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Ban Appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
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Yesterday, 02:27 PM
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ban appeal and apologize
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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Ban evasion
Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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03-14-2025, 12:39 AM
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WorldEdit Request Thread
Forum: Request Threads
Last Post: melaniebeedot
03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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Ban appeal
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03-13-2025, 02:40 AM
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03-12-2025, 04:44 PM
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03-09-2025, 02:53 AM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-08-2025, 06:12 PM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
Last Post: esptree
03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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  CheezyWheezy0 Ban appeal
Posted by: CheezyWheezy0 - 02-08-2022, 04:25 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (10)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com (smp)

Minecraft name: cheezywheezy0

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): X-ray banned

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): 
I believe that I was falsely banned. I have never downloaded anything that had X-ray. The closest I've ever gotten was a couple of weeks ago. I was playing on the server and had badlion client on, and things were loading slowly. It was basically like X-ray, but I couldn't see diamonds and ores and such. I quickly switched to vanilla Minecraft due to this. Other than that scenario, I can't think of why I may have been banned. If you may have noticed suspicious mining patterns, that is only because I like to mine in random directions, thinking of how shocking it would be if there were actually diamonds there. Also, when mining I attempt to cover as much space as possible without mining tons and tons of blocks, so I mine in no pattern but branch off and go somewhere else if I'm not having any luck. (P.S. sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. It's a little hard to explain.)
Why do you want to come back:
 Hometown has become sort of a comfort place to me. All the members are so friendly. The cozy feeling this server provides is like no other. Logging on and seeing the ban message shocked me, to say the least. 
To whoever may read this, I wish you a lovely day.

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  random idea - de enchant
Posted by: Cil - 02-07-2022, 01:16 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

Just a random idea, but maybe offer a service on the forums, similar to the noob house removal, abandoned warp reclaim, et cetera, that allows players to try to get a service where they can remove specific enchants from specific items, the cost could vary as to what the enchant and item is that the player wants removed; specifically for example, I would want to remove enchants from sharp v knockback 10 sticks, and similar items, just an idea at least

Maybe maybe maybe maybe even a way to get event type enchants that cost a lot that could be ENCHANTED ONTO a tool the player wants, idk

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  /fly stuff
Posted by: Cil - 02-07-2022, 01:08 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

hey there, so uh something I noticed is that whenever I login my ./fly is suddenly disabled even in air when I logout. It also gets disabled when I warp to the creative world and back, essentially my suggestion is a solution to where /fly remains enabled when logging in or switching worlds that the fly command is allowed in, and if there's a way to auto reenable fly when switching from a world that doesn't allow it back to a world that does if you already had it enabled in that specific world, I don't know if this is even possible, but thought I might throw the idea out there.

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  Treasure Hunt
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 02-05-2022, 03:23 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (6)

Ahoy, Matey!

Welcome to HomeTown's
First Official Treasure Hunt!

[Image: sasOYbj.gif]

Since there's been a bit of trouble finding treasure chests with the last few resource maps, we've created our own HomeTown treasure hunt!

The hunt will lead you through a series of clues that take you to a series of places around the server. All the locations are public spaces available by /warp or near by one, to help you out, the first 8 clues are in or around SpawnTown! Read the clues carefully, there are key words that hint at the locations if they're not outright obvious. There will be items to collect at most clues locations along the way, be sure to grab one of each, and then at the end you will find instructions on how to claim your prize!

What is the prize, you ask? 

Cold. Hard. Cash.

For this first treasure hunt, a cash prize of $25,000 will be given to the first 5 players who collect all the items and complete the treasure hunt!

Here are some ground rules, because you know we have to spell them out:

1. Only 5 individual players can collect the cash prize at the end, you can't win again on an alt.

2. You can help each other with figuring out the clues and where to go, but remember this is supposed to be challenging but fun, so if you just give it away, that's no fun. Tongue

3. Each individual player must go to each clue to collect their own items to win.

4. Each individual player may only collect 1 of each item, you can't get an extra for a friend
(if you accidentally get more than 1, just let a staff member know and they'll put it back)

To get started, head on over to /warp TreasureHunt and pick up the first clue!

If you like this treasure hunt and would like us to design another, we'd be happy to make a harder one for an even higher cash prize! Wink Just reply to this thread with your feedback and we'll do our best to make the next one even better! 

That's about it! 

Happy hunting!

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  /sell hand
Posted by: Reaper - 01-28-2022, 05:14 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Idea: Enable /sell hand to be able to be used to sell items that can be sold at /warp shop.

Why: Because Reaper is lazy.

Pros: It would make it more convenient to sell large quantities of one item at one time instead of having to spam click a shop sign forever. It can be set to require a vip rank to use, extra incentive to buy vip if someone doesn't already have it and a nice treat for those that do.

Cons: Each time you use it you owe Reaper 3 Reaps.

