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Ban Appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
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Yesterday, 02:27 PM
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ban appeal and apologize
Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
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03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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03-12-2025, 04:44 PM
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03-08-2025, 06:12 PM
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03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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  First HomeTown Stock Exchange
Posted by: acfuffy - 03-28-2016, 04:34 PM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

Greetings everyone,

Since the day I purchased minecraft, I have always found myself looking for one thing in servers: an amazing economy. With HomeTown, I have definitely found that. However, I always found myself wishing for something more. For something similar to a stock exchange. Now, I understand the difficulty of governing something this complex, however I believe I have found some simple and effective ways for doing so.

The stock exchange itself is located to the right of /warp ht_bank, so check that out

How it works:

Companies and shops decide that they need extra cash for an upcoming product. So, they sell a percentage to the HomeTown Bank. The Bank then fractions, or shares, of this company into the stock exchange

Let's say "bob" has a line of shops, catering to individuals with different needs everywhere. Now, he has multiple shops, leaving him no time to build anymore. He soon finds a need for a warehouse, and finds for for $100. Unfortunately, Bob only has $99, and that is reserved for something else. So he comes to the bank, and talks to one of the helpful bankers there. They then purchase his stock and sell it on the stock exchange. While the value of the company fluctuates, players try to purchase the stock at a low price and sell it for a high price. If someone decides to retain their shares, they can receive profit payouts from bob each month. He will pay the bank a lump sum and they will evenly distribute it. This way, Bob doesn't have the hassle of keeping track of the shareholders.

This bank will provide an alternate way for players to fairly make money on the server.

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  Imameatheads ban appeal
Posted by: IMAMEATHEAD - 03-28-2016, 11:40 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (11)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: Imameathead

Reason for your ban: Theft of free stone chest at /warp stone

Who banned you: Kat an Lex

Why should you be unbanned: I'm really at the lost of words here... I don't want to be a dick either.. They said for free...an I did fly from the back side of the an didn't read all the signs.. Star contacted me an I gave back two double chest in stone... But whether I was going to use the stone in my shop or finish building my space cargo ships above my shop ...The logs really cant prove what  my intent was for the stone.. Nor anyone else on the server ... I do feel this is a witch hunt... " If "Imameathead shows up on the logs when i buy out a shop of an item or this something else like this stone" people go crazy... But when someone comes into my shop an buys me out of,  say,  sulphur.. I don't call a mod over an find out who bought me out.. Or ban them from my store... Business is business that's how an economy works.. But it happens to me more than you think.. 
        When i give stuff away for free "Like beacons an saddles or diamonds" I have no interest on what they do with it... I know most end up being sold in there stores.. Some in their inventory to build with or use... Free is free..I give it unconditionally with their good will intend in mind.. I learned my lesson from the last time I was banned... That was just wrong..An I know it.. An I don't want this to be my last casting call.. I have been diligent in keeping my nose clean an staying to myself...Unless someone asks for  my help... Now, I have had problems in past with some of the players involved.. So this could be the end of me, an my son who plays on the server.. an I realize that.. So don't get me wrong.. My intent was not to steal  free stone... 

[b]Why do you want to come back: [/b] Why do I want to come back.. I  play all the time .. Like 100 plus hours..I feel I'm an asset to the server.. I would like to over come this increasing distrust an move up the ladder some day.. I like this server,.. Its the only one I play on... Its fun. "the chat cracks me up".. I do feel the sense of community on Hometown.. An I would like to stay..
      So  I take one knee with head down an hat in hand, arms stretch out once more before the lords an lordesses of Hometown.. To allow me access to the server once more.. "Not being a smart ass, just a visual "
Sincerely Imameathead

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  Got banned first time
Posted by: Mpatsolas - 03-28-2016, 11:04 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (9)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: Mpatsolas

Reason for your ban: Griefing/ignoring stuff.

Who banned you: lexsux

Why should you be unbanned: Im not a bad person.

Why do you want to come back: Me and my friends love this server.

Heyguys  i was banned from hometown on 28/3/2016,reasons for griefing/ignoring stuff.My minecraft name is Mpatsolas,i got banned by lexsux.The truth is i was at the warp farms and i was gathering food,i was replaning the seeds (hundrends upon hundrends) and i had only a few left,but my internet disconnected so i was not able to finish replanting.Im a regular player for past week that i joined the server with my friends zeky1,gks000,andar77 and i would like to continue playing in this server because i enjoy it very much  and we have built a lot,i really didnt mean to leave the plants unplanted and i havent caused any problem since i joined.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Isaqel - 03-28-2016, 04:31 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (7)

b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] Survival

[b]Minecraft name:[/b] AlphaBae

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Grief?

