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Ban appeal
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Shift some builds |
Posted by: .AnujGaming5002 - 11-03-2024, 03:02 PM - Forum: Request Threads
- Replies (1)
Sir,I am vice Mayor of town Elysium and I want that please shift 3 build across river
1.]first build is iron man statue
2.]second is Shop of ProSoiesh107
3.] Creeper farm
The reason is : our builds are under 100 area of other ppl build and we don't want to break 100 block rule
So shift these to the empty place behind senpai spider statue in an order
Ban apeal |
Posted by: blakethegoat3456 - 10-28-2024, 10:31 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (3)
I was banned on smp
My username is blakethegoat3456
I was banned for greifing
I was banned by Melaniebeedot
The reason I was banned for greifing and not listening when told to stop It was a village surrounded by deepslate I broke two deepslate and placed it back to get in I asked if i could build near it and mel came I got tp'd out by mel I went back in by breaking two blocks and placing them back I was placed in jail then banned by melaniebeedot.
I want to be unbanned cause this is a good server and i feel like i can make a friend on it. and i Love the peaple on this server there so friendly and I wanna continue playing.
That's my ban apeal and im very sorry.
Ban Appeal |
Posted by: Kritagya Soni - 10-28-2024, 02:55 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (5)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft username: .IndianKri1983
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): grief
Who banned you: the4neko
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Honestly IDK what I steal from whom. And I definitely wants to come back in SMP
Why do you want to come back: Because this is the only I used to play and I am the Mayor of the Elysium Town.
Bedrock Update 1.21.41 |
Posted by: ComedIAN - 10-25-2024, 04:46 AM - Forum: Report a Problem
- Replies (3)
A few days ago they put out a small update for Bedrock players (1.21.41) and now the server doesn't support the newest version, when I try to log in it gives me a message saying "Outdated Geyser proxy! This server supports the following Bedrock versions: 1.20.80/1.20.81, 1.21.0/1.20.1, 1.20.30. The latest Geyser release supports this Bedrock version. A server admin can download the update at https://geysermc.org/download "
When should I expect for the server to be updated to support the new BR version?
Ban Appeal |
Posted by: xEpsilon52 - 10-24-2024, 06:36 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (3)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft username: SirJorahM
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Name Calling, Disrespect, Engaging Trolls
Who banned you: Nether and Mel
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): So without spinning up all the cherub info again ill link the thread that I was involved in. Here it is
SO... Why should I be unbanned? I have had a few incidents on the server since joining in 2016. With that in mind I have had a lot of positive interaction and impact on the server. I have made friends and memories that will last a life time. I have done everything I can to stabilize server economy, distribute wealth freely, and do what I can as a end user to make the server better.
With the situation above, not my proudest moment for sure. I want to make it clear I feel vindicated in snapping back at cherub. I am only human and when you poke and poke and poke at someone who has made it abundantly clear they do not like you, they are going to snap back at you. Should I have done it? no. Could I have done it with less harmful words? Yeah. Would I do it again? probably not.
I want to highlight a few things to. There were 2 staff members online when this interaction happened. They were obviously afk, but even after posting in get help there was no reply until Neko messaged me hours later. I understand the best way to prevent a grease fire is to not leave grease laying around but once its going, something needs to stop it otherwise catastrophic things happen.
I would like to come back because even after all this, I am helping people with builds, working on my own projects, and generally being a productive member of the server.
Am I sorry to cherub? No
Am I sorry for the situation in general? Absolutely. It could have and should have been handled better.
Ban appeal |
Posted by: PROsoiesh107 - 10-22-2024, 07:08 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (3)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft username: .PROsoiesh107
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Server advertisement
Who banned you: Essayjinx
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I was just randomly talking with my friend and he asked me what I was doing. I said that I was playing on my server so my brain just typed in the stupidest thing by saying the IP and port. That time my brain wasn't aware of the rule so I did it by mistake and I will not repeat my mistake. Even if I must tell anyone about a server, I will do so Via DM on Discord. I will never advertise any server even if it's my own.
Why do you want to come back: I play the server every day and enjoy playing in it a lot because it's different from others and I have made many good friends who are ready to help me in any situation. So I want to get back on the server.
Ban Appeal |
Posted by: wingedseraph - 10-20-2024, 12:55 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (13)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Both
Minecraft username: wingedseraph
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): name calling, using discord to circumvent /ignore and harass a player after being warned by staff to stop
Who banned you: staff
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): okay i got a lot to say so i am going to break this up into 3 different sections to address all things against me.