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  Ban Appeal LordVenom77
Posted by: LordVenom77 - 01-23-2022, 05:02 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on: SMP

Minecraft name: LordVenom77

Reason for your ban: Use of X-ray modification

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned: I quite enjoy playing on this server, it has fun minigames, and a nice environment. I highly regret using X-ray, I'm especially depressed about it because I had read the rules just earlier and made the stupid decision to ignore them. I wish to continue to explore this server and the community around it. This use of the X-ray modification unbalances the economy and gives an unfair advantage to an individual, and although I was not planning on using the gathered resources for commerce, it still has a great effect on the balancing of the game that is unfair to other players. I highly regret my actions and look forward to exploring the server more if you would permit me back on. 

Why do you want to come back: As mentioned in the paragraph above, your server is quite enjoyable to play on, and I want to explore (particularly the minigames) quite a bit more. Thank you for your consideration.


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  Server Ban Appeal
Posted by: Medizin - 01-14-2022, 06:36 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Medizinee

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Grief to /warp diamond Banned by TheDutyPaid. Appeal your ban at http://www.hometownmc.com/forums.

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): 

I will be completely honest, the entire thing was my fault. I was checking out the warps to see if there was anywhere for me to farm diamonds, then came across the warp. I did see the sign on the diamond block mountain, but I misinterpreted it as for show for two reasons. 1. I am pretty dumb. 2. Usually in areas like these, there's grief protection that prevents anyone from mining, or the area is simply claim shoveled, but, for some reason, here, none of that was in place, so my brain saw it as "Well if there's no grief protection, it's probably fine to mine here, maybe it regenerates or something." I'm pretty sure I interpreted it like this due to the systems put in place on bigger servers, is this a common thing on smaller servers?

Again, it's compeletely my fault and it was a dumb mistake. I promise it will not happen again.

Why do you want to come back: 

Small Minecraft servers like these always have the best communities, it's like a rural town with less than a few hundred people, everyone knows each other and everyone will always come to your door with food on Thanksgiving. I also have a good friend here I like to play with (I was on here yesterday with her), and it'd be unfortunate for that to be cut off because I was being dumb.

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  Ban Appeal for "zezzv"
Posted by: zezzv - 01-12-2022, 07:43 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: zezzv

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Grief.

Who banned you: Nether_Ruler/TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I'm not going to act like this isn't partially my fault. I invited my friend to the server because he really wanted to join it so I gave him the IP. Then he joined and did the required quiz for the rules and whatnot, then he went to a town and started griefing (I tried to get him to stop and I probably should've notified someone like a moderator but didn't). As I was trying to fix it I accidentally made it worse. I understand I didn't make the smartest decision and at the time it was late at night so I wasn't thinking completely straight. Also, I understand what I did wrong and what I can do to prevent it from happening again and I am willing to help everyone affected repair their builds and get things back to the state they were in before the incident. And I will not allow things like this to happen again and I will be more cautious next time if I am put back in a situation like the last one that got me banned.

Why do you want to come back: I really enjoy playing on this server.

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  WorldEdit Request Thread
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 01-11-2022, 05:09 AM - Forum: Request Threads - Replies (124)

WorldEdit, Please?

[Image: jJNmF4n.jpg]

As most of you already know, WorldEdit is normally only used on this server for server builds, or on the occasion that a player is being requested to move their build due to a claim dispute, an admin may move it for you if it is particularly large and inconvenient to move.

"But I'm half way through building this huge tower and I just realized I'm 1 block off!"

"I wish I had built this house just 10 or 20 blocks to the left, it would've worked so much better with my town layout."

"Boy it would sure be convenient if I could just pick up this base and drop it on the other side of the map to this new cool spot I found."

Now, thanks to a recent player suggestion, we will consider helping players move their builds with WorldEdit for cosmetic reasons! For a nominal fee, of course. 

$1 per non-air block

For a //cut only (blocks go poof, are not //pasted anywhere and do not get returned to you) 
$0.50 per non-air block

Any entities being moved with the build: $1,000 per entity
*this includes mobs/animals, but entities also include things like item frames, artmaps, maparts, paintings, and armor stands

If you would like staff to consider your build for a WE move, you may post a New Reply to this thread (limit of 1 WE move per player per month) and include the following information:

1. the coordinates where we can find your build, ***including the world name*** please mark 1 corner with a distinguished block
2. the rough size of your build (length x width x height) at the widest points
3. the coordinates of where you would like your build moved to, ***including the world name*** please mark the same 1 corner with a distinguished block to align exactly where you want it

The admin team will review your request and decide whether your build is eligible to be moved with WE, and if it is, we will contact you with a fee estimate.

- Only things YOU have built may be eligible, we will NOT move/cut naturally generated structures or land or mobs for you.

- This request is limited to a copy and paste of the building exactly how it is, no other WorldEdit functions may be requested to help construct or replicate the build. Rotate may be requested as needed to turn the build. 
- This thread is NOT meant to be used as a loophole to moving mobs yourself. If your BUILD happens to include mobs that you would also like moved with it, that's fine.
- Not all builds may be eligible to be moved with WE. Eligibility is entirely at the discretion of the admin team.

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  Ban Appeal :(
Posted by: NotLitteralDuck - 01-06-2022, 09:33 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: NotLitteralDuck3

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Grief.

Who banned you: Nether_Ruler

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I genuinely don't remember griefing anything, atleast not in the past couple of months. Just wondering what it is.
Why do you want to come back: I miss my cute lil house and farm

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