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Ban Appeal
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Yesterday, 02:27 PM
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ban appeal and apologize
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03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
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03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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  So lets figure out who has an Elytra.
Posted by: Oshakai - 03-27-2016, 11:21 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Okay so it's been a day since the end has been updated and I wanted to know who has an elytra. This is just to see the possibility of more out there. So here is what I got down so far:

All of these are before the border was functional^^^^^

I know that seb got one too, but since he got through a drop, I don't want to add him to the list in order to not confuse people. This is just to see how many were found and to also see the possibility of finding more. If more people have found them, reply to this thread telling me who so I can add them to the list.

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  ban appeal ScooterBerry25
Posted by: ScooterBerry25 - 03-27-2016, 10:39 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (10)

Server you were banned on : SMP hometown
Minecraft name :ScooterBerry25
Reason for your ban : Trespassing 
Who banned you : DK 
Why should you be unbanned:I am a fun little girl that has had some pretty ruff bumps this year  Confused but I keep trying! So you are probably wondering oooo is she gonna tell the truth?? yes I am. Here is the truth truth! I had lost my house and I was looking for it. I saw this massive sheep pen. I thought it was amazing so I took a screenshot for my friend to see. She thought it was cool so I tp'd her and we wen't in now before I say anything else I did not know it was trespassing if I did I would not have done it so I went in. here's the part I want to kill myself for.... I KILLED A SHEEP I was in need of food and I didn't know that was against the rules and it really makes me mad at myself I did it but I needed to get that off my chest!! So when i killed a sheep my friend said wait I don't think you should have killed a sheep! So we wen't searching for our house and by the way we did find our house. This is the complete truth this time I would like to be unbanned but I don't know if I deserve to be unbanned. It is up to you guys. At least I told the truth!  Big Grin  Thats what matters. WOW that felt really good but again if you want to unban me please do so.  
Why do you want to be unbanned : I LOVE HOMETOWN!!!! ITS AMAZING I love the market idea and I love the town idea I LOVE ALL THE IDEAS I always think every time I see the ideas wow I would love to make ideas like that  Blush Love {ScooterBerry25}  Heart Sad Blush

Also I will never do anything like it on this server again if you unban me.

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  I Got Banned (Again)
Posted by: RynoOp - 03-27-2016, 05:32 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (4)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown
Minecraft name: RynoOp
Reason for your ban: Xray (I know this is the second time)
Who banned you: Frost
Why should you be unbanned: I know I have been banned before for X-Ray and that time I did use a texture pack to xray that time, but this time I swear to my heart I did not X-Ray and I am not gonna say that I was lucky or anything like that. On that day I had my friend Rubio over and he did not know how to play/ what was minecraft. But a lot of kids at school were playing it and he is one of those kids that don't fit in that well so I let him play on my account on hometown because I just started and there was nothing to lose besides my pick and stuff unlike other servers where you have the most op gear ever and if you die you get like a bounty or something like that, So I let him mine because I did not have a lot of materials, and I was over his shoulder telling him to stop and mine sometimes, to my surprise, he found a lot of diamonds and he was proud of himself and he really liked the server and I think he is getting his own account now! So I am happy about that but today I tried going on and it said I was banned and I was confused, but then I remember how Rubio was getting lucky and how he found a lot of diamonds so that is why I think I should be unbanned.
Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because the time that Rubio was not mining and stuff I made a lot of friends like: mumsan and this other girl. Also, once Rubio gets his own account (If he does) he wants to play with me on this and we could share a house in the town that I am in.

 ~RynoOp  Smile

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  I got banned
Posted by: SawadaX - 03-27-2016, 03:57 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: SawadaX

Reason for your ban: "Banned for Crude Statement: fuck you, you."

Who banned you: I don't know.

Why should you be unbanned: . So I log on the server to say, "Juicey says Hi" and got banned right away. It won't happen again. Sorry, I didn't think I would get banned.. for that. Also this is the first time I got banned so I just want a another chance, I promise it wont happen again. He just told me to say it and that " You won't get banned" so i thought, Ok sure I guess. I didn't know i would actually end up getting banned... Sorry for the inconvenience and for bothering the server. 

