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Ban Appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
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9 hours ago
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ban appeal and apologize
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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Ban appeal
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03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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03-12-2025, 04:44 PM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-08-2025, 06:12 PM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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  plugin suggestions
Posted by: gotSugma - 02-10-2023, 02:16 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

tree feller, pl3xmap or bluemaps, friends list full access/custom access to ur stuff.

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Big Grin BAN ME
Posted by: ThisHorse295177 - 01-30-2023, 07:38 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): the main server by UberDeathBunny

Minecraft name: ThisHorse295177

Yea I know I was using xray hax and u guys can ban me bcuz I wanna be banned?.  Smile

Why I did that: Got bored

Bro someone reply I can see the views u know?
to the admin:
Also add like mods to be more intresting 
Good server btw

Update:Hey guys I found a different server soo ban me 

Bye L

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: HellsKight - 01-29-2023, 10:29 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: VictorySlasher

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!):  I was Banned for advertising another minecraft server about 4-5 years ago

Who banned you: i dont remember

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): After being gone for 5 years i believe that ive matured and grown up alot. i was a stupid kid that didnt care about what people thought and im very very sorry for all the trouble i caused in the past

Why do you want to come back: I missed the Server i was on i had alot of fun times on it and met some really great people who helped me shape the man i am today.

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  Ban appeal
Posted by: Dr_Tubaman - 01-10-2023, 11:10 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Dr_Tubaman

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Griefing

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): To be 100% honest, I'm unsure exactly what griefing I'm banned for. The only thing I can think that I picked up at any point was a stonecutter that I thought was part of a game-generated village. That was definitely not my intention and I'm happy to return and/or replenish any items that may not belong to me.

Why do you want to come back: I really enjoy this community. People are friendly, and it's a good place to play vanilla MC with friends.

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  Parkour Event!
Posted by: Nether_Ruler - 01-04-2023, 11:32 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)

Howdy ho (ho ho) HomeTowners! (See what I did there)

To crush continue on the Christmas spirits, I'd like to introduce a new parkour event!

This is something I've been working on recently, and it's time to announce it to all! At /warp ParkourSpecial will be a race to the finish! Starting at 7:00PM EST on January 7th (timer), the warp will be open to all. A race to the finish, the first, second, and third place contestants will each receive a prize!
(No, I can't tell you what it is, that would ruin the surprise)

While you do not need to start the event right at 7, it's in your better interest if you want to get a better prize!

1. PVP is disabled, but try to be courteous to others parkouring! AKA, don't afk right on a block that someone needs to jump onto!
2. Potion use is banned 
3. Anyone found breaking the rules/cheating will be removed from the contest. This is at the discretion of any staff member
4. If you accidentally lose your spot, stinks. I have no way of proving where you were and it's not my responsibility if you're careless and lose your /back or decide to tp away. 
5. Use of items that alter your speed/jump are also prohibited.
6. The event takes place in the EVENT WORLD, meaning your inventories SYNC. Your inventory does get wiped at various points throughout the event, so do NOT FORGET TO EMPTY YOUR INVENTORY. There are echests placed throughout along with reminders. I am NOT responsible if you choose not to heed my warning(s) and you lose your favorite Elytra. 

Did someone say... PHOTO OPS???

[Image: PVIeb6t.jpg]

[Image: qaCapD5.jpg]

[Image: g4EGa31.jpg]

[Image: zGZTBgK.jpg]

[Image: K3px7rd.jpg]

Happy Parkouring!

- Nether

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  User Unban: TheFastVan
Posted by: Danionlion - 12-31-2022, 07:22 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: TheFastVan

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): ban evasion. Banned by melaniebeedot. Seriously Dude? (IP banned: TheFastVan)

Who banned you: melaniebeedot

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): The reason i was intially banned from the server was due to bring caught X-raying on an old account (Danionlion) a few years back, the exact date of I'm not sure of. As of recent years I've become unable to access the account due to microsoft's account changes, playing under a new user, TheFastVan, I believed I could get a fresh start with the server, with no association with my old account as whilst the time I played on the server may have been fraudulent and against the rules, I had genuinely enjoyed the relaxed, friendly nature of the server.

The period in which i was caught X-raying was a period in time when I was in my early teens. I was immature, and had a knack for breaking the rules, which included using X-ray on servers (all of which besides HomeTown were small, shortlived servers run through a small group of friends) as i saw no issues with it being used at the time. Now, I can see the detriments it could provide to an economy driven server, and have realised the lapses in my judgement that I had several years ago. I believe that through this time since my ban, I have been able to mature from experiences like this, and have grown to being a more respecting user amongst minecraft servers.

As for the ban evasion, it was probably not the wisest idea for me to play knowing that my previous account was banned, and should've talked to a moderator before being allowed to join the server. I am sorry I did not make this apparent at all, and I had no intention through my time in the ban evasion to use cheats to exploit the economy of the server.

Why do you want to come back: As previously stated, HomeTown is a server I enjoy because of its relaxed, friendly nature, with the users who play on the server being kind and respectful of others. Its the only survival dedicated server I have a genuiune passion to play, as I find the community very supportive of others and enjoyable to have conversations with as your building something on the side. The shops system makes the game much more relaxing, as the long processes for grinding for materials feels stress free, and allows for me to enjoy the more creative and expressive sides of Minecraft as a whole.

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  Thank you Santa
Posted by: TheReem - 12-26-2022, 06:55 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

My Dear Secret Santa,

Thank you for your mystery gift. I am so happy to have those gifts and it means a lot to me. Especially those emeralds, seems I like to trade a lot. I appreciate the diamond too, guess you must be a rich santa.  Big Grin

Also thank you for the netherite armors and tool. The sword is amazing and i love it. 


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  New fish store
Posted by: TheReem - 12-23-2022, 09:06 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

Hello Hometowner,

As I informed you in my previous post, I have now expanded my fish business

Common and Rare fishes available. 

Warp ReemAqua

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  Kchow Cuirass
Posted by: TheGreatCatsby - 12-20-2022, 05:06 PM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (4)

So after purchasing Kchow Cuirass from warp OPitems, at first it worked both for /flyspeed and /walkspeed, but yesterday when I tried using it with /flyspeed it no longer worked even after re-logging a few times. I tested /flyspeed 10 both with and without it and the result/time was the same. Has something about it changed, or is it just my-client-side or did some other unknown factor change this? I'm hoping the speed bonus can be re-applied to flyspeed once again if possible Smile

                                                                                                                                               Thanks in advance!

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  Plugin suggestion: VoteGUI
Posted by: TheGreatCatsby - 12-20-2022, 04:54 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

There is a plugin called VoteGUI (I'm sure there's similar ones if this one's incompatible with the server) I believe, that tracks the last time you voted on each site through a GUI that I believe would make things easier for lots of people, as they wouldn't have to set alarms and such if they wanted to vote roughly at the same time each day. It can be tinkered with and say stuff like either "you voted 22h 40 mins ago" or "you have 1h 60 mins left until you can vote" or make it say "Go vote now" once the period of 24h has been reset! I can see why some players and staff members might see this as having disadvantages as well as advantages. One disadvantage would be - it would take away from the effort needed to put in if you wanna reach top voter/voters and you wouldn't need to set alarms and such, but regardless, I hope a lot of players will find it has more advantages than disadvantages, so please consider adding it if possible. Smile


P.S. Here's a link how it looks like: b27634c61dddc475a447e1003eafb94d.png (840×611) (gyazo.com) where the red one displays the vote site that it's still too early to vote one, while green ones display the sites where you can go vote now.

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