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  Why was I banned??????
Posted by: PinkyPonk - 10-14-2024, 10:55 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (5)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Discord

Minecraft username: PinkAid07765

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): I dunno bruh they just banned me with out saying why.

Who banned you: I dont know.

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Ive done nothing wrong. I just was on a call and made a poll asking about soap!

Why do you want to come back: I want to see the answers to my poll question, and the server streams movies for free on the calls.

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  Ban appeal
Posted by: pingo68 - 10-12-2024, 06:10 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (1)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft username: Playergod1 (I used to be pingo68)

Hello I got banned in 2020.

Heres the forum Ban appeal. (hometownmc.com)

reason for ban: I got banned was because of griefing.

Who banned you?: I got banned by kat.

Why should you be unbanned: I understand what I did was terribly wrong and childish, I destroyed hard work players have worked on. I am sorry for griefing peoples builds and I wont do it again. I understand that griefing has hurt many people and I feel bad. Its unfair and rude to destroy builds players have worked hard on and i'm sorry. I should be unbanned because, Its been like 3 years since I got banned and I have gotten way more mature.

Why do you want to be unbanned?: A week ago I randomly remembered this server. I miss the nostalgia and I want to experience the server again.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: JackTheMan - 10-11-2024, 07:23 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: JackTheMan5225

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!):  xRay
Who banned you: ThatOneWolfe

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I dunno, I was doing it because I wanted more money, I understood that this was unfair to players who did the work to get diamonds the normal way,and I knew it was against the rules, No risk no reward right? This happened a while ago, so if I remember right, I was just anxious to get out of the early game, and was just being lazy to get the diamonds I needed, but I pinky Promise not to do it again. Also I had lots of progress that was achieved fair and square that I would like back, like my base. I put hours into this server. I also remember being a bit of a joker with the staff, not really rude, but just goofing around on important issues, so I understand why you may have had low patience with me. (esptree probably remembers me) 

Why do you want to come back: I had lots of fun on this server, there is not really a lot of servers like this. I had lots of progress that I want back, and it was a lot of fun.

I attepted to repeal my ban several months ago, but failed. But I swear I'm a changed man. Give me a Chance dawg!

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  X-ray appeal
Posted by: Dyako_gamer369 - 10-11-2024, 04:19 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (5)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft username: .Gold_D_gamer333

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): x-ray

Who banned you: DiamondBlockBen

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): because this server is so amazing and i can't find a server like this again i got lot of fun when i was playing on it x-ray is makes the fun gone It should have been instead using x-ray working harder to get more money but i was lazy but i promise im not gonna use it again so please give me a second chance.

Why do you want to come back: because I was has a things that I got it with out cheating Even with the cheat I didn't got anything because before I gift diamond ore's to my own account I got banned and after I joined the server with my own.  Account (.Dyako_gamer369) I got banned just after I got banned and like I said I started ban evasion because I didn't got unbanned but after I talked to melaniebeedot I stopped ban evasion because he told me how to post appeal and I did ban appeal and I learned my lesson.

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  Claim Hut Removal Request Thread
Posted by: melaniebeedot - 10-10-2024, 07:01 AM - Forum: Request Threads - No Replies

Claim Hut Removal Request Thread

Similar to the Noob Hut Removal Request Thread, this thread is for when you've found land that is claimed by another player via a claim hut, but the land they've claimed has gone untouched for quite some time, they haven't made much (or any) progress in the area in a while, and you feel you could put that land to better use. 

