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Ban Appeal
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03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Noob Hut Removal Request ...
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03-14-2025, 12:39 AM
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03-14-2025, 12:16 AM
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03-08-2025, 06:08 PM
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Posted by: Traayblox - 05-23-2022, 02:43 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (1)

Hello everybody. You may remember me from a while back. If you do not remember me or joined Hometown recently then hello.

You can call me Traay. I was really active on Hometown for I'd say A year back from 2020-2021. I was friends with a lot of people back then but I kinda just went silent for a long time...

Well I may return later in the year but I haven't played Minecraft for like 7 months or so /:

Also Kenzie change your discord pfp its been 19 years

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  request to remove "noob hut"
Posted by: strawbaeby8648 - 05-21-2022, 02:59 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (1)

ThatOneWolf checked with other staff about whether staff can remove chests that aren't in a claim and from a player who has been offline for a year and 7 months. the area was deemed as a "noob hut" and i should request to have it removed in forums, thanks

coordinates to the area 
x: 6922 y:67 z: 2647

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  HomeTown's Best Builders Comp
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 05-07-2022, 03:28 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Best Builders

(This is a very special event so you're going to want to participate!)

[Image: wUtdVPj.jpg]

We have many very talented builders on this server, and we want to show them off!

To allow the most flexibility for the vast range of building styles there are, and in light of the latest Caves and Cliffs update, this build competition will be 1.18 themed! 1.18 themed means: what you would build in a 1.18 world, as opposed to pre-1.18. What were you looking forward to building in the new update? That may involve 1.18 blocks, or 1.18 terrain, it totally depends on your ideas/skills. Build whatever you like building that shows off your skills! (within server rules ofc x.x)

What makes this build competition special though, is unlike the way we usually reward build competitions, the winners will not be receiving physical prizes.... 

Instead, the winners chosen (and there will be several) will be given the opportunity to join in on helping to build an official server build alongside staff! (the specifics of which will not be disclosed except to the winners Wink)

So if you want to show off your skills to all future players to come, let's see what you've got!

When: Starting May 7th, 2022
Ending June 7th, 2022

Where: /warp build 
(more plots at /warp build2)

Stop by and pick out a plot, right click the sign outside the plot to claim it!

(One plot/entry per player, no team ups, no alts)

To get creative (and fly) you have to go to the warp directly (/warp build) and then walk out of the box, then you can fly or /home to your plot!

You have one long month to work on this build so you can take your time and really give it your all!

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Lightbulb Plugin Suggestion: Banknotes
Posted by: zezzv - 04-24-2022, 05:31 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

So I have an idea for a plugin, The plugin I would like to suggest is called "Banknotes".
     This plugin allows any player to use the "/withdraw (amount of money)" command to create a physical "Banknote" that you can give to another player that they can "/deposit" to redeem the amount of money that you put into it with the "/withdraw" command. This would be very useful for things like casinos or just giving out prizes in an event.

Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/banknotes.3200/

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: KamIsStillAlive - 04-23-2022, 07:09 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):Hometown

Minecraft name: KamIsStillAlive

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Xray

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid/MelanieBeeDot

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I've learned from my mistakes and won't do it again. I've come to regret that dumb decision I made. I realized that cheating just isn't that fun, it doesn't feel good when you can just get something instantly.

Why do you want to come back: I miss the server and want to come back. I haven't found a server like this one so, this was my  only option. I know my chances are slim of this getting approved, but I might as well try. Thank you for your time. 

(If you need, you can reach me quicker via my Discord: Kam Is Still Alive#3053)

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  Ban appeal
Posted by: Dimonus - 04-21-2022, 09:12 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (14)

Banned on smp.hometown.mc

Minecraft name: DimonSlender_YT

Reason for my ban: xray

Who banned me: melaniebeedot/belgnbor

Why should I be unbanned: 
Basically, my microsoft account with tied-in mojang account got hacked today, on april 21st, and when I finally logged in by changing the password thru email, I saw the message wich said "You got banned. Reason - xray". Im an established player with a long history on this server and the fact that someone hacked my account just to get me banned really bothers me. I also have a really giant town wich I was building for more than a year, so I wouldnt hack, because i know that i could get banned for stuff like that and lose my progress.

Why do I want to come back: to continue building my town, play with others, participate in the events, etc. This is my favourite minecraft server, and getting banned here means that Im almost getting done with minecraft.

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  Spring Event!
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 04-11-2022, 05:09 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

HomeTown Presents:

A Non-Denominational Bunny-Themed Event!

[Image: FrnHHST.jpg]

We hope everyone will join us for food, fun, and festivities! 

When: Saturday, April 16th, 2022 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm EST

Activities include… 

Easter Egg Hunt 
PvKB (Player vs Killer Bunnies) 
“Death” Maze 
Drop Party 

…just to name a few 

More details to follow, but mark your calendars and plan to join us next Saturday!! 

