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  Cheezywheezy0 Ban Appeal, round 2.5
Posted by: CheezyWheezy0 - 07-03-2022, 11:31 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Cheezywheezy0

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): X-ray banned

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I was wrong in lying about X-raying. In truth, I had used X-ray, but soon realized what I had done. Downloading X-ray in the first place was a mistake. It was not worth it. I have lied so much and would like to correct my ways. I have already deleted the X-ray client from my computer and promise that any diamonds I find in the future will be earned honestly. I'm sorry for all the time you (The staff team) wasted reading my arguments. I hope to return to this server as a new man. X-ray is wrong, and granted me an advantage I should not have had.

Why do you want to come back: Hometown is a very comforting server with very nice members. If I could come back to the Minecraft server and be part of the community again, it would be absolutely wonderful. I've changed since my ban. I hope you can give me a chance to prove it to you.

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  Cheezywheezy0 Ban Appeal, round 2
Posted by: CheezyWheezy0 - 07-03-2022, 09:21 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com (smp)

Minecraft name: cheezywheezy0

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): X-ray banned

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why you should be unbanned: Alright, I'm back. I did absolutely nothing wrong. You have no solid evidence. I've never touched a website that allowed me to download X-ray. You can take my armor. You can take my elytra. But you can't ban an innocent man. I'm willing to reset all my progress on the server if it means getting back in. I'm sick of staring at that "You have been banned" screen. Do what you will with this message. If you reject my message, I'll give you even more reasons to unban me.

Why do you want to come back: I love this server. I miss it quite a bit, and was falsely banned. I'd like you to look over the evidence multiple times and realize. I have friends on this wonderful server and would be delighted to be unbanned. 

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  HomeTown's 9th Anniversary Event!
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 07-01-2022, 05:14 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (2)

It's July!
You know what that means...

[Image: Djn9Jt2.jpg]

Saturday, July 16th!

We will have events running all day, so everyone can have a chance to catch something!

Starting at:

5AM PST   |   6AM MST   |   7AM CST   |   8AM EST   |   1PM GMT+0

Some of the events include (in no particular order) some traditional favorites:

Maze, Parkour, Spleef, Hide & Shriek, Storage WarsOre Party, Drop Party, Door Prizes!

As well as some older favorites we're bringing back:

Capture the Flag, Last Man Standing, Murder Mystery, Fight Night, and an Elytra Course!

So join us Saturday, July 16th,

whenever you can, and there's sure to be something fun going on!

[Image: H9GLfD6.png]


Where will the event be hosted? 

Just like last year, the anniversary event will be hosted in our special event world!
/warp Event
(but you won't be able to get in until that day)

What time does it start? 

See above for the common time zones!

What if I can't be there for the whole thing?

Join us for as much as you can!

Can't wait to see you all there!!

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Star Splat Contest! Elytra Race
Posted by: DeaDCorE - 06-12-2022, 09:01 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (7)

Hello folks, 

As a part of Hometown's 9th anniversary event, I am proud to announce that I'm bringing back  the Elytra tournament.



1st: Custom made UNBREAKABLE  ELYTRA - This elytra will have armor value (same as diamond chestplate), protection 4, and thorns 3

2nd: Custom made UNBREAKABLE ELYTRA - This elytra will have protection 4 and thorns 3

3rd: Custom made UNBREAKABLE ELYTRA  - This elytra will have protection 4


It's a head to head race to the finish, but the races will not be timed. After each round of eliminations, the difficulty will increase. The first round will take place on the green course, then the next round will be on the yellow course, then orange and finally red.

No disguises!
No Fly!
Fireworks on red course only
when racing do not use WASD or spacebar, if you move after you land, your score for the landing will be disqualified

5 points for every ring you pass through 
10 points for landing first (at finish)
2-5 points depending on where you land
10 points for passing through the bonus ring

How to enter:
It's simple, just reply "count me in!" and your in game name to this thread. If for some reason you can't use forums, you can contact me directly via in game mail (DeaDCorE) or discord DeaDCorE#1249

I don't own an elytra, can I still enter? Yes! contact DeaDCorE (or another staff member) and i will provide you with an unbreakable elytra to practice/compete with. However you will have until 1 week after the tournament to return this elytra. The penalty for failure to return the loaner elytra is having your balance set to $-1000000 until you return it.

Are we allowed to use fireworks? only on the red course

I am not good / my computer isn't good enough to use elytra is there another way to participate?  Yes, I need people to help judge whether both players pass through each ring. There will be an awesome secret gift for those who help judge. Reply to this thread with your minecraft ign and "i want to help"

What are the prizes? Elytras see above

I'm confused about what route to take can you show me? Yes i can give you /fly temporarily so i can show you the proper route. 