Well, you're in luck! It's a little-known rule that claim huts actually can expire if the claimer isn't putting the land to good use. (see /warp claim, down at the very end, for another reference)

The claim hut(s) in question may be eligible for consideration if the following guidelines are met: 

  • The hut(s) in question is/are actually a claim hut(s) and not just a small house or something (a claim hut is typically a plain 5x5x5 box with a locked chest inside, but may take other forms or variations, feel free to ask staff if unsure)
  • The owner of the claim hut(s) hasn't made significant* progress in the area in at least 3 months (a good indicator of this is if the player hasn't been /seen in at least 3 months) *"significant" is at the staff member's discretion

So, here's what you do. Submit a New Reply by clicking the button at the bottom of this thread (or use the Quick Reply box), with the following information:

1. Your full in game username (please include the . if you are a bedrock player)
2. The coordinates of the claim hut(s) in question, including the world name (type /coords to get your exact coordinates and the world name)
3. The username of the player who owns the claim hut(s) in question (type /cinfo and punch the locked container within the claim hut to see who it belongs to)

A staff member will review your request and take a look at the area in question to see if it qualifies, and then if we agree, we will remove the claim hut(s) in question and free up the 100-blocks surrounding them for you to use the land instead.

Just to be clear, this thread is only for removing claim huts to free up empty land; actual builds will not be removed, and the 100-block rule still applies to any nearby actual builds even after/if the claim hut(s) in question are removed by staff.

**Disclaimer: Staff have the final say as to whether or not a claim hut is eligible, regardless of the above guidelines.
**Disclaimer: Staff reserve the right to add to or clarify these guidelines as needed for precision and understanding.

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  I forgot my Fourms password
Posted by: Juanfernox33 - 10-10-2024, 12:20 AM - Forum: Off Topic - No Replies

i tried to change password but i just forgot it pls before i lose acess to my account someone help

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  My ban appeal???????? (sorry guys)
Posted by: Juanfernox33 - 10-09-2024, 08:53 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (9)

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp

Minecraft username: ScaryJuanfernox/Juanfernox33

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Your text Failed to connect to the server

You have been banned from this server
Fieason: theft of valuable item and grief. Banned by the4neko. Appeal your ban at http://www.hometounmc.com/forums.
Who banned you: Your text: the4neko  Shy Shy Shy Shy Shy

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Your text ok so this is hard to say but i know that i stole a mace but i couldnt resist of getting it so i am so sorry pls do not destroy my things or anything bc i really want to come now, now im bored

Why do you want to come back: Your text bc hometown is the only smp that is cool with all the fun that i can get its hard to find other smp also im sorry for stealing an enchanted mace i just couldnt get over it i hope you can unban me!!!!1!!! Blush Blush 

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Posted by: Juanfernox33 - 10-07-2024, 07:33 AM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

[Image: 3FU6aSRCCu4YfnK1b8Dg_yOl3LU-yynSsVkc_xcy...6RNA=w1280][Image: TwoljjVwCqw2UA5PLoJAeUnhzJOHbFg04QoJ57yw...88AQ=w1280]Hello, I just wanted to say, Please free 10gauge shotgun

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  Hello Everybody
Posted by: AgateFlea538032 - 10-05-2024, 02:05 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (2)

Hello Everyone, my name is AgateFlea and I am excited to join this new server!

I have played on a few servers before, mainly SemiSurvivalCraft. But I have decided to join a new community because of a lot of complications, mainly toxicity, but also many struggles with my account.

A bit about my personality, I live in the Midwest and I am a Boy Scout! I play a lot of Minecraft but I am not too active on the weekends because of it.

In SSC, most people knew who I was and all of that yada yada since it was a tight-knit community, and I hope this server is the same!

I am VERY american, but that does not make me some sort of Rxpublican, always arguing kind of person, I am actually a Harris-Walz fan, but since I do not know the rules that well, I think I will refrain from politics.

Thats all you need to know really, I will probably be online tonight at around 7:30PM (CST) if anybody wants to meet me in game!


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Thumbs Up useful nickname color stuffs
Posted by: synthcqtt - 10-03-2024, 09:44 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

so if you have vip 2 you can make gradient nicknames and it works best with a website. you can also use these for other things.

so first we have some cool gradient ideas at uiGradients.com

and the 2 nickname maker thingies are rgb birdflop and simplexMC 

tell me if there are other good ones this is just things i know and have used

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