[b]Who banned you:[/b] Kat

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] If I did grief, I didn't know. The place(s) where I did
go was already somewhat griefed. I thought that the place was abandoned. It had lava,
signs of already being griefed, holes, and more. I wouldn't grief on purpose because I don't
want others to grief me! I am truly sorry.

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] I love the friendly community and everyone is so nice.
I don't want to grief or be banned from this server.

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  Easter Bunny Nitro's Giveaway :D
Posted by: Nitro - 03-28-2016, 04:27 AM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Happy easter folks!

And to celebrate even more, for the next 2 days Nitro has become the easter bunny! 
Over the each day 4 winners will be picked at random and will receive a price that may
taste like diamonds blocks!

The Winners So Far Are:

Day one

Thats it for day one! Be ready for day two!

Day two


Good luck!

How to enter:
Simply be on the server at the giveaway time (Could be anytime, it's a gamble Big Grin)
I will spam my tab button whilst doing the command /tpa and if I tp to you, you get a prize! Simple!

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  New cities?
Posted by: splogan - 03-28-2016, 02:27 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

I'm bored with my slow developments and I think I need to move out and help someone else's settlement. Any ideas of were i could go?

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  Banned for reason
Posted by: TheNamesGames - 03-28-2016, 01:45 AM - Forum: Forum Games - Replies (30)

This was also on the old forums and was really fun, so i tought of bringing it for all of the new people who have arrived here!

Its pretty simple game: tell a stupid reason why the user above you got banned. For example:

Player 1: Rasse82 for being a smartass.

Player 2: Jon for being useless in general.

And so on! I got no-one above me, im a loner... Good luck!

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  Acfuffy's Ban Appeal
Posted by: acfuffy - 03-28-2016, 12:11 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (5)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: acfuffy

Reason for your ban: 
After playing on this server for a lengthy amount of time, I have had my good days and bad days. Yesterday was an awful one. I admit I was being a jerk, I was harassing miningpro999 and other players, which was not okay. I was also being extremely annoying in the chat, bugging Maddie, Lex, and Star.

Who banned you: No clue

Why should you be unbanned:
The good relationships I have built on this server have been amazing. I have brought other players here, as I find the quality of the playing, the staff, and the server's vibe itself were very welcoming, making it feel like home. I understand that what I did yesterday disrupted this positive atmosphere, and I now understand that what I did isn't okay. Honestly, I was acting extremely childish yesterday, arguing with everything someone of authority said to me. While I am guilty for disrupting the atmosphere, please take into consideration that this is my first ban and I definitely do not plan on receiving another.
Why do you want to come back: 
As I previously stated, I have made good relationships on this server and enjoy the positive, welcoming atmosphere and the good leadership that it has to offer. I have multiple builds and many friends, and this server is the only reason I play mc. This server has given me some really amazing memories, like the people that came together to assist me in the building a castle a little over a year ago. This server feels like home

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  Ban appeal
Posted by: jolliboy98 - 03-27-2016, 06:20 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): 25.03.2016

Minecraft name: Jolliboy98

Reason for your ban: crop griefing

Who banned you: Arayvek

Why should you be unbanned: Because I love the server. I didn't know i griefed, all i did was stay on my own island with my friend.
We play happily there and have fun, but sadly that came to an end when i got banned.
If at all possible, i would like to start over with a fresh start and live up to your rules.

I will go over the tutorial once more as i did not properly do it the first time.
i will also read all rules i can find on the forum and always ask if i am uncertain.
Please do consider this appeal, as i would very much so love to play on this server again.

Why do you want to come back: it is by far the greatest server i have played on, and i have tried many.
I really wish to play minecraft with my friends, and they play on hometown. i will follow the rules, and have fun.
My whole life is gaming, and I cant bear the thought of playing alone whilest my friends play something else. Please do consider.

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  happy easter!
Posted by: Penguin - 03-27-2016, 02:52 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (3)

so in case you didnt know, apparently we need to celebrate the death of a dude who died around 2000 years ago by eating chocolate. dont you just love religion?

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