Why do you want to come back: I wan't to come back because  I think this is a very nice server and just wan't  another chance. 

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: TropicHD - 03-27-2016, 12:38 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: TropicHD

Reason for your ban: X-Ray Modding

Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe

Why should you be unbanned: For starters, I understand that X-Raying is wrong, unfair to other players, and gives the user of it an unfair advantage. I knew that it was against the rules, and I thought I could get away, but I was very wrong. I am in the wrong, and I have no one else to blame except for me, and I understand that. I'm stupid for donating after I got banned, forgetting that I was banned, the morning after. I've tried to cancel the refund complain, but it keeps giving me an error every time. I feel like I could be a great addition to the community, to help out new players that come in. I know the words I am typing on my keyboard look like lies, but they are not. I really do want to come back to hometownmc, I've been trying with my appeals for weeks now, if that helps with showing me be persistent to wanting to be unbanned. The server you take part in running, is an amazing server. I've had the mod uninstalled for a couple weeks now. I will be very careful and read over the rules multiple times to make sure that I don't break any rules ever again. Please have an open mind. Smile

Why do you want to come back: This server has a great community that gave me a warm welcome when I joined the server, which immediately gave me the impression that it was a great server. When I needed help with commands, they answered me in the chat. This server has great unique plugins that make the server fun, unlike some of the other generic plugins you see on every server. Joining the server, I thought I would only be playing on the server for a couple hours, and I would screw around with X-Ray. But after a few hours, I actually thought to myself that the server is actually a very fun server. But it was too late, because I got teleported, killed, and banned. The server is very different in a good way Smile. It has a great market system, and an easy-to-use protection stone plugin. My friends are progressing in this server further than I am, because I am banned, and I want to share that fun experience with them together. I feel very left out for my mistakes, and wish to be given a second chance on this server. That was my first and last time X-Raying on any server. I really want to come back to that server, please, pleas, unban me from this server. Smile

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  TreeCapitator mod
Posted by: thievious - 03-27-2016, 12:05 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

I suggest adding the TreeCapitator mod to the server because it makes it more fun and easy to hack away at those trees. yes it might reduce prices in most shops, thats both good and bad. yes it will encourage more people to take down trees for themselves (this is good no?)

And finally, have a good day.

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  Will pay $800 or higher for an Elytra
Posted by: Maddie_Amity - 03-26-2016, 07:36 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (5)

Literally title  says it all

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  New End World
Posted by: frost - 03-26-2016, 02:29 AM - Forum: General - Replies (13)

short post

New end world is now open. Access with /warp end. It is recommended you do not bring valuables into this world.

Portal to the first sky island is east of the spawn.

Flying is disabled in the new end world. If you somehow are flying in the new end world you could be banned.

The old end world can still be accessed with previous warps there and you can reach the spawn with /warp oldend. This world will be kept primarily for end farms. If you are going to build an end farm it is recommended you do it in the old end world where fly is still allowed.

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Big Grin The end of the tough break.
Posted by: TheNamesGames - 03-26-2016, 02:28 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

As the title says, your favoruite apple-lover is back! Ive ended the stupid madness of school and the vicious cycle of tests! Im now back on the server and hope to see all of ya lovely ppl doing everything god-knows-what-bussiness which you were doing as i left! 

I hope even some of you are glad to see my stupid face back on hometown! 
Warmest hugs, the nerd has landed! Big Grin Heart

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  Thought I never Had To Make One Of These
Posted by: Isaqel - 03-26-2016, 12:39 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

[b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] Survival? Or the whole server?
[Image: huh.png]
[b]Minecraft name:[/b] AlphaBae

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] I don't know! It just says i'm not white listed on the server

[b]Who banned you:[/b] I dont know

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] I did nothing wrong and I love the friendly community!

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] because I love this server, then again I did nothing wrong

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