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  Donate your in-game works of art!
Posted by: harkins2011 - 04-06-2022, 01:25 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

[Image: 7scSWo8.png]

Breakthrough Museum of Modern Art 

urtcome and I (harkins2011) are currently constructing Breakthrough, a museum of modern art, and it needs you to fill in its airy emptiness! We are currently looking for and accepting all forms of Hometownian art to be exhibited! These could be: map arts, art installations (sculptures), books, items, etc. that enable and express the faculty of creativity.

Q: How do I donate a work of art?
If its a map art, book, item etc. that can be put into an inventory, visit "/warp project" (courtesy of jkoke13 to host the donation site) and find this double-chest immediately to your right, and simply put in the work of art you want to donate!

[Image: wiF7y2g.png]

Once you have done this, do "/mail send harkins2011 [message]" (or urtcome) to tell us any relevant information regarding your work of art, and what descriptions you would like us to include in its exhibit. You can also use these descriptions as a place to advertise your warps/shops!

Q: How do I donate a work of art that is an art installation (sculpture)?
If harkins2011 or urtcome is online in the server, notify them and let them teleport to your art installation, and your work will be copied over with Litematica to be rebuilt in the museum. Building in the Creative world seems to be a good idea for these, if you can! 

If neither harkins2011 or urtcome are online, you may "/mail send" either one of them with the coordinates and the world in which it was built, and include closest possible warps so that they may travel there themselves and copy it over. Include necessary descriptions of the work of art so that we can identify what it is.

As always, make sure you include necessary descriptions of your art, and you can use these descriptions to advertise your warps.

In general, the maximum size of these art installations should be no larger than 7x7x7, although it is best that you build your work of art first, and we will accommodate as necessary.

Q: Among map arts, art installations (sculptures), books, items, etc., which ones are you looking for the most?
We are primarily looking for abstract art installations! These are physical 3-D works of abstract art that are rebuilt at the museum. For inspiration on these or what these are, I recommend looking at Keralis's video: https://youtu.be/PUAOLgbnS6s

Of course, any other artistic medium and genre is welcome!

Q: How many works of art am I allowed to donate?
To give everyone a chance to be exhibited, you may donate up to 4 works of art (including art installations, etc.).

Q: When will the Breakthrough Museum of Modern Art be completed?
Our prospective date of completion is around mid-summer of this year, if all goes well. You can speed this process up by donating works of art or sharing this thread around so that we have enough works of art to exhibit!

Q: May I visit the museum before it is completed?
As it is not open to the public, only those who have submitted a work of art can visit, since they will need to know where their artwork is located and/or work with harkins2011 or urtcome in installing them or deciding on the best spots.

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  New 1.18 Nether Build Moving Services
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 04-03-2022, 08:00 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)

Nethermind the Delay...

[Image: xZveK9F.jpg]

And now the moment you've all been waiting for, we're finally adding a new nether world (and, yes, a new end world) to link up with the new 1.18 main world! Soon your Minecraft experience will be whole once again with the ability to create portals and travel to the other realms!

We will also be removing the pre-1.16 nether world (world_nether) that we had at the start of this map back in 2019 (which for the past couple of years has not been linked via portals to any main world, and was only accessible via /home or /warp) after we have given you ample time to clear out any builds or materials that you wish to keep, of course.

For those of you that have built public access warps such as farms and bartering halls in this old nether world (located at /warp oldnether), we are offering a free WE service to have your build moved into one of the other two main nether worlds (newnether or 1.18nether). To check which nether you are in, use /coords or /getpos

If you would like to request this service, please reply to this thread with the following information.

Your full username: C0NN0R_M

Name of your /warp in world_nether: /warp barter
Coordinates of NEW location (x y z world): 857 64 376 1.18nether

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  Spring Santa
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 04-01-2022, 02:09 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (17)

Happy Spring!

It's time for another Secret Santa gift exchange!

[Image: fOIZIN8.gif]

For those of you that haven't participated in one of these before, the way it works is everyone that wants to participate puts in their name, I use a website to randomly assign you someone else's name, and you anonymously leave a gift for that person at the designated Spring Santa warp, there will be chests labeled with everyone's names.

Please reply to this thread with your in game name if you would like to participate, I'll give everyone 1 week to enter, then I'll draw names and /mail you in game with the name of the person you will be responsible for getting a gift for. Once you've got your gift together, head on over to /warp SpringSanta and find the chest with your person's name on it.

Gifts will be due by 11:59 p.m. (EST) the day before Easter (Saturday, April 16th) and then gifts will be opened on Easter (Sunday, April 17th) morning whenever I wake up and unlock the chests!

Please put some effort into your gifts, think of what you would be very pleasantly surprised to receive! This doesn't necessarily mean expensive, I know not everyone has a ton of money, but a thoughtful gift or something clever or cute would surely make someone's day  [Image: smile.png]

Have fun, Happy Spring!


[Image: Qtl5MYl.jpg]

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