by: GoodUsernameIHope - 03-20-2023, 03:38 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Please consider unbanning me im very sorry for causing so many issues on the server on several different accounts for griefing on several peoples bases mostly stealing iron to make stuff and i hope for a second chance at playing the server fair and contributeing like a normal human to society

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Valhalla_Calling - 03-17-2023, 11:45 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com (Hometown)

Minecraft name: Valhalla_Calling

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Theft of heads and grief Banned by TheDutyPaid Appeal your ban at http://www.hometownmc.com/forums

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): 
I have not been on the server for quite a while, but I have logged in a while ago, just to take a look at my base in the server. And today I found out I was banned for theft of heads and grief. That at first is partially suspicious as I have not been on the server for a long time. Further, I have no idea myself what possible occasion I would have had on the server to perform theft or grief. Most of the times I spent mining somewhere in a cave, or building at my own base. Therefore I would kindly ask to remind me with what I am supposed to have stolen or griefed. In case there is indeed something I did wrong, I was not aware, and I will pay attention to it the next time. In case there is nothing to be found that I did wrong, and so includes an error, it is ofcorse just to unban me.
At last, I want to give some advise for the unban system, as I have probably not done anything that disrupted a player or the server so severely that I got a ban from it. Perhaps it would be better to give somebody a tempban or a warning if the actions are not that severe. 
Out of all players, I think I am in the top of players to have shown exemplary behaviour. I found it rather extraordinary that I came back to the server to see a ban.

Why do you want to come back: I want to continue to build my base, and have some fun with it, and interacting with players to show my base. Also it would be fun to work this idea that I have for a base out in a server. I chose this server specifically because it is a server that is not chaotic, and has nice features in it.

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  Ban Appeal part 2 Forest_Adam
Posted by: Forest_Adam - 03-08-2023, 02:25 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Merhabalar ben Forest_Adam birkaç gün önce HomeTown sunucusundan ban yedim sebebi X-RAY idi suçumu inkar etmiyorum evet gerçekten kullandım ve pişmanımda ama bana 2. bir şans verebilirseniz sevinirim gerçekten hile kullanmayı seven biri değilim ama sunucuda hızlı gelişmek ve arkadaşım pvp atmak istedim ulaştım ama bir gün sonra ban yedim :/ ama sıkıntı yok size hak veriyorum yaptığım şey yanlış bir şeydi sizden 2. bir şans istiyorum umarım beni anlamışınızdır tekrar tekrar özür diliyorum bir daha olmayacaktır iyi günler

Ban:X ray


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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Forest_Adam - 03-07-2023, 01:35 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Hey i apologies for x-raying and i would like to set an appeal for it. It had been a lot busy irl for me recently and I didnt want to waste my only precious time of the day mining. Instead, I x-rayed and wanted to spend the time left with building, spending time with my friends in server. I know x-raying is unfair and makes you take adventage of others. I am deeply sorry and I promise I will not do it again.



X ray

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  Ban appeal (Looneon)
Posted by: Looneon - 03-05-2023, 01:23 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Hi, dear staff team!

My nickname is Looneon and I have been banned from the server. I didn't know that it's prohibited to break beacons in the world. These ones weren't claimed tho, but my apologies!

The reason I've banned: griefing (beacons);
Who banned me: ThatOneWolfe (Java) and DiamondBlockBen (Bedrock);
Minecraft nickname: Looneon;
Why do I want to come back to the server: I consider this server the best one I've ever seen cuz Hometown seems to me friendly and interesting to play. I like playing here!

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  Ban appeal and I'm very confused
Posted by: k3r7 - 02-28-2023, 04:52 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): i was banned on hometown smp

Minecraft name: k3r7

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Reason: Killing someone's fenced animals

Who banned you: Illogical

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Because I haven't even joined the server yet. I just found your server on a minecraft survival server list and wanted to try it but as soon as I clicked I was prompted with a ban message. I think it was someone with the same username as me logging in but I don't see how that's possible as there can't exist 2 mojang accounts with the same username. I just don't know how I got banned when I haven't even joined the server in the first place.

Why do you want to come back: As I said above, I never even joined the server and I just want to play on it
Huh Huh

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