1. name calling-
jorah has not liked me for a long time, i do not know exactly why, but i have the screenshots from where it started. at first, he was mad at me for playing around with juan and dorito (he said that it was because they don't like each other) but they are both my friends so i don't know what their hatred for each other has to do with me. here is the screenshots![[Image: IMG_1176.png?ex=6715307d&is=6713defd&hm=...b0ce0447e&]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1290059360134762597/1297235803663241357/IMG_1176.png?ex=6715307d&is=6713defd&hm=7c7a98622f23289ef28bedc5bbd679a9bb2c0d74e8fe1998b2afe5bb0ce0447e&) ![[Image: IMG_1175.png?ex=6715307c&is=6713defc&hm=...acd3ff826&]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1290059360134762597/1297235803235291168/IMG_1175.png?ex=6715307c&is=6713defc&hm=b6c0ad052dc079ed64e58ac2d123dc30aea11a4c6339b22e629e073acd3ff826&)
in this screenshot, you can see that i thought me and jorah were joking around and i realized that maybe he was not joking around and there were actually hard feelings, so i took the time to apologize and see if he was okay, and if there was bad blood. in return, i was called a twat and was told to leave him alone (which i did!). he ignored me and i did not really care. i did not think he actually hated me, i just thought he was irritable, because i have seen him say rude things to people on the server before and i just left it alone. a while later this screenshot was used against me: ![[Image: image.png?ex=67153127&is=6713dfa7&hm=e85...dcd1a4664&]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1290059360134762597/1297236518288625845/image.png?ex=67153127&is=6713dfa7&hm=e8548750d314ff139934df379db78523f88a8818596eecf1103dc55dcd1a4664&)
i was told to stop harassing him (which is wack because i work a job and do not have the time to be that invested). and the harassment in question was me seeing his name and saying a joke which i literally just put his name into the song that jewish people sing at hanukkah (love my jewish peeps, amazing song btw). it was 3:56 in the morning and i was high (not an excuse, but an explanation) and tbh i kinda forgot he had me ignored. afterwards i was warned and i took the warning in stride and stopped bothering him. then came this horrid screenshot: which, at the time, when looked at from an isolated event perspective, to everyone in the chat it did look like i was making it about me. NOT A GOOD LOOK. but by then he had said so many things to me that i kind of jumped the gun and assumed it was about me because by then i knew he did not like me and would say little things to me in chat to make me mad. so i had reasonable rights to assume it was about me because i didn't think he would say it to a person who had just joined like 30 mins ago vs. someone he actually DESPISES (alledgedly). a few minutes later came this screenshot: which after talking to mel, i did not see the perspective that maybe he was saying that to correct new people on the server and let them know it wasn't okay. but i think that is a little bit of a stretch because "10/10 would recommend" is a well known meme format and i said afterwards i was joking. and it is worth mentioning to know that other people corrected me too, so he did not even really have to say anything. it 100% was directed to me though, which angered me because the time i said something to him, i got a warning, and for someone who is always saying i harass him and stalk him, to openly say something to me was befuddling. so that queued the argument and we did name call, which we both are wrong for. i meant what i said. i admit that maybe i should have been the bigger person, but in this situation it was days of build up and anger towards each other and we both got it out. i do think there could have been better options, but he had already told people that i was some harasser and ruined what was left of the reputation i had so i figured fuck it we ball. (not a good idea) me and mel also had a conversation about the connotation and denotation of the word cunt, and it is worth mentioning that i said it because where i am from twat is the equivalent of cunt. (so i was trying to even the playing field basically)
2. using discord to circumvent /ignore -
in the one menorah screenshot, i will admit that that is what i did. but to my knowledge after i was warned i cannot remember a time that we had a conversation through discord that i started. i took the warning like a boss, cracked a joke and moved on. from my memory, every other event that has happened through the discord has been because of jorah saying things to me (or me interpreting him as saying it to me). so i do not think that this reason for ban even really applies to me.
3. harass player after being told to stop -
harass is a hefty word that i simply do not have the time to enact. hand to my heart i do not care about jorah or anything that will ever happen to him in the future. i would pull up screenshots, but i do not have access to the discord. he has said multiple times to multiple different people that i have been trying to use discord to bypass the ignore but to be frank, i have used the discord to talk since i first joined the discord. never once have i checked the discord with the thought "what is jorah saying?" because frankly, the world will still spin, and air is still pumping through my lungs. however he has been persistent with telling people that i am harassing him and that is simply not true. a lot of people will believe what he is saying, because i know a lot of people don't like me on the server (i don't like myself all that much either) and because they have known jorah for a much longer time, and he has spent hella money on the server. i understood this when i argued with him and i understood that things would not be in the favor of me and that some mods (no names doe) were already looking for a reason to ban me. i would not "harass" jorah if i thought that that would give you guys the reason. that is not in my character. i don't like lies being spread about me, genuinely. but he will continue to get away with it because i am not a likeable character for some. doesn't bother me though because it didn't concern me until now.
i am sorry for what i did do, that you guys considered wrong. i still have no bad blood for jorah. he is the bane of my existence but i don't mind him, and i am still willing to forgive him if he is willing to forgive me, too. before he /ignored me he was kinda funny. (don't tell him i said that tho)!!
Why do you want to come back: some people (few), i will miss and i did like playing with my friends. i liked jokin around with juan, and building my smurf village and it was a fun experience. and some staff are pretty cool too. overall it was nice to be able to play at the end of the day, and losing that progress lowkey sucks man. (plus the VIP nyx bought for me RIP!) even though not everyone is my friend i don't hate anyone and i never will.
thanks for hearing me out big dawgs.
Ban appeal |
Posted by: Meharjit - 10-19-2024, 02:37 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (4)
Server you are baned on smp.hometownmc
Minecraft username:meharjit
Reason for your ban exactly what is says when you try to log in:resseling.
Who banned you the4neko
Why should you be unbanded why should we give you a second chance because I love this server I wanna be a richest person of this server.
Why do you want to come back because I love this server
Ban evasion |
Posted by: Dyako_gamer369 - 10-18-2024, 08:47 PM - Forum: Ban Appeals
- Replies (1)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Your text SMP
Minecraft username: .Gold_D_gamer333
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Your text x ray and crating lot accounts and braking rules and ban evasion
Who banned you: Your text DiamondBlockBen
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Your text because there's no server like that and not gonna be I want you to give me second chance because I really learned my lesson and I'm not gonna break any rules again
Why do you want to come back:
Your text because this server has lots fun but I wasted it and I didn't respect it I was selfish I was bad I wanted be rich with out hard work but Im not gonna do that because I know now that there's not server like that and never gonna have and this time I'll respect it and I'll respect to all shop owner's and players, thanks.