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  Pride One Chunk!
Posted by: elsio - 06-10-2022, 11:29 PM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

“Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”  James Baldwin

[Image: s2ZbeeR.jpg]

Welcome to HomeTown's 

"Pride One Chunk Competition"

The idea is simple, in honor of pride month, 
we are hosting a small build competition.
The theme does not mean you simply make rainbows, but rather ask yourself the question:

What does Pride mean to you?

But be careful to only make your build within one chunk!
The materials are yours to bring and find 
make sure to make your best and pride-filled builds.

Where: /warp Onechunk

Start Date: Sunday, June 12th to the anniversary event

Results Will be announced during the Anniversary Event

All players are welcome, invite your friends!
  Teaming up with friends is allowed,
but keep in mind you will have to share your prize if you win.
Alts are permitted to be used to make their individual builds

Other than that, have fun and let us know if you have any questions!

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  in game money/item trade for vip2
Posted by: seras0 - 06-07-2022, 09:35 AM - Forum: Trading - No Replies

hello everyone !!!! i'm looking for someone to buy vip2 for my friend, fbj403!

our offer: 35k+ in game money plus some other items you can request if you feel like u want more for it!

35k in game money is about equal to $40 irl money on the HT shop page, so hopefully u think the trade is fair too !!

msg me on discord (srslymandi#3077) if you're interested at all!! or mail me in game (srslymandi)

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: EnigmaWZ - 06-05-2022, 12:16 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: EnigmaWZ

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Grief.

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I am new to this server and was under the assumption that I could break things that aren't under "Claimed" or stuff like that. So I didn't know that I couldn't break stuff that aren't under claimed
Why do you want to come back: I wanted to play this with my friend

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  Summer Santa!
Posted by: Nether_Ruler - 06-02-2022, 08:04 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (13)

It's Summer!

That means it's time for another Secret Santa!

[Image: 11dPPxB.gif]

For those of you who have never done a Secret Santa before, fret not! The concept is simple, just reply to this thread with your in game name (please, no nicks), and after about 2 weeks, on June 15th, I'll lock this thread, draw names and /mail you in game with the name of the person you're responsible for gifting to. Head on over to /warp SummerSanta (warp will opened on the 15th) and find the chest with your person's name on it.

Gifts will be due by 11:59 P.M (EST) on Friday, July 15th. Gifts will be opened on Saturday the 16th whenever I unlock the chests. 

Please put effort into your gifts! Think about something you would be happy to receive, and try to put the same effort into your gift. Good gift ≠ expensive! I know not everyone has tons of money to spend, but there are plenty of other ways to make thoughtful and clever gifts without having to drain your balance :). Trust me, I've been doing this for years. Try to make someone's day!

Happy gifting, and hope you all enjoy your summer!

LyingStar (formerly Nether_Ruler)

[Image: B2LS8lO.gif]

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  First to the Egg Event!
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 05-30-2022, 07:54 PM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

[Image: 2lAeCwb.jpg]

A grand spawn building stands alone in the forest, moss and vines creeping along its once polished surfaces.

Grief and destruction have left it full of holes and water and lava.

Beyond its steps, an empty, dangerous world.

Welcome to HomeTown's first

"First to the Egg"

A full vanilla challenge is upon you! 
A separate server has been set up on a separate IP for this event.
The first player to get the ender dragon egg into their inventory, wins!

There is no fly, no warps, no tp... 
and be warned, creeper explosions, fire spread, enderman theft, everything is back on the table,
and the world is set to 'hard' difficulty! 

Oh, there's also a catch: 
upon your death, any and all progress you've made so far will rolled back, 
and you go back to spawn and start over. So be very, very careful... 

We will grant you one saving grace: 
a gold shovel and 2000 claim blocks to start, and you will accrue 120 claim blocks per hour online. 
Anything not claimed is fair game for theft and grief! 
PvP is disabled for now, but may be enabled in future events.

So what's the incentive to put yourself through such a grueling challenge?
Aside from the clout of being the winner,
you will be awarded a special prize on the main server!
(think, the kind of uber special prizes y'all hope for with onechunk events)

Where: smp.hometownmc.com:25566

When: Saturday, June 4th, 8:00 a.m. EST

All players are welcome, invite your friends!
Sharing/Trading/Teaming up with friends is allowed,
(but keep in mind there is only 1 winner and 1 prize)

Alts are permitted to be used instead of mains, 
but collaboration between alt and main to save materials/progress is prohibited.
(let's play fair, folks)

Other than that, have fun and let us know if you have any questions!

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  VIP Trade Offer
Posted by: RedHaseeb - 05-29-2022, 10:44 AM - Forum: Trading - No Replies

Hi, I am looking for someone who could buy my friend VIP 3 in trade for in-game cash.

You can contact me on Discord: Haseeb